Slithering to your Heart (Tanya Sealy, aka Black Mamba)

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"Why today?" Spider-Man sighed as he swung through the River Hudson, near one of its many piers. He sighed yet again when he saw a black elegant boat. The details could be missed since it was late at night, but Peter Parker, the identity behind the arachnid hero, didn't care in the slightest. He was cited by one of his many predominant ex-lovers, since she couldn't even be considered a girlfriend in the first place. She could be considered one of his worst decisions by default, but he had never regretted being with her to this day.

He landed on the main deck of the boat, rattling it a bit from his landing. If he was honest, he didn't want to meet the woman again. It could bring out many buried feelings that he would prefer they wouldn't exist at all. But they were still there, a reminder that the woman had a special place in his heart... even if she was a villain in his eyes and the eyes of the public.

He knew that the woman that called him knew of his identity already, even if she always played by talking to him by his alias. The seductress that was camouflaged as an assassin, the only female who had quite literally snaked herself into his heart. Tanya Sealy, also known as Black Mamba, had been the one who had called him over.

He just walked inside, deciding to get done with what she wanted to talk to him about. Though the welcome he gets is Tanya wearing a sleeveless dark green dress that revealed quite a bit of bust from her. It made Peter blush a bit, but he knew that this was Tanya's nature with him. So he had a bit of control over the force of the blush.

Though he had to resist a groan from escaping his mouth, when he noticed the grin on her face. She noticed his blush, his mask already taken off. He should have just let the mask on, why didn't he learn. It was the thing that got him in many predicaments with Tanya.

"Would you like a drink?" Tanya asked, shaking the bottle a bit. Her lashes flickered, trying to send a hint of temptation into the soul of the hero in front of her. She could never forget him, ever since the two of them had their night together. He was all she could think of.

"No thanks. Last time you gave me something to drink, I felt as if Rhino squashed my back" Peter said, not accepting the whiskey, which made Tanya frown a bit. She was not accustomed to being denied. Men would beg for her to even be near them. Though she just shrugged it away, taking one glass of whiskey for herself. She just sipped a bit from it, as the rich taste flowing down her throat. "I still don't remember anything of what happened that night, all thanks to you... Tanya"

"Oh you're right~" She purred, a seductive smile over her face as she walked towards Peter. He was not reacting to her advances, which made her try harder. She even placed her hand over his chest, trailing her nail through his abs in a lustful manner. "If I remember correctly, I put a little something in your beverage" She kept on trying to seduce the hero, her need to be with him one more time was already reaching a limit. She could never have enough of him, it was addictive. Ever since she was tasked by the Assassin's Guild to try and manipulate a hero into doing their dirty work, she couldn't get enough of him. It was as if she was the one doing exactly what he wanted her to do. But she didn't really care. Spider-Man had made her feel things she could never hope to feel, maybe it was the sole reason he was still called amazing. "You were amazing that night~"

"At least you remember something... I still have a foggy mind after all that'' She frowned a bit, his words ringing through her mind. Maybe it was her fault that he practically manhandled her into making their own private porno. But she definitely didn't regret such actions. She was able to discover that she was able to bend in many ways she would never have thought possible.

So she placed her head over his chest, hearing each and every beat that his heart was making. Frustration escaped from her dark green lips as she didn't notice a skip to his heartbeat. But she kept the closeness, managing to enter a relaxed position with him. She was always lowering her guard around him. He was the only man that was able to have this sort of effect on her, nobody else.

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