Enigmatic Collision (Tara Virango, aka Enigma)

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She had watched him from afar, her eyes covered by the glasses she was currently wearing. She needed a way of thanking him for all he had done for her. It was thanks to him that she was able to finally rest peacefully. Her revenge against the AGK for killing her village was finally behind her because of him.

She walked slowly, her feet dragging her without making a sound. Her steps were as silent as a snake, the person she wanted to thank. It was because of him that she finally had gotten a good night's sleep and not the horrendous nightmare that would haunt her. He paved a path for her happiness, one that she did not see coming so soon.

As soon as she was behind him, she smiled. The hero that had saved her was out of his suit, walking around like a normal civilian. He was blending into the crowd, just as she was right now. She stood there seconds, but in her mind hours upon hours passed as she tried to make a decision on what exactly she wanted to do.

She covered his eyes with her hands, her body pressed against his back. She could even feel just how the man flinched slightly. She stayed quiet, waiting to see if her gero could even guess who she was. It was her teasing towards him, it was why she was Enigma. She loved the mystery she always brought to people.

"Caryn? If this is about Flash, you know that-"

"Thank you..." She interrupted him, a whisper to his ear made him shiver a bit. She knew that her voice, from the standpoint of new yorkers, was very exotic. She knew that she had said her bit, but her body would not move. She pressed her body tighter against his back and her plump pink lips bit his earlobe softly, which made the hero stand rigid. The size difference between the two made her hands leave his eyes, which was the perfect chance he had to see her.

"You're... her, right?" She nodded while smiling, the glasses hiding her eyes from view. She looked at his hazel eyes, a beautiful shade of brown now that she was able to focus on them a bit further. Her arms snaked their way across one of his arms, pulling him a bit. "Wow! Easy lady, what else would you-"

"Follow me" Her words were always short and concise, not letting him know anything else apart from what she had already told him. She could talk normally, but she found it fun when she would play with someone. And it was thanks to one last pull from her that the hero finally resigned to his fate, making her smile widely in victory.

She walked besides him, her arms still snaked around his own. She was directing him to an isolated place, she needed to talk to him in depth about everything and to show him her sincere thanks. It was the least he deserved since she involved him in her mess. It was a way to seek redemption for almost hurting him. And it was the only way she knew just how to do so.

It did not take long for the two of them to find themselves on a rooftop, her eyes dropping slightly as she remembered that it was this exact rooftop that she saw him for the first time. She knew at that moment that he was going to help her. It was slightly farfetched, but her instinct had never led her wrong.

"It was here that I saw you..." Her voice still had that exotic tone, her eyes overlooking the hero who was currently looking at her. She took the glasses off, her onyx eyes flickering a bit as she got accustomed to the light. "Where I seek out your help..." It was then that she remembered what she did to him the day before. She looked to the side a bit, her cheeks gaining a pink hue to them in embarrassment. "Even if it was a bit unorthodox"

"Tell that to my head..."She chuckled sheepishly, her eyes looking at the hero with a small smile. She remembered the headbutt that she gave him as to confuse him with the flag that she tied to his hands. Though thankfully for her, everything worked out in the end. "But in any case, I was happy to help you"

"Just know that you hold my entire gratitude..." She whispered, walking towards him. She stood in front of him, her eyes locking his own. She could see the confusion in them, a spark of curiosity shining through her eyes while watching him. The more she spent with her hero, the more she felt that she was right where she had to be. "So please... Accept my thanks"

She then pecked his lips, her soft lips savoring the rough one of the hero. It was short and if she wanted to be honest with herself, a kiss she did not want to end. She went back a bit, looking at his shocked expression. She found his reaction almost hilarious, but held it in as to not embarrass him any further.

"I have not felt any kind of happiness since the AGK had killed my entire village..." She stated, his eyes narrowing slightly at her words. It seems that he did not know that part of her story, which she was thankful to have hidden for so long. "But you came into my life and made everything better" She reclined her head towards his chest, hiding the golden marking on her forehead. She wore it proudly, a mark of her village and of her beliefs. "I really would like to know you better"

She did not hear him answer, but his arms making their way towards her back was answer enough. She was in no hurry to know his name, she will probably have a lifetime to get to know him. All she knew was that he was her hero, her Spider-Man.

The two ignored the lotus flower that was nearby, one of the flowers that she had placed there as soon as the two of them got there. The beauty that was the lotus was the same one that their relationship was going to take. As beautiful as the lotus flower, as dazzling as the snow, and as harmonic as the bells. It would be one of a kind.

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