Lost in the Waves (Pearl Pangan, aka Wave)

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Pearl was sitting over the sand, overlooking the sunset. She could feel the water hitting the soles of her feet gently. It brought her a smile, clearly enjoying the water hitting her feet. She was one with the sea, her powers being proof enough.

You are the ocean's gray waves, destined to seek

Her voice was soft, singing the forbidden song. It was a song that brought fear to every sailor and pirate. The melody of this song was used by the Sirenas to lure their prey into thinking they were safe, before they killed the lured prey.

Life beyond the shore, just out of reach

But to her, this song meant something else. It was the song passed down her family, it was her birthright. And if fate would decide upon her what to do with the song, she would keep the legacy that it meant. The hidden truth that the song had, hidden away behind the throne of darkness.

Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time

Her eyes gazed at the sea once more, seeing the calmness it had. It was unlike any other day that she had left the hideout of the Agents of Atlas to have some alone time. She enjoyed the company of her team, but even she desired to be alone for a while. And just being near the waters brought her peace.

The path is yours to climb

She closed her eyes, her mind transporting itself back home. To the place were blight and blood ruled, but she would not have it any other way. After all, it was still the place of her birth. And she had hope that one day, she would be able to change the tides of her destiny.

You are the ocean's gray waves

"So... you've come to see me again, Peter?" She finished the song, glancing back as she watched the brown haired male walking towards her. She knew who he really was, Cindy Moon would mutter his name alongside his hero name while she slept. It was a miracle that no one else knew, but she did. "You visit so often these days... I find myself looking for you whenever I am singing here. You are a lovely audience"

"And you have a lovely voice, Wave..." Peter Parker, also known as the Amazing Spider-Man, smiled a bit. He really needed to talk with Silk one day, probably to give her a gag to wear while she slept. She didn't need to call out to him while she rested. "It's hard not to come here every day" Though Peter forgot about his dilemma to remember the song. He would always get enthralled, it made him feel at ease. Though the slight whisper of his Spider-Sense made him always a bit wary. "What is the song about? You never told me..."

"This song..." She hesitated slightly. Her body moved slightly to be able to look at the man better. She could see the intrigue in his eyes. She followed him with her sight until he sat right next to her. "It is my birthright. A song so great and terrible..." Her eyes went glassy for a bit, her mind reminding her of the usage of the song. The hold it could have on someone was unimaginable. "It could be used to refresh the spirit... or enslaved it"

"So... why am I not affected?" Peter was honestly scared that such a song existed. To be able to manipulate someone so strongly to be able to cause such actions was really to be feared. But he knew that Pearl would never use it in such a way. He knew where her destiny lied on, and it made him hopeful for the newer heroes that were appearing every so often.

"The song is less powerful while on land..." She smiled at him. The real strength of her curse would always be while on water. It was born through the waves, the ever changing tides giving it form. It was because she knew that the song was less dangerous while on land that she sang the song while out of the water in the first place. "So I can stay by your side until the end..."

"Pearl..." Peter whispered, his hand moving slightly towards her own. He locked both of their hands together, feeling her hand clutch his own a bit. He didn't care what the song may cause, even if it was at full strength. Just being able to hear her sing was enough for him. "Would... Would you sing it for me?"

Her eyes grew wide a bit, before she smiled lovingly at the man. She accommodated herself, her whole body looking at him. He noticed that he had done the same, both of them looking straight at each other's eyes. She loved the feeling that her bond with him made her feel. It was unique, as if she was finding more reasons within herself to accept the feelings that she felt for the man across from her.

"Of course..." She whispered, her eyes briefly meeting with his own before closing. She needed to concentrate on the song. Her heart and mind together in sync, it was the only way that she was able to sing her birthright. The song of light and darkness. Though she would sing with as much hope as she could feel. Because Peter was beside her, and she wanted him to experience the good side of the song.

You are the ocean's gray waves, destined to seek

Life beyond the shore just out of reach

She kept singing, her heart poured into the song that meant everything to her. It was her heirloom, the one thing she still has from her family. And she was willing to share it with Peter, because she knew deep within her heart that there was no other person that she would want to be with. She will be beside him until the waves claim her soul, just as it had claimed the souls of her ancestors. But she was willing to risk it all just to be with him. He completes her.

Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time

The path is yours to climb

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