Shaking Feelings (Daisy Johnson, aka Quake)

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"Come on, Frank. Don't you have anything else to do than being a pain in my back?" Peter Parker, better known as the Amazing Spider-Man, questioned as he evaded the rounds of bullets that were unleashed upon him and his friends. His only response was a grunt from the Punisher, who aimed a turret to his face using a modified War Machine armor that he probably got from Tony Stark. "Why do I have to talk..."

Peter jumped, miraculously evading the bullets being fired from the turret. He spun a web, impacting the chest of the man that once saved his life years ago. Though it did very little in the long run because Frank Castle decided to do a lariat towards his chest that sent him flying back into the nearest wall.

"You will pay for what you have done to my friends, Castle!" Peter managed to hear Hercules yell out, groggily watching just as the God of Strength broke the turret of the armor. He sighed, readjusting his pained back a bit before his eyes fell towards the female that was almost sneaking her way towards Punisher's backside.

Daisy Johnson, or Quake as she prefered to be called while doing missions with the Avengers, already had her gauntlets ready to strike. She had enough of Castle just trying to kill every single one of them, especially when it came to her friends. What she was not ready for was for another turret to appear and to aim itself right at her.

"Shit!" She cursed, immediately using her powers to make the turret malfunction. The tremors that her hands emitted caused difficulty throughout the battlefield, but she knew all that matter was the end result. But once more, everything went straight to the ground when she watched a missile be launched from one of the many pads the armor had. "You son of a bi-"

"I got you!" Her eyes widened straight away, feeling the strong arms of Spider-Man shielding her from the incoming missile. She could not bear to watch, her eyes closing in a matter of seconds as soon as she noticed the missile was upon them. It was only an intake of air that made it into her lungs before everything went down into chaos for the two of them. "This is gonna hu-"


He was sent back quite a bit, his back breaking yet another building. His arms were still around Quake, protecting her from the blast and from crashing down onto the ground. His body felt numb, though he could say it was nothing new. He had fought against Firelord, and the previous herald of Galactus was even more powerful than Frank.

"Crap... This is going to hurt in the morning..." He hissed, his eyes laying down at the woman in his arms. He struggled slightly to release her from his arms because of the pain, but he at least managed to do so. He could see her brown eyes looking straight at him in worry. "Are you ok, Quake?"

"Yeah..." She mumbled, her powers activating her gauntlets. She used them to completely vaporize the rubble that was around them. She looked ashamed at the hero, her eyes wandering through the many bruises that she could see on him. She looked to the fight, watching just how even Iron Fist threw a bus at Frank to try and stop the Punisher. "Come on... They need our help"

"Right behind ya, Quake" He struggled slightly, but he managed to get ready to join the fight once more. He had to admit that if he got out alive from this ordeal, he would take a vacation from everything. "I just hope that I can survive his shit" He added, his web shooters already starting to spin a web to reach Frank. Peter was tired, but there was no rest for the weary and he was proof of it. "I seriously need a drink after this..."

"You and me, Spidey... You and me" Quake added, using her gauntlets to destabilize Punisher for a bit, before he went airborne. She was lucky that Spider-Man had already made his move, kicking the Punisher straight to the chest. It sent Castle back quite a bit, though the man managed to recover in midair to continue his assault on them.

"Then let's get done with this so we can drink ourself stupid" Quake grinned at his response, her gauntlets already bursting in power as she rushed once again towards the battlefield. She was actually hoping to get out alive to enjoy that drink with the arachnid hero.

Time Skip

"Quake, over here!" She walked straight to the voice that was calling her. Her eyes stared at two things, the arachnid hero who saved her from being blasted to smithereens by a missile and the bottle of whiskey right in front of him. "I took one Booker's Bourbon from Stark's stash. It was not like he was going to use it anyways"

"Oh?" She smiled gratefully, surprised by the choice of whiskey from the arachnid hero. She perfectly knew that the whiskey he picked was one of the strongest whiskeys in the states. Which only made her know that his words were true. He really wanted to drink himself stupid. "A man right after my own heart? Are you trying to get me to bed?"

"W-What?!" She laughed, watching the hero almost choke over her little comment. She really needed this, to try and forget what happened with Frank Castle over a week ago. She still felt bits of pain here and there because of the fight. And she laughed again when she saw the hero recognize what she was trying to do. "You were pulling my leg here..."

"Sorry, had to do it" She sat right next to him, watching carefully as the man opened the bottle and served two shots of it. She nodded at him, taking one of the glass filled whiskey in her hand. She did not wait to drink it in one swing, feeling the burning sensation through her throat almost immediately. "But in all honesty? I wouldn't mind it..."

She knew that the hero heard her, if the immediate reaction of serving himself another shot and drinking it in one go told her anything. She smiled, serving herself yet another shot of the whiskey. She closed her eyes a bit, feeling the whiskey hit her throat once again. It felt nice once she began to drink her second.

"You know... I never really thanked you for saving me..." She muttered to herself, but she knew that he would probably hear her thanks to his enhanced senses. She closed her lips to his cheeks, giving him a kiss. She chuckled a bit, hearing the hero almost choke on his third shot. "Thanks, Spidey..."

"A-Anytime..." She hummed, drinking her third shot of the night. She probably guessed that if she continued on with her drinking with the arachnid hero, that she would probably do something that she may regret. But she looked once more at the hero, who looked like he really wanted to knock himself out, and smiled. If she ever did something she may regret, she would definitely won't regret it if she did it with Spider-Man.

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