Arachnid Attraction (Charlotte Witter, aka Lady Spider)

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"I didn't want this!" Charlotte Witter, the villain known as Spider-Woman and the fourth female to utilize the alias, had just defeated about six armed policemen. She hated herself, anger at not just herself but at the one who had damaged her beyond possible. "None of it..." She looked at herself, looking at every single thing that had changed physically. The powers that she had gained, her four spider-like legs, had already been recalled inside of her mid-to-lower back. "Not the powers..." She then looked at the dark green outfit she was wearing, her eyes narrowing in disgust. "The costume... None of it! I hate spiders!"

"Now you're just hurting my feelings" Hearing the sarcastic voice, she forgot about her sudden anger, looking up to the next level of the building and seeing Spider-Man right there. The red and blue costume that was mostly identified to the gero in front of her made her remember her actions. She wanted to be alone, to be able to escape from the clutches of the man who had kidnapped her and made her a puppet.

"Leave me alone!" She yelled, hints of anger making their way out of her mouth. She wanted to disappear, couldn't the man notice that she didn't want any of this?! That she had been used and turned into a villain because someone wished to utilize her latent psionic powers?! "Haven't you had enough?!" She has not forgotten how she almost brutalized the young woman that he saved. Her anger had gotten the best of her, the action she did would never be forgiven, and even less forgotten. "Do you somehow get some sort of thrill from all this fighting?"

"I'd like to say it pays the bills, but, in fact, it doesn't" She rolled her eyes at the joke, watching just how the man fell down to the level in a second. She just watched carefully, looking at the approaching hero with no trust at all. He had attacked her. And while she really had it coming, he attacked her.

"Well, I never liked violence! I never have! That's why this..." She looked around, still seeing the dead police officers on the ground, her hand slightly filled with blood that was not hers. It sickened her, to have been turned into such a monster that she would not even recognize who she was any longer. "All of this... is so stupid. I have no idea why I am doing this!" She grabbed her blonde hair and held it tightly in frustration. She didn't know what else to do. Her mind told her something while her heart contradicted the voice in her mind. "I almost killed those three women... Those three Spider-Woman!' She then pointed at the arachnid hero in front of her, narrowing her eyes briefly. "I'm suppose to kill you!"

"Take a number" She slightly ignored the man's attempt to joke even when knowing that someone was giving her commands to kill him. She hated everything, her actions, deeds, powerlessness... but most of all she hated the fact that the man could stand there without any sort of worry in his mind that she would lose control again and atrack him just how she had attacked the three women who also held the same mantle as herself. "You would probably help me reach the goal of eighty personal villains!"

"He wants you dead, you idiot!" She could not hold her anger any longer, her nail hitting his chest in anger. The carefree attitude was making her even more unstable. She knew that she needed to calm down, to rationally think of what she has been doing, and to be able to escape the clutches of the one who is controlling her.

"And he would be?" She stiffened slightly at the question. It made her remember what had been done to her. The experiments that were done on her as if she was a guinea pig made her shiver in fear. It made her drop her guard, to feel as an insecure child. It made her relive the constant fear she had when everything went wrong.

"I... I don't know" She confessed, her right hand moving towards her head. It was hard trying to remember something that she definitely knew, but it had been erased from her mind. "I just know he was a doctor... I never really saw him, but..." She was trying to remember the best she could. The headache was definitely not worth it, but she just wanted out of everything. And because she didn't want to keep being a marionette, she kept on trying. "He was always there... hurting me. Turning me into... into a monster!"

"A monster? All I see is just a beautiful and tortured woman who had been strong for far too long" She made a small smile with her dark green lips as soon as she heard the comment from the hero. It was really comforting knowing that the arachnid hero could definitely see more than what is in front of him. "But, do you recall anything else about the doctor?"

"Nothing... He tampered with my mind. I don't remember who I once was any more!" The doctor had stolen her life, playing with her to do his biddings. She just wanted her life back, to know who she once was before she had been robbed of that normal life she once had. "I do know one thing, something the doctor implanted in my mind..." She whispered, glancing at the hero who had yet to look even slightly preoccupied for his own health. "After I have absorbed the powers of the other Spider-Women, I'm suppose to kill you"

"You don't seem to be doing a very good job" She sent an incredulous glance at the hero joking about her killing him. The glance made the man chuckle slightly, a sheepish chuckle escaping from his throat. "Sorry. Old habits die hard, I guess" She rolled her eyes, turning away from the hero. She didn't dare to look at him, his attitude making her wish to have known him from before. "But I want to help you"

Those six words were enough to make her start trembling. Tears were slowly escaping from her eyes, quickly disappearing through the mask covering her eyes. She gave in, trying to break free was hard and something that she would never wish upon anyone. So she gave up trying on her own.

"Please... Help me!" She hiccuped, suddenly feeling the man capture her in a comforting embrace. Her cheeks were slightly pink-ish, thankfully covered by the mask. She was trembling, trying to forget every single order that she had been given in the past and be able to move forward with her life. Though she did get to meet someone thanks to all of this, so it was not that bad.

Time Skip

Charlotte Witter stood on top of a building, overlooking just how some thugs try to coerce a female into following them. She was sick at the sight, wanting to just drop and deal with the three men that didn't know the definition of the word 'no'.

"Fancy seeing you here, my lady" She chuckled a bit, glancing back to the man who had stolen her heart all of those years ago. The man who had helped her break free from the strings attached to her by Otto Octavius, the doctor who had kidnapped her and twisted her life. "Do you fancy another dance? I left my dancing shoes at home but I think I can keep up with what I have"

"Of course, my spider" Charlotte had even changed her alias, trying to leave behind her days as the only villainous Spider-Woman. She was now Lady Spider, the partner of Spider-Man and a hero. She was already prepared to jump into the action, her nails extending briefly, revealing her claws to the world. She moved besides him, kissing his cheek, leaving her green tainted lips on the side of the mask "I couldn't ask for a better dance partner"

Without any sort of warning, the two dropped from the building and into the alley. The two of them were smirking all the way, as the two spiders began their self appointed mission. They were not just partners in heroics, but partners behind the mask. And it was this connection that made them so coordinated. And this partnership would just keep on evolving, and Charlotte Witter knew it without any doubt in her mind.

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