Starting Anew (Sophia Sanduval, aka Chat)

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"I think we're through together…" Her voice held indifference, looking towards the door that led to the inside of the building. She really didn't mean those words but their relationship had been broken because of those around them not wanting to see them together. It felt like the world was against them being together. A weight she no longer wanted to carry

"Huh?" She gave out a weak smile, but her eyes were telling a different story. She was hurting, her heart aching through it all. Even if she couldn't even move, her heart was already wanting to go back on her words. "No!" She expected his answer, having been in a relationship with him for almost an entire year. But she knew that she couldn't falter. Everything depended on this crucial fact. "Why?!"

"I think, with all that's happened, that we must take a step back and reevaluate everything" She almost let out a sob, turning around slowly to face the one who had loved her unconditionally. Peter Parker, who was currently wearing his Spider-Man costume, was standing there almost looking lost. She knew that she meant everything to him, as he had told her every single day of their relationship just how much he loved her. "We will be occupied with our respective responsibilities, and we won't have time for each other"

She placed a hand over his chest, feeling his heartbeat against her palm. She loved the feeling of the beats, it had always calmed her down when she would place her ear over his chest just to listen to it. And knowing that it would be the last time that she would be able to hear it made her heart ache even further.

"And we also can't trust in each other any longer… Not with what had happened" She whispered, her hand slowly leaving his chest. She still couldn't believe that Emma Frost, her best friend, had tried to separate them just because she was jealous of what the two of them had with each other. And all of her manipulations worked in the end, because it had broken everything they had together. "I hope you understand…"

She turned around once more, walking towards the door that led her inside of the building. Squirrels were around her, and even a black cat walked towards her and rubbed herself against her leg. She smiled slightly, holding back her pain. But even then, a tear fell down from her eye as she began to turn the knob of the door to not only walk out of the roof, but out of Peter Parker's life.

"No…" In a blink of an eye, he was in front of her. She didn't even see him move, just appearing in front of her and not allowing her to walk away. It made things even worse for her heart, she really wanted to stay with him but all that happened was clouding her. "I can't… won't understand. I need you at my side, Chat" She didn't know what to do but escape before everything got worse. His words made her heart skip a bit, and her mouth to twitch into a smile. He always knew just how to convince her. She saw when he took his mask off, showing her his tearful face to her. It made her heart ache in pain just by seeing him cry."If I let you go, it would be the worst decision in my life… I love you too much to let you go"

Those words made her throat tighten, a sob finally escaping from her throat. Tears started to fall at a faster rate, her feelings unable to stay hidden any longer. She really loved him, even if she wanted to deny it. She could still feel the connection between the two of them growing stronger than ever. It seems as if whatever happened, didn't break their love but reinforce it.

"I love you too, Petey…" She sobbed out, she hugged him tight. She just couldn't leave him, her heart already belonged to him. Their bond was unbreakable, even with all of the things that had happened to them and even with all of the people that wanted to get between them. Their love always triumphs, and it seems to be as sturdy as always. "I'm sorry for those words. I am so-"

A kiss interrupted her, immediately moaning into it as she just enjoyed the feeling of kissing him once more. She wrapped her arms against his neck, drawing him closer to her. She was about to make the worst decision of her life. And was thankful that Peter stopped her before she could even do something she might regret.

Time Skip

"Chat… Is great to see you again" Sophia Parker, the wife of the amazing Spider-Man, smiled just as she saw her best friend in front of their house. She was very happy knowing that Emma really didn't receive any hardship during juvie and was left to do whatever she wanted after a couple of months. Her best friend still tried to steal Peter away from her but it was now in a friendly competition, one that she had won in the end. "How have things been?"

"They have been amazing…" She stated, a smile over her face. She almost snickered as she saw Emma roll her eyes at her, though a smile was ever present over her face. "My baby boy is already so smart just like his father… It amazes me" Her pride and joy, her little Emmanuel, was just like his father. The only thing that he had from her was that he was also able to communicate with animals, arachnids to be more specific. "He had really missed his Aunt Emma"

"I have missed him too, and my girls have missed their father" Sophia kept her smile, already knowing that it had nothing to do with her. The government had somehow gotten ahold of Emma's DNA and created various clones of her, with some of them having various other DNA of male heroes all around. And the only five that survived were the one who had Peter's DNA. "Girls, don't just stand there… Say hi to your aunt"

"Hi, Aunt Chat!" Sophia smiled warmly at the quintets, all five of them looking like younger copies of Emma. She still had to get Emma off of Peter from time to time, but even she had to relent on some occasions. One of said occasions was when the quintets wanted to see their parents kiss each other. Emmanuel had been confused for a while, but she was patient enough to explain everything to him. She welcomed the family in, looking judt how everyone greeted each other with a smile on her face.

She was just happy that she didn't walk out that day, or else Emma would have conquered his heart and she would have been all alone. But it didn't happen, and it was all she could ever ask for in life. She had Peter's heart and he had been very fateful to her, only ever kissing her best friend when his daughters wanted to see the two of them kissing, the sole contrast of Emmanuel, who never wanted to see Peter and herself kiss each other. Their family may be a bit dysfunctional, but she accepted it a long time ago and wouldn't change it for anything in the world. 

The Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-ManOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz