Universal Pull (Singularity)

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Singularity, a sentient quantum taking a singular form, was floating around the night skies of New York City. Stars shining bright, both in the skies and through her body. It made her feel relaxed, as if she was back in her pocket dimension. But there were many wonders outside of her dimension that she still wanted to experience, mainly wanting to experience love.

It interested her, mainly because Carol Danvers wouldn't shut up about her many past relationships. But because she could see the effect of a loving relationship, and she couldn't help but compare it to the birth of stars, the birth of life. It persuaded her into trying to see if she could create life another way. And she had made Carol talk into one of the men of her past that interested her the most.

"Singularity, right?" She blinked twice, turning around to see the hero she had Carol for her. His red and blue outfit left little to the imagination, though she was not focused on that. She was judging him, looking deep into his soul to see who he really was. And she was happy with the result. "Carol called me and-"

"Spider kiss?" Peter, the Amazing Spider-Man, stopped talking at the sudden question. He barely understood, knowing for a fact that the cosmic being in front of him barely knew just how to say sentences correctly. And don't get him wrong, Singularity was not an idiot, it was just that she didn't know how to correctly communicate sentences.

"Wait... You want me to kiss you?" Peter asked, looking at the cosmic entity in front of him just looking at him with curiosity. He was slightly disturbed, looking just how the entity, who practically had a universe as a body, looked at him with interest.

"Yes, Spider. Good. Honest. Friend. Kiss" Singularity expressed, her eyes shining like stars as she stared at the hero in front of her. She needed to know just how it felt. She could feel it all around her, and she wanted to give it a try.

"But... Why?" He questioned, and for a moment he would have prefered if he didn't ask the question at all. He saw just how the cosmic being narrowed her eyes, the stars in then narrowing slightly as well. "Don't get me wrong! It would be a huge honor for me to kiss you!" He sighed mentally, seeing just how the cosmic being shifted from anger into a slight happy expression. He couldn't really understand women, especially women who could easily vaporize him in a matter of seconds. "But why me?"

"Saw kiss. Wanted feel kiss. Was beautiful" She sighed a bit, remembering the first time she saw someone else kiss another person. It was magical, a spark ignited between the two that made her want to try it on her own. "Spider good. Kiss?"

"Alright..." After much deliberation, Spider-Man accepted the proposal of kissing the cosmic being. And he was glad he did, he saw just how Singularity's body expression made him know that she was prepared to get what she wanted on good or bad terms. Knowing that, he knew that he definitely didn't have a choice in the matter. "Then... Close your eyes"

She did so without any hesitation. She had been waiting for this moment. She was finally able to experience what kind of spark she could sense on others. It made her even more curious as to what she might feel. The curiosity was making her slightly uneasy, the mystery that was this almost new found expression of love was making her even more curious.

But she then widened her eyes slightly, her lips savoring the lips of the arachnid hero in front of her. And with just a touch of their lips, everything exploded inside of Singularity. She felt as hot as a supernova, an intoxicating heat that she wanted to keep on tasting forever. A sensation so cold yet warm at the same time, it left her wanting more.

"So? What do you-"

"More" It was all she said before she reclaimed the hero's lips with her own. She definitely was liking this new experience. "Feels good" She used her tongue to suckle his own tongue. She moaned, experiencing a heat unlike ever before. It felt as if she was watching the birth of many stars. "Feels creation. Life"

"Hey... Hey... Calm down a bit" Peter had to push Singularity softly. And he had to smile a bit looking just how the cosmic entity pouted at being denied from her enjoyment. "You have to learn just how to savor the moment" He could see intrigue in her eyes, a glint of wanting to know more about what he was trying to say. It made him feel a bit relieved, knowing that even cosmic beings who may know everything, still acted as a child when it came to human emotions. "Here..."

She felt his lips once again, wanting nothing more than to try and conquer it. But she wanted to see what he wanted to tell her, to experience something else. And when she felt the slight suckle against her lips, she moaned. A spark ignited through her whole being, feeling as if she was creating life yet again.

"So... What do you think?" She still had her eyes closed, trying to remember each moment during the kiss. A uneding spark inside of her whole body. She even tried to calm herself, but it was unavoidable. The sensation was unbelievable, something she never expected.

"Good. Birth of stars" She moved her hand to his cheek, slowly closing the distance between each other. She needed to continue feeling such sensation, to please herself. It was never-ending, the warm sensation still over her lips. "More"

And more she got, as she completely closed the distance between the two yet again. The night sky illuminated the area around them, but she definitely didn't care for anything at this moment in time. Her focus was on enjoying the warm sensation that kissing Spider-Man made her feel. And she knew that she didn't want to part ways from this feeling that she had discovered.

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