Drips to the Heart (Cessily Kincaid, aka Mercury)

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"D-Did I lose them?" She huffed, her eyes wandering all around her. She had been running from the Church of Human Potential, her mutation blocked by the cuffs on her hands. The limiter placed on her, while a blessing in disguise, made it difficult for her to evade her captors for long. She needed to return to the mansion, she knew that she would be safe there. "I... I can't stand still. I must-"

"Why in such a hurry, freak?" She froze, her eyes widening in fright as she looked back to see a couple of the members of the anti-mutant group. She took a step back, unable to rely on her mutation to get her out of this predicament. She could at least see five men cornering her in the darkness. "We were having fun!"

"J-Just leave me alone..." She muttered, her eyes letting a few tears out. Her eyes just grew even more in terror as she could see all of them laughing, making fun of her fright. It did not take long for one of the men to get her, pulling her red hair strongly. It hurt, this specific feeling almost forgotten because of the way her mutation normally worked.

"Now, why would we do that? We need to show you freaks where you belong" She was struggling against his hold, but she was definitely not strong. She would often rely on her mutation, a malleable non-toxic mercury form, to get out of harm's way. But the cuffs were not going to allow her to do so anytime soon. "You belong to us, freak. And we get to do-"


"A sympathizer?!" One of the five men yelled, and she watched him being dragged by the thread that adhered itself to his chest. Her heart pounded loudly, her eyes looking for her savior. She could see the four remaining men trying to attack someone, but she couldn't see well. The fog was blocking her view, though she could swear the she saw something red and blue.

She widener her eyes, petrified to what happened. To of the five men were sent her way, evading her completely and crashing into the windows that were right behind her. She was amazed at his work, all the men that were searching for her were already dealt with with her savior stand tall and over looking the downed men.

"H-Hey... I wanted to say-" She noticed the man looking back at her. What she did not expect was that the man ran away, her legs almost not reaching to him in time. But even with her fast movement, he was faster. She lowered her arms, the cuffs maintaining them together. She looked down, having time to admire her pale skin body once again. It has been a long time since she saw herself before her mutation awoken. "I just wanted to say thank you..."

"It was my pleasure, lady" She jumped, getting face to fave with her savior, who was currently dangling from a thread upside down. She immediately recognized who saved her, the hero known as Spider-Man was very widely known. And it made sense now, the red and blue she saw earlier was his outfit. "I was in the neighborhood and saw what was happening. Stryker really hates you all..."

"Yeah... But still, you saved my life" She was whispering, not seeing the need to raise her voice. The two were having a peaceful conversation, there was no need for others to find out about it. And it was late at night, she definitely did not want to wake up an entire building thanks to her conversation with her hero. "You are amazing..."

"Some people would not agree with you there, beatiful" She blushed slightly, thankful that it was really dark. It was then that she felt a drip from above, the clouds starting to cry. She did not mind the rain, she was already free from her prison. Even if she still had the cuffs on. "But thank you for the words"

"Not at all..." She smiled, a bit shy for what she really had in mind. She wanted to thank him properly. Her idea was not out of the realm of possibilities, but she had never done it before. She wanted to kiss her hero as thanks, but feared that her inexperienced would make things awkward between the two. She had gotten close to kissing Kevin Ford, a fellow mutant called Wither, but never actually kissed him; and she also felt attracted to Roxanne Washington, another mutant called Bling. But she always was in her mutation, unable to deactivate it. But now she had a the chance to kiss someone as a normal woman. "Can... Can I thank you properly?"

"Sure... I guess?" She gave out a shy smile, her silvery green eyes shining brightly at his aceptance. So she took a step forward, her hands moving simultaniosly toward the lower end of his mask before removing slowly until she could see his mouth. Moving her hands from his mask towards his face, she made haste of her idea and kissed him.

Sparks coursed through her body, a unknown feeling surging within her as soon as she touched his lips with her own. She immediately moaned into the kiss, her hands softly grabbing his neck and not letting go. The upside down kiss was a bit strange, but the electrifying feeling it made her feel was more than worth it. But it was not long before she ended the kiss, moving the mask back into its proper place.

"Once again, thank you..." She saw just how the arachnid moved his hands towards her own, with his feet being the only support he had on the single yet strong thread. He broke the cuffs in one swift pull, her mutation returning to her on full force. Her pale skin and silvery green eyes changed back to the complete metallic tone that she was now acostumed to. "For everything..."

"All in a day's worth... And also... You are beautiful, with and without your powers..." It was then that she heavily blushed, her eyes following him through his escape from the darkened alley. If her body could blush, she would be a red metal by now, because her heart wanted to get out of her chest. She just hoped that she could have another chance to see him again.

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