A Wolf's Jealousy (Rahne Sinclair, aka Wolfsbane)

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Rahne Sinclair, the mutant known as Wolfsbane, was growling at everyone. The look of anger that she was giving made it clear that they should stay away from her and the one she was holding. Her eye dilitated back and forth from her human eyes and her wolf eyes, letting everyone know that she was serious.

"Rahne... Is everything ok?" She blinked twice as she heared the voice of Peter Parker, the man that she was holding. She was practically dragging him across the mansion and towards her room. She then immediately calmed down as she saw his preocupied look. The effect he had on her was inmense, something that she didn't even had with her previous lovers. "You look tense..."

"Everything is perfect~!" Her voice was seductive, her yellow wolf eyes shined in need. She really wanted to be with him, the man had helped her with saving her son from being killed by a group of Purifiers. Though she was shocked to know that Peter Parker was Spider-Man, she was more than happy to present herself to him that day. And it had her howling like crazy. "Just a bit excited for our moment together"

"I can see that" She saw him smile, and it melted her heart. The sincere smile he gave her was making her weak on the knees. Her heart was accelerating its rythm, the constant excitement of being with the man who had conquered her wolf's side was excilirating. "You're salivating slightly"

She blushed as soon as he utter those words. She even felt her lips being grazed by his hand, removing the saliva that was near her maroon lips. She even opened her mouth slightly, savoring the taste of Peter's thumb over her lips. It was nerve wrecking to be able to hold back on riding him right in front of everyone. The effect he had on her was beyond comprehension.

"And where is Tier anyway? He said he was going to meet us here..." Rahne looked away from the man, as if looking for her son. It was a lie that he helped her with, so that she could be alone once more with Spider-Man. She even had gotten Tier's blessing of pursuing a relationship with Peter, which made her even more excited for what she was about to do later today.

"He called me earlier telling me that he was not going to be able to come, he has an assignment that he needs to finish" She could hear Peter hum slightly, which made her release a sigh of relief. She was thankful that he didn't ask which assignment because she was then going to bulshit herself out of the situation. She didn't have any sort of excuse apart from what Tier had told her to say. "So, why don't we"

"Parker... Is good to see you here" Rahne looked forward, finding herself face to face with Logan and his clone, Laura Kinney. She narrowed her eyes as she noticed the same narrowed eyes on X-23. Her inner wolf was telling her to maul the clone of the Wolverine up to pieces, but she knew that she had to restrain herself.

"Good to see you too, old timer" Rahne couldn't help but reveal a grin on her lips, but it looked more like a predatory grin as she kept on staring at Laura. Her nails were getting larger, and she could even see the slight metallic shine in Laura's hands. "Sorry if I am imrupting on your peace but as you can see, this little wolf invited me over. Hope there is no problem"

She blushed at her nickname, even slightly lowering her guard. She loved the attention she would always get from the man, it made her feel special. Plus it was so very nice to see Laura with a heart broken face. It would let her know that he was hers and hers alone. No one should be even near him, she wouldn't allow it. It may be slightly possessive on her part, but she was really not comfortable with him being with other woman as of yet because she has yet to marked him as her own, even when they have already had sex together.

"You know you can enter the mansion without any problem. I just came here to let you know that Hope wants to see you" Rahne growled softly, her mind identifying yet another woman that could be in the way. She was not going to allow anyone near him! He was hers and hers alone! Why couldn't anyone notice it?! "She wants to show you that move she was talking about"

"You mean she perfected it? She told me she was still trying to master the bastardize version of my martial arts just two days ago..." Rahne blinked, confusion running through her mind, thiugh it didn't make her stop staring at Laura with a winning gaze. She could see the defeated look on the clone's face, happy that she had won their little contest. And she was even happy that Hope was not trying to steal her man and that she just wanted to show him what she had learned so far. "I'll go see her later. Rahne needs to tell me something and I had postponed it since yesterday"

"Only you, Parker" Rahne could see just how Logan began to walk away, dragging a reluctant Laura behind him. She couldn't help but send at smirk at Laura's direction which made her receive the fiercest glare she had ever seen from the clone.

"So... Lead the way, Rahne" She hummed happily, directing Peter to her room. She was sure that if she had her tail out in the air it would be wagging like crazy. But she managed to control herself quite well, just walking to the front of her room and allowing Peter to enter.

She closed the door, silently putting the lock on the door as she turned around just to look at his back. She could still remember just how many time she scratched it with her nails because of the pleasure she had felt during their time together. And she wanted to feel that once more.

"So... What did you-" She shut him up with a seering kiss, one that she immediately moaned into. She moved her tongue into his mouth, dancing with his own as she was scratching him all once more. She pushed him into the bed, both of their bodies colliding together once more. "R-Rahne..."

"Mine..." She whispered, biting possesively his lips. She even drew a scanty amount of blood, trailing her tongue over the bite she caused. "Your mine..." Her possesive yellow eyes looked at him with desire, nibling his lips with care before she started kissing him once more. She moaned into the kiss once more, a felightful feeling of tasting his blood as she kissed him. But she needed to make her mark, so she ended the kiss and looked at him once more. "Forever... No one else would be with you except me~"

"I promise, Rahne..." In her excitement over his words, she bit his shoulder. She had finally marked him as hers, with no one else being able to take him away from her and Tier. The would be the happiest family ever and they just might expand it a bit further. Because she really wanted his child. And she could hardly wait for that time to come. But for now, she would just enjoy her moment with him. Because she could feel that it was going to be better than the last time they did it.

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