A Fantastic Love (Susan Storm, aka Invisible Woman)

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Susan sighed as she moved slightly her glass of beer as she looked towards the party that was orchestrated by Anthony Stark, otherwise known as Iron Man. She looked over the party at Avengers Tower and could only sigh as she watched her fiancée, Reed Richard, prefer to get drunk out of his mind with men and talk about science with them than to be with her here enjoying the party.

She was practically here ignoring all around her as she drank her pain away. Her glass of beer was half way done, marked by the pink-ish lipstick she had on her lips as she kept drinking bit by bit trying to ignore the pain that it was entering her heart. Many times has she been ignored by Reed Richards but he had promised that today was going to be all about them. Even if they went to the party with the others.

She sighed as she slightly shook her glass of beer... or what little remained of it anyways. The slight brown liquid moved in a circular motion as Susan couldn't help but stare at the beer, following with her sight the moving drink.

"Was it too much to ask for him to attend me?" She thought as she frowned as she thought about the man. Sure, she had connected with Reed on a very intimate level thanks to all the things they did before and after forming the Fantastic Four. Sure that the relationship was further cemented after the team had been formed, but it didn't mean that there was a slight attraction. Seeing how he tried to conquer her with science was slightly hilarious but most of the time it was working because of the smile he always provided her. Though recently, she and the team have been getting to know more in-depth other heroic people and making connections with everyone else.

One of such connections has been Spider-Man, or Peter Parker if you want to get more intimate. The Fantastic Four knew of the arachnid's alias and respected his reasoning for keeping it a secret. She has been told by her brother, Johnny Storm, about the condition that Peter's aunt was in and she could honestly say that if she had this sort of news revealed to her, she would have a heart attack.

"You have dealt with so much Peter... I don't know how to even help you with this" Susan pondered as she drank the remaining beer in her mug. She even let out a sigh of both satisfaction and tiredness because of her thoughts and the feeling the beer gave her. It was very ironic when she thought about it for a bit, that she let out a slight chuckle.

She was glad she had Peter in her life. He has been a very supportive friend in and out of costume and Susan couldn't be any more glad to have him as a friend and for him to be Johnny's best friend. Both of them had gone hours talking about each other's problems whenever they could talk to each other. Hearing each other out to get the frustration out of their system and return back to normal... or as normal as someone could get anyway.

"Reed's ignoring you again... huh" Susan blinked twice, before she turned around to see the same man that she was thinking about. Peter Parker, in his heroic red and blue spandex suit, stood right behind her with a noticeable smile on his face. His mask was half way undone, revealing the lower half of the man's face. "When will he learn that if he keeps doing that, you will just be snatched out of his hands"

Sue giggled at the hand motion that Peter did when mentioning being stolen by someone else, it made her smile a bit seeing that someone out there would care more than Reed ever did. She redirected that smile towards Peter, as the man got hand on her shoulder before sitting right next to her and ordering up two mugs of beer. She smiled softly at the actions of the man besides her and it only made her further summit on one thought only.

"Why didn't I get engaged with you when I could?" Susan thought with a sigh as she saw Vision, the one acting as bartender, arrive with the two mugs of beer. Vision gave both of them a weak robotic smile, that it reminded her of Reed's smile sometimes. The more she thought about the man, the less in love she was noticing she really was. It was as if her admiration for his work and the want of love in her life had interacted with each other and had focused their output on the nearest person that it could get a hold on.

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