A Crushing Stature (Cassandra Lang, aka Stinger)

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"Guys... A little help?" He chuckled sheepishly, his movements making him evade some of the punches he was receiving from the Skrulls that were invading Earth to make it their new planet. He was thankful for his senses, but even he couldn't keep dodging forever. He was fighting against six Skrulls right now. He would give out a limb and say that even Steve Rogers would have problems with this amount of enemies fighting against him at the same time. But who was he kidding, the man was Captain America for crying out loud. What probably would happen was that Steve would have already dealt with the Skrulls and was already dealing with another group or six.

He kicked backwards, hitting the midsection of the approaching Skrull before concentrating on two he had in front of him. Unfortunately for him, he was apprehended by a Skrull who was trying to suffocate him. He grabbed the Skrull by the head trying to liberate himself from his prison, but more Skrulls were attacking him. He was being overwhelmed by the constant attacks from the Skrull. Yet, they seemed to avoid harming him to an extreme. He didn't even want to think of the questions he had in his head because of that noticeable action from the aliens invading Earth.

"I'm being skrulled alive over here" He needed help. He did not want to know why the Skrulls were trying to capture him alive. He hated himself for not noticing that the Skrull's queen had kidnapped Jessica Drew and transformed herself as Spider-Woman to infiltrate their rankings. He even had a slight shudder just thinking of the various looks their queen gave him when she was still acting like Jessica Drew. In simpler words, he did not want to go anywhere near the Skrull Queen because of the fear that he had for whatever she may do to him.

Cassandra Lang, also known as Stature, was near the arachnid hero when he was seeking help. She was slightly bigger than most normal humans, all thanks to the Pym Particles that allowed her to shift her size. Thankfully, she was at an adequate size to not destroy the building the two heroes were standing right about now. She literally backhanded a Skrull, sending him flying into the horizon, before moving her arms towards Spider-Man.

"Don't worry, Spider-Man" She heard him yelp in surprise, which made her chuckle slightly at his reaction. Both of her hands grabbed the man in question and liberated him from the clutches of the Skrulls that were attacking the two. She was holding back a massive blush that wanted to cover her entire face as her hands still had Spider-Man in them. She could feel the rippling muscles from the arachnid hero, muscles that the arachnid hero seems to hide with his red and blue suit. But it was not time to start fantasizing about the muscles that he has hidden underneath his suit. "I got your back"

"Wow! Way too literal, Cass!" Spider-Man yelled, in a slight joking manner. He needed to say at least one to calm his beating heart from the nervousness that it had because of everything that was happening between them and the Skrulls. He just wanted to be done with everything, to be able to simply relax. But he knew that ever since he decided to be Spider-Man, that he would never be able to get a day to relax. But he was thankful to the blonde female Pym Particle user that saved him from the Skrulls. "Not to be seen as ungrateful, but can the roof accommodate your mass at that size?"

"It can... I shifted to a mass that was not that big, Spider-Man" She smiled slightly. She let go of the hero, needing to grab a handful of Skrulls and send them flying elsewhere. She saw just how the man started to use his webs to trap a few Skrulls that started to appear from nowhere in particular. She wanted to groan in anger as she saw the relentless actions of the Skrulls against them. "I wouldn't want to destroy the building and endanger people with the destruction that it may cause"

"Well, at least someone thinks about not destroying New York any further" Spider-Man stated, making her raise a brow in confusion. It was not until she saw a building collapsing on the horizon that she realized what he was talking about. It made her sweetdrop slightly, her eyes twitching a bit as she kept on tossing left and right the Skrulls that went near the two. "Up high, Cass!" She reacted without looking, her hand immediately going up and grabbing a shuttle that she knew belonged to the Skrulls. She broke it as if she held a toy in her hands, before tossing it to the already damaged road. "My luck sucks!"

"We will get through this, Spider-Man" She was optimistic about their situation but even with all the positivity in her mind, she could see that the man was done with everything. His actions turned erratic, desperation in his form. She could guess that the rumor of the Skrull Queen wanting to court the arachnid hero was not that far-fetched, seeing as he was letting out every frustration he had inside. "Or... You can do it yourself, I guess..."

"Sorry, Cass..." The hero sighed, tossing the final Skrull out of the building the two were on at the moment. He saw just how she returned back to her original size, her head reaching just under his eyes. He shouldn't have acted like that. "But with everything that has been happening recently..." He hated himself for not noticing the signs. He wanted to scream in anger that he should have done something more to protect his friends. But all he did was play directly into the hand of their enemies. He couldn't stand that fact. "I just..."

"I understand..." She whispered, smiling at the hero in front of her. She would never admit it in front of her father, but she had a superhero crush on Spider-Man. She knew at least six teenagers who were in the same situations as her. Yet she had been the lucky one to be able to stand near the hero in question. She was not brave enough to demonstrate her affection towards him, but the least she could do was be there for him whenever he needed her. "You don't have to apologize for anything, Spidey"

"Thanks, Cass..." She blushed a bit thanks to his words. If just a simple thank you from the hero was able to render her a blushing mess, she didn't want to know just how she would react to a real compliment or even a kiss. She stood silent, watching just as the man looked over New York, in a hurry. She was already walking forward towards him, ready to help him with whatever may come their way.

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