Pulling Affections (Aiko Miyazaki, aka Honey Lemon)

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"Come on, Pete! Why don't we shoot some hoops?" Peter Parker smiled underneath his mask, as his eyes looked at the younger Spider-Man. The duo had been training, with Peter actually having a moment to help the younger arachnid hero. But during all of their training, Miles actually found a basketball court and had been nagging at him to play with him for a bit. He had to admit that he never was the most athletic back in middle school, vividly avoiding being near any kind of sport. But he didn't have to be afraid now, especially since the two of them were alone in the court and in their hero suits. Yet he made a promise to Miles' mother, and he was trying not to break it.

"Miles, remember what your mother said?" The older arachnid tried to persuade the younger one. He knew that Miles was slightly terrified of his mother, and anyone would be too if they were to get to know the woman on a personal level. And he was outright afraid of what Rio Morales would do to him if anything were to happen to Miles on his watch. And that even made him unconsciously shiver a bit.

"But come on, Pete... It's just some hoops!" Peter sighed a bit, though he did have a smile on his face. The two of them were not that far from Miles' apartment in Brooklyn, and it was not like they would actually be fighting any criminals or villains. So, he nodded in agreement to playing with the younger arachnid for a bit. It was the least he could do to let him know that he would look out for him even when he didn't want to. "Yes!"

"Calm down, Spider-Boy" Peter teased the younger arachnid, which only earned him the ball to the chest. He easily caught it, a smirk under his mask as he could feel the teen give out a pout in response. He chuckled at that, dribbling the ball a few times. He was mostly trying to imitate the moves he remembers Eugene Thompson doing when his former bully played. "Let's just enjoy a few hoops and then go back before your mother actually has to drag the two of us down"

"Deal!" Peter passed the ball to Miles, before the teen returned it with a small skip down the middle of the two. Peter was no expert when it came to the game, but he could defend himself thanks to his enhanced senses. And with Miles having those same senses, he could actually say that it was going to be an even match. But hopefully they would not gather a crowd while they enjoyed some free time between mentor and mentee.

With Aiko Miyazaki

"From my intel, I could determine that Spider-Man is in Brooklyn" She ignored the young leader as she skipped along the sidewalk, waving to those that were looking their way. She could even hear the slight grunt from the dual-wielding katana user, probably annoyed that they couldn't use their vehicle to actually get to where they were going. But she didn't care, she was loving the attention they were getting. A Japanese hero team in America was quite the weird sight, if she had to admit out loud.

"And why are we here again?" The dual-wielder, who preferred to go by the alias of Wasabi-no-Ginger, let out a snarky question; with her only enjoying the looks she was getting. It was one of the few reasons as to why she was in the cheerleader group when she attended college. She did frown a bit remembering the last time she was in her cheerleading getup but ignored it as she just hooked both arms around Wasabi and the other female of their group.

"To properly thank Spidey for helping us that time!" She exclaimed firmly, a happy tone in her bubbly voice. She was quite excited to see the hero again, especially when he helped them with some equipment to face off against some villains trying to take over the world. And she was especially thankful for it because it protected her team from what would have been assured death by the hands of Everwraith. "We would have been dead if it wasn't for him lending us those equipment"

"I would also like to add that the safety mechanism that he suggested has augmented my safety protocols to a point where Hiro can safely attach and detach himself from my back whenever he wants" She giggled at the small squawk made by Hiro, the leader of the Big Hero Six, as he tried to reprimand Baymax, the resident synthformer of the group who was also created by Hiro. Though she stopped, her ever vigilant eyes caught the sight of two suited men playing basketball in the court right across from them. Her eyes did widen however, realizing that the two figures were actually Spider-Man and his mentee. She discarded the thought of being people dressed as them as soon as she saw the younger arachnid pull the ball back to him with a web that came out of his wrist.

"Guys, look!" Aiko Miyazaki, better known as Honey Lemon, said, pointing across the road. Her eyes never left the duo, though she was mainly focused on the older arachnid. It was then that she gained an amazing idea, one where she would have to use her Power Purse to get what she was looking for so that her idea could come into fruition but she also hesitated. And don't get her wrong, she was more than likely to end up acting on her impulses. She just was thinking about what else she actually wanted to do. After thinking about it for a few more seconds, she nodded to herself. "Can you guys give me a minute? I have an idea~"

"Here we go again..." The other female of the group groaned to herself, only making her chuckle in response to her teammate's frustration. She quickly found a place that seemed private enough to put her plan into motion. Opening her Power Purse, which gave her access to any item she would ever want from an alternate dimension, she quickly found the set she was looking for. Smirking to herself, she began to think about the way she should actually approach the situation she was going to face sooner than she would have anticipated. And she was quite excited to see the reaction the older arachnid hero would have to her plan.

With Peter Parker

"Come on, Miles... You can do better than that" Peter smirked underneath his mask, the ball in his hands. He was dribbling the ball quite expertly, still imitating what he remembered from Eugene's movements. He only heard his mentee groan softly at that, sounding slightly annoyed for some reason. He chalked it up to the fact that he was ahead by a few shots rather than the slight banter they were having for fun during this game between the two. He could see that slowly; Miles had been using his senses as much as he could during the game. He just smiled slightly, his mind applauding himself for the well thought plan. While it did happen in the middle of the game, he had to admit that forcing Miles to use his senses during the game was better than forcing the kid to fight villains to further develop his senses.

"Easy for you to say, Pe-"

"Let's go, Spidey~!" The two arachnid heroes froze, more so the older than the younger. He looked to where he heard the voice calling out the alias of the two, and what he saw made him blush quite heavily. Aiko Miyazaki, a fellow hero he recognizes from having helped her team before, was dressed in a quite frivolous cheerleading outfit. He immediately noticed that it was colored red, with blue and golden seams that created a v-pattern through her chest area. It greatly exposed her midriff, which let anyone see her slender yet athletic body. And don't get him started on the short red skirt that she had currently around her waist. While in her hands were two pom-poms, red on her left hand and blue on her right hand. "S-P-I-D-E-Y! Spidey!"

"Pete... Why do you have so much luck?" He would have reprimanded Miles and told him that it was the contrary of luck, but he couldn't even say anything to save himself from the deadpanned expression that he knew Miles had right at this moment. He just sighed, expertly moving around his mentee to get himself another shot in the basket. The festive yells that were coming from the female made themself known, which only made him blush even further. He just sheepishly waved at the female, now noticing the slightly embarrassed expressions from the rest of her teammates; especially the completely red face of Hiro Takachiho.

"Miles... Even I asked myself that same question from time to time" He commented offhandedly, walking towards the Japanese hero team. He motioned for Miles to follow him, with the teenager grumbling slightly. He guessed that he was still slightly mad that he technically won in the teen's favorite game and that he had a cheerleader. He just grabbed the teen's shoulder and gave it a slight grip in understanding. And while he had no idea why the Big Hero Six were there at this moment in time, and even less as to why Honey Lemon gave him a peck on the cheek as soon as he arrived near the team, he was happy to see the hero team in good condition.

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