Picture Perfect (Janet Van Dyne, aka the Wasp)

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"Thanks for doing this for me, Peter!" Janet Van Dyne, who was wearing a short yellow and black dress with black heels, smiled at the vigilante hero of New York. She had to seek him out in one of the arachnid's patrols. She had finished designing her latest clothing and needed a photographer to take the pictures of her clothing line. She was fortunate enough that the man had accepted the job "I don't know what I would do if you had said no"

"It's alright, Jan... Always happy to help" Peter Parker said with a slight fake smile on his face. It was the perfect way to forget about his non-existent relationships. He still felt at loss after Mary Jane decided to go their separate ways. And while he accepted her decision, he still felt a numbness in his heart. So when Janet found him wrapping up his patrol to ask him to be a photographer for her clothing line, it was the perfect thing to get his mind out of Mary Jane. "So... How are we going to do this?"

"Well..." She trailed off a bit, actually looking around the set before trying to be seen as professional as possible. Sure she knew just how to make clothes and had expertise in how to market her designs, but photographs were never her expertise. "I thought of doing four pieces for the shoot. But you are the expert in this area, you-"

"We can do the four pieces... But we may limit the amount of pictures with each piece" Peter explained, thinking about the pros and cons of having four pieces in a photoshoot. If Janet had more females who desired to model those clothes, then it would be easier, but it was just one photographer and one model. Making things even harder than usual. "What I think that we could do is to take two out of the four and get the most pictures out of those two pieces"

"Sure! So... Can we do this dress and a casual piece of cloth? Just to have it diverse..." She looked at Peter, who was smiling at her while preparing the lens of his camera. She was actually kind of excited to start this photoshoot. It was the first time that she actually modeled and had not used Hank's money to contract real models for these kinds of things. But she is divorced now, and actually having a better life than ever. She didn't have to suffer through Hank's delusions and suffer from it. She still has reminders in her body of it.

"You are the boss, Jan" Peter said, adjusting his camera one last time before he began to set the lighting all around the area. It was a clear distraction, but it still reminded him of Mary Jane. The red-haired woman wanted to be an actress and had been a model a couple of times as well. So this, while distracting him quite a bit, made him remember his own suffering at the hands of destiny "Ready whenever you are"

"Perfect! So... Do I do my own poses or did you have an idea?" Janet asked the man, trying to get his input on the shoot. She could see how Peter had a look of sadness in his eyes and tried to indirectly make him forget about it. But no matter the question she may ask, she could never seem to get him out of that funk.

"We can try a picture with you looking over your shoulder. Try and look as flirtatious as possible" Peter told Janet, receiving a nod from the petite looking woman. He saw just how Janet turned her back, allowing Peter to get a sightful of the woman's ass. Though Peter was concentrated more in the way she looked over her shoulder. And he began to take picture after picture, trying to get the best poses out of the heroine.

"Is this-"

"Jan... Please... No talking when I'm taking the pictures" Janet nodded a bit before moving into the pose she was in once more, with a slightly more flirtatious look. Her hand was positioned on her neck, elbows looking down as her eyes fluttered a bit before settling on an even more lustful look. She reveled in the attention that Peter was giving her, and it was slightly exciting knowing that the man had his eyes all over her body through the lenses of the camera.

Though, in a matter of moments, Peter had started to shoot less and less pictures of her. It made Janet feel worried about the hero, before her worries turned into realities when she noticed that Peter had stopped shooting pictures and was not sitting on the floor, camera on the side of his leg.

"Peter? Are you alright?" Peter ignored the woman who founded the Avengers alongside many other heroes. His thoughts ran a mile a minute as he kept on remembering moments with Mary Jane Watson. Moments that he would never be able to experience ever again. "Please... I want to help you..."

"There is nothing to do about it... I lost the opportunity to be with the most beautiful woman in my life" Janet flinched at the words, looking at the broken man in front of her. She needed to find a way to get him back to normal. She couldn't see him in such a devastated state, it was not who he was. He is a man who brings joy to the hearts of people, who annoys villains to no end, and the one who is able to make most heroes have an easier life. "And now... I will probably never be near her again"

"Peter..." She needed to do something about it. To be able to see him smile once more, but it was then that she remembered the fifth clothing she designed for her clothing line. A more personal piece of cloth, but the only thing she could think about at the moment that would be able to get Peter to focus on something else. "Look at me..."

The arachnid hero sighed a bit before glancing towards the heroine. But the movements she was making made him widen his eyes in shock. The woman had her hands on her back, the sound of the zipper being brought down before she let the dress fall down to the floor. He could see the beautiful sight of Janet van Dyne in what appeared to be a costume-made black and yellow lingerie. Peter could see through the thin fabric of the two-piece lingerie, the smooth pale skin of the woman being contrasted by the lingerie's black touches.

"Maybe we should just do the dress for the photoshoot and have our own private shoot for the second piece?" Her voice turned sultry, brown eyes looking at him with need. He could see just how the woman transformed from a flirtatious girl into a lustful woman. And while Janet was actually a bit older than Peter, it didn't mean that the woman posing for him was anything, but beauty incarnate. "What do you say, Pete~? Up for the challenge~?"

Peter gulped quite strongly, his eyes never leaving the body of the heroine as he picked up his camara once more. It was quite a shock to see Janet acting in such a way, but ever since he helped her with Hank, they have been closer than ever. Not quite as close as Thor and Storm were but were practically near each other at every given opportunity.

"Plus... This is a thank you gift for helping me with Hank" With that said, Janet loved just how passionately Peter began to take pictures of her once more. But the part that she couldn't wait for was for when they would make the move on each other during this private event.

Time Skip

"Jan... It's your turn now... Nadia is awake" Janet Parker, wife to Peter Parker, groaned a bit as she got up from their matrimonial bed. Two years had passed since she asked for his help for the photoshoot, and both of them had created a beautiful family. They had gotten many gifts and calls, telling both of them just how happy they were to see them together. And Janet was more than happy to be able to relish in the presence of Peter even further.

"I know..." She got up, walking towards the crib nearby. She could see the hazel eyes of her beautiful daughter, which made her smile quite a bit. She was happy to be able to hold her daughter in her hands, something that she would never have been able to do if she would have maintained her relationship with Hank Pym, who was now a villain. Merging his own body with Ultron... Creating the amalgamation known as Pymtron.

Janet picked Nadia Parker up from her crib and started to rock her to sleep once more. She glanced at her husband, who was sleeping soundly in the bed. It had been one of the rare times he had been able to sleep peacefully without any worries. And he had been able to sleep even more thanks to their daughter being in their lives.

"I love the two of you..." Janet whispered to Nadia, which made the baby babble a tad. The heroine chuckled a bit before giving her daughter a kiss on the forehead. She looked once more towards Peter, before smiling once more. "Very... very much. Never forget that"

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