The Rebirth of Our Love (Jean Grey, aka Marvel Girl)

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"Apparently the accolade is universal, Jean. I think-"

"Don't Professor! After all, I can't really thank any of you guys..." Spider-Man interrupted Professor X, as the arachnid hero jumped through all the people there just to get near the one who had saved him, Jean Grey. Spider-Man Was already taking off his mask up until his nose, which allowed everyone to see his mouth. "But as for Lady Jean... I can thank her!"

It was then that in the presence of everyone in the room, that Spider-Man kissed Jean on the lips. Jean had her eyes widen in shock, while every other person in the room was too shocked to even react. The kiss was short, but it held a fire in it that Jean had never felt before. What was worse was that she didn't even try to get Spider-Man off of herself. She was in a relationship with Scott Summers and had kissed him in the past, but no kiss that Scott had given her made her feel like this.

"And now that that's done, I've gotta be saying goodbye..." Spider-Man cut the kiss to keep on running to the window, shattering it on impact while using both his arms to protect his head from any crystal from the window he had just broken.

Spider-Man's next words were lost in Jean Grey as she only managed to move one of her hands to her lips, caressing them softly. She still felt his lips on her, even though he was long gone by now. A fire erupted in her body as slowly her cheeks began to turn pink.

The feeling that Jean was having was unexplainable. Her heart was beating, it was the only thing she could hear. And the sensation of the hard but soft kiss she had received was amazing, just like how he was known. The slight passion she received from the kiss, made her want more even though she knew that it was not possible since she was with Scott Summers. But she couldn't help it. It was like something primal had been awakened inside of her, but she didn't know what it was.

"Anansi..." Jean heard a voice in her head. She knew that it was the Phoenix Force, the cosmic force has bonded with her a couple of weeks prior to these events. She hadn't talked, not even one word... the force didn't even try to control her as usual. So it came to a shock that after the short but amazing kiss she received from Spider-Man, she was hearing the Phoenix Force once again.

Jean didn't say anything to no one and just spent the day with Scott. But it didn't feel the same... as if something or someone was missing in her life.

Time Skip

Jean was trying to sleep in her room, which was across Scott's own room. She had her eyes closed rolling on the bed, not able to fall asleep. Her thoughts always went back to Spider-Man and the kiss they both shared. She wanted to see him again. She wanted him to kiss her the same way and bring those feelings into the surface. She had never felt so hot before, and not even Scott could compare to the masterpiece that Spider-Man's kiss is. But then, she managed to fall asleep. Glad that she could finally rest and possibly forget about the arachnid hero, unaware that it was impossible.


Jean could only groan as she began to stir. Her body felt heavy, as flames surrounded her all around a seemingly white room. She looked around, but could only see the flames that surrounded her and the color white, nothing else. It was then however that she saw something in front of her, a projection of some kind of event that had already happened. She could see a woman who looked just like her, probably the Phoenix, and a dark skinned man, who had his back to the woman.

"Anansi! Please let me-"

"Explain what, Phal'kon?" The man named Anansi interrupted the woman named Phal'kon. "That I gave you my blessing to go to Earth and explore... I trusted you when the rest of my family tried to warn me. And then you possess that viking woman, good I don't have any problem with that" Anansi sighed, feeling betrayed by his own wife. He trusted her with everything, but she had to do that! "But then your host, which you were controlling completely, kissed Odin! You kissed him, Phal'kon! Don't you remember that we are still married!" Phal'kon had the decency to look away at that last sentence. They were married now for about ten centuries now, and she had betrayed everything they had vowed for.

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