Binding of Two Souls (Kaila, aka Sky)

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She was flying away, her Soul Binding and the Soul Binding of the one who betrayed her were in her hands and not where it were moments ago. She still had the power up that her Soul Bond with the man who had broken her heart. Wingspan was larger, making her able to fly even faster. She just wanted to escape from her pain, to be able to return back to those moments where she was happy. But she knew that it was not possible.

"I hate you!" She snarled, tears still dripping down her cheeks as she tried desperately to wipe them away. She didn't want to cry over him, he didn't deserve her tears. Deep down, she knew that their relationship was going to fail. She had felt many times when he lusted after another that was not herself, the Soul Binding between the two letting her know everything.

She stopped high in the skies, looking down as to whether she should just stop the pain altogether. But she knew that many people from her homeworld would miss her, and she didn't want to cause any heartache to them. She was better, way better than he could ever be. Her empathy made her realize that this was definitely not the right course of action.

So she flew down, landing on the top of a building and sat on the edge of it. She was still crying, her current orange pupiless eye demonstrating dark reddish hues around thanks to all the crying she had done. She just needed a moment to relax, to let everything sink in and really move on from that moment of her life.

"Sky? Is that you?" She turned around, her hands were now looking almost like avian claws, ready to attack whoever was near her. But her eyes landed on a person she knew had no fault in anything. The hero known as Spider-Man stood across from her, his hand actually letting go of a string of webbing. She could see just how the lenses of his mask were shot wide open, probably expressing his shock. "What happened to you? Were is-"

"He can go straight to hell for all I care!" She interrupted him, her voice snarling the response. She saw just how the hero shot his arms up in the air as a sign of surrender. She sighed a bit, trying to calm down her current rage. The hero was just worried about her, actually doing his job of saving anybody that needed help. "Sorry... Just don't say his name around me..."

"Sure... So, it is all his fault then?" She raised a brow, confused as to why ask a completely obvious question. But she nodded anyway, looking just as the hero sighed in response. She also sees the hero putting his left hand over his face and shaking it slightly. "You want to talk about it?" She still had some tears dripping down her newly changed eyes. She was still not accustomed to her new eye color, even less knowing that her eyeballs were completely orange. She felt a caressing hand over her cheek, her dark skin gaining a darker hue thanks to the actions of the hero. "I have been known to be a great listener!"

She just stared at him, but more specifically at the hand who had cleared the tear from her cheek. It amazed her just how she didn't even notice the man from even appearing in front of her. Her dark skin just darkened slightly, her face giving off a purplish hue. Just seeing how much Spider-Man was caring for her, which was more than what she had experienced from him, made her feel wanted once again.

"Through our bond, I felt just how..." She stopped halfway through the beginning of her explanation. She couldn't even put it into words, her throat clenching in fear of actually admitting it out loud. But looking at the man, all she could feel was patience and worry. "I felt just how he enjoyed his time with someone that was not me..." She finished the sentence, looking just how the gero tried not to visibly flinch at the words she had just spoken. And she was a little thankful about that, she wasn't in the mood to be pitied by anyone. "He cheated on me, without even an ounce of regret!"

"Hey..." She didn't notice at first, but she could feel her heart throbbing against her chest as soon as he pulled her into a hug. She was shocked, not expecting the hero to even do such a thing. She already had expected him to be far away, helping others and seeing if he could help the Fantastic Four with his problem. "If he didn't know just how to respect you, then he was not the one for you. You deserved better, Sky"

She stayed quiet, tears slowly diminishing. She never would have expected this to happen, to fall in love with someone else that was not her Soulmate. But what if the Spyre's Great Eye made a mistake, and who was supposed to be her Soulmate was the hero in front of her. The one who indeed cared for her and didn't leave her alone, even if they haven't talked properly in the past.


"Huh?" She had decided, right there and then, that Spider-Man was going to be her Soulmate. She didn't care about her tradition no longer. It was thanks to her tradition that she ended up with her heart shattered to pieces by the man who she had thought to be the one. "S-Sky? Why did you close the-"


"I am tired of tradition choosing everything for me..." She whispered, her bright orange but pupiless eyes looked straight at him. She had binded herself to the hero, the Soul Bindings already in place. She knew that what she was feeling for the man in front of her was at least stronger than what she initially had for him. But those bonds will increase with time, and she had all the time in the world. "I want to choose who I end up with for a change"

It was then that she moved his mask, revealing the mouth of the hero before she went in for the kiss. She felt jolts of electricity running through her entire body, a greater feeling than the kisses she would have gotten from the man who broke her heart. She snared her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. She knew that the council of her homeworld would actually want to break the two apart, but she would not allow it. Because for once, she was able to make her own decisions, and nothing was taking him away from her.

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