The Spectrum of Our Love (Monica Rambeau, aka Spectrum)

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"Oh god..." Monica Rambeau muttered in shock as she watched Spider-Man knocked out by her own powers. The man was covered by filth thanks to herself, who had tossed the arachnid hero over the garbage canister while using her power, thinking that it was one of the muggers that was attacking her. She was shaking slightly in fear, her mind going through various scenarios, with the worse one being that she killed the arachnid adventurer.

She kept staring at the knocked out hero, as she began to ponder over what her actions would be. She knew that the man underneath the mask probably had someone worried about him, so she couldn't just leave him be. And while she knew that the arachnid hero would be fine, it would be a bad idea to just leave him be. It was her fault that he was even knocked out in the first place, so the least she could do was to take care of him until he was at least awake.

"I hope I don't regret this..." She muttered as she used her unstable powers to transform into her alternate persona, Captain Marvel. The white and black outfit complemented each other very well and with the half mask to cover her identity, she was ready to head towards the location she was going to be staying at in New York for a while. Picking up the arachnid hero and putting one of his arms over her shoulders as she did the same with her own arm, she took flight.

"Though... He is a very interesting man" She muttered as she soared through the skies. She had heard various things about the arachnid hero. But she knew to not believe what everyone said about someone. She would get to know the man before she starts to criticize him about his actions. He could have been just like her, who at the time he started couldn't control his powers. She really couldn't judge without first knowing the man better. Maybe this will help her understand more the so-called 'Menace of New York'.

Time Skip; With Spider-Man

"Ouch... Did anyone get the license of that truck?" The first thing Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, said was a joke to get his mojo up and going. The last thing he remembered was practically being manhandled by the stunning woman that he knew was going to get in trouble because of how exotic and beautiful she looked. So being the good samaritan he is, decided to trail her to see if she was alright and have his mind at ease. Though it didn't help that he also could look on at her beauty. Peter opened his eyes to see that he was not in the alley where the woman had practically played smash the spider with him, which confused him to no end. "That'll teach me to pay stricter attention to my-"

It was then that his Spider-Sense alarmed him of something once more. Something that he already felt before on many occasions. So he quickly stopped taking and began to search for the cause of his small headache that his Spider-Senses were developing. It was not until he saw the afro-american woman in a different pantsuit, standing near the door of wherever he was at, with a med-kit on her hands that he knew where the danger was.

"Thank god you are finally awake..." Peter could hear the relief in her voice, which caused his sense to start dissipating bit by bit. Peter was still on guard, their previous encounter still in mind. He couldn't help but watch her as he analyzed everything up close. She was beyond stunning, which had been his original description of the woman. She was beyond anything he could ever imagine, even giving some of the females in his life a run for their money. Hell, he was certain that she would win the whole race easily. "I thought you be older than you look"

It was then that Peter widened his eyes and immediately touched his face. As the woman had presumed, there was no mask covering his face. He wanted to be angry at the afro-american beauty, but looking at the relieved face she had as soon as she saw him, made him think twice before acting out of anger. He had to talk about it with her, she couldn't reveal his identity to anyone. He couldn't risk his Aunt May's life. He would never forgive himself.

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