Eyes on Your Heart (Els Udonta, aka Stonethrower)

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She watched carefully, her eyes staring at the members of the Future Foundation. She was familiar with most of them, the iconic group that was previously known as the Fantastic Four, yet she was not familiar with one of their newest members. The dark lenses of the arachnid hero wearing a new white suit compared to his normal red and blue suit. It was not that she didn't trust the hero per say, but she had a purpose to protect her king. So she had to be sure of Spider-Man's intention, or better yet; find out the identity of the arachnid hero.

Walking forward, she got closer to the hero. But the closer that she got to the arachnid hero, something familiar rose in her. She didn't know why, but the familiar scent was making her remember a very exciting moment in her life. Curiosity filled her mind as her body kept going towards the arachnid hero that was making her feel in such a way. It made her remember a human that she had gotten to know a little bit too well. It made her think, even for the slightest of moments, that the human that she danced with was the same hero that she was currently approaching.

"Hi... I'm... Spider-Man. I don't think we've-" She inhaled deeply, her nose sniffing the hero almost as if she was a dog. It may appear to be weird to others outside of Attilan, but she had an amazing sense of smell. And wanting to know whether she was right or wrong, she acted without even asking for permission. And all that she could sense was a harder scent of familiarity. It almost made her sure that she had been right about her earlier guess. She smirked, an idea plotting on her mind. "What the-"

"You know... You remind me of a human that I once kissed" Her pink-ish lips widened slightly as soon as she recognized just how stiff his entire body turned. She was known as the guardian of the king, so it was no question that she had safely guessed the identity of the arachnid hero. Her eyes gaining a slight glint to them as soon as she realized that Spider-Man was the same human that she kissed at that party. Though what made her remember him in the slightest, was what happened in the after party while the two of them were drunk. She may have not been entirely sane that night, but she enjoyed every second of it.

"I'm pretty sure that-"

"I think not..." She got closer to the hero, her smirk widening slowly as she could notice the nervousness of the hero. It made her remember those previous moments of their past together. Brief as it might have been, her mind couldn't help but think back to the various moments she spent with the arachnid hero. She could perfectly remember the kiss that she gave him, the very first kiss the two had together. It may have born from the intoxication or because of the excitement that the party was giving her. She could hardly care what it was, she wanted to spend more time with the man that has not left her mind in all of these months that have passed since that day. "I know that smell anywhere. And if I recall, you enjoyed it~"

And she was hardly telling a lie there, her mind going back to the moment when the human reciprocated the kiss. She licked her lips in anticipation of what she was thinking of doing to him. She had been waiting for this moment, waiting for the time that she would have him face-to-face once again. To actually leave her responsibilities behind and protect the male in front of her. And even if she has now realized that he was more than capable of taking care of himself, she still wanted to be right beside him.

"I'm sorry" She raised a brow at those two particular words, her eyes staring directly at the arachnid hero. She even noticed that the hero was avoiding her gaze, looking elsewhere during these last bits of the conversation between the two. She knew that she was probably causing a scene in the throne room, but she hardly cared. She wanted the man that made her feel euphoria, the one that couldn't be replaced in her mind. But she could see that he still was evading the topic with her. "But you definitely got the wrong guy"

"I didn't" And with that said, she picked him up in one swift move. She didn't ask for permission nor did she talk with her kind to leave the throne room with the hero. She needed to solve whatever was happening with the man behind the mask, because now she was curious as to whether he used his entire force against her that time. It only made her shiver in excitement thinking of what could happen now that she knew the identity of the arachnid hero. "I know it is you. And I can hardly wait to get my hands on that big round butt that you have~"

"I do not have a big butt!" She chuckled at the angered answer. She even ignored the shock stares that she was receiving from those around her as she made her way out of the throne room. She needed to find her quarters quickly, to see for herself just how fierce the hero could be. And the human could try and convince himself otherwise, but he had one of the biggest butts she had ever seen in a man. And it was a huge bonus that he was as buff as he was.

She threw him towards the bed, only turning around slightly to close the room. She glanced back at the hero, her eyes looking at him with lust. She wanted to feel everything once again. Walking closer to the hero and trapping him just underneath her, she had her man right where she wanted. Taking one last sniff, she confirmed that he was definitely the one that she had kissed at the party. And while she took the cloth that covered her chest, she removed the mask forcefully and kissed the hero once again. It was a feeling that she had dearly missed, and it was one that she would try not to lose again.

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