I Have Always Loved You (Emma Frost, aka the White Queen)

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Emma Frost could only see bloodshed and chaos. Even through being exposed to the darker side of the Phoenix Force, she always was in full control. She just manipulated the emotions into what she wanted them to do. But now... All she could see was how homo sapiens and homo superior attacked both Scott and herself.

She retaliated, of course, against the various attacks that she was getting.

But not his...

Peter Parker aka Spider-Man. The one man that had the simplest but most beautiful mind she had the chance to see. His conviction to become a hero and do good, only made her attraction towards him even stronger. She even remembers the day when she told him, in front of his girlfriend to boot.



"Why are you doing this?" The hard glare Emma received made her flinch back a bit. Her cheek stung a bit from the slap she had just received from her best friend, Sophia Sanduval aka Chat, a mutant with the power to talk to animals and understand them.

Emma hesitated, she didn't even want to talk but the stare she was receiving not only from her best friend but also from the boy she liked... It broke her hesitation. She didn't want to receive those stares. The stoic face, the mask that Spider-Man had made her heart break.

"I like Peter" She muttered, loud enough for Peter and Sophia to hear her. She although didn't see their reaction because she turned her head sideways, avoiding the look that Peter Parker would have at the revelation.

"You WHAT?" She kept her face looking the other way, but she breathed in a bit and looked forward, only to see the shocked faces of both Spider-Man and Chat. Although Chat's shock quickly faded away, giving Emma once again a glare but not as strong as before.

"The first time I saw you, I read your mind. It was so beautiful there, and you were a hero. It wasn't a façade at all. Most minds are so petty, but yours..." Emma stopped unable to find the proper words to describe Peter's mind. "I didn't know there were people as good as you" She then decided to not describe Peter's mind further but explain the reason as the why.

"Then Chat wanted to stay near you, go to Midtown High, and I thought it was a great idea... That the two of us could keep tabs on you that way" Emma explained. She loves Peter so much, it'd hurt her if she couldn't explain that she also cared for Chat. "But the two of you started dating and then it was like I couldn't be with you, and I lost Chat, too. So I picked that Gwen Stacy girl and made her think that you two were dating" Emma was almost on the verge of tears, but not even a single sob escaped from her mouth. Her heart broke once more at the stare that both Chat and Peter showed her, but she held strong and looked at Peter. "I guess I hoped you and Gwen would start dating, or at least that Chat would think you were, and then Chat would break up with you and I could have my friend again"

"You were trying to make me jealous of Gwen?" Emma looked at her trembling hands. She didn't even want to keep looking at them for now. The heated voice that came out of Chat made her tremble a bit more.

"But it didn't work, so I went into your mind and made you forget Peter, but your mind was stronger than I thought and it was really hard to make you forget Peter and I'm... so..." She couldn't help but keep staring at her hands, but instead of her blue gloves she saw her naked hand covered in immoral dirt that was not cleansable. "So sick of myself"

During the entire time, Emma had been reading both of the minds of the people she cares about the most and almost broke crying at what they were thinking. They were forgiving her. She didn't deserve it. She tried to separate Chat from Peter so that she could have Chat's friendship and Peter's heart. She so wanted his love... yearned for it, but it seems that its sole owner was Chat.

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