Breaking Point (Sharon Carter, aka Power Broker)

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She walked slowly towards the arachnid hero. She slightly flinched at the state that he was, his suit having ruptures in them from various parts of his outfit. This day should have been one that he didn't have to worry about anything. But as fate would have it, she could see that he could not even rest on his special day. It was because of this that she didn't manage to see him in the party reception, and the reason she now found herself walking towards him.

"Hey there, Spidey" She smirked, noticing just how the hero gave out a slight sigh in what she believed to be relief. She would have preferred to be there when everything went crazy enough for him to abandon his very own party. She had been a very late invite of the hero, one of the few people that understood what he had done that dire day. It was not like she could reprimand him in the first place, mistakes hanging over her shoulder everywhere she may go. But she could ignore it, and could focus on the present. "I missed the party?"

"Afraid so" He answered, which only gained him a roll from her eyes. She already knew that; as the party was completely empty the moment she arrived. Though she also knew that he was just following the chain of reactions, trying to get her to react to his answers. She was not that woman any longer, years of experience had made her knowledgeable on just how the heroes acted. And she was sure to focus on Spider-Man's personality because of the hero being the one that was able to annoy anyone that he wanted. "Everyone got out?"

"As far as I know, everyone is safe Peter" She knew about his identity the moment everything went south for the hero. She couldn't help but give out a slight frown as soon as she remembered how every hero was treating the hero. She would give them a piece of her mind as soon as she could, but that could be solved at a later date. "You should definitely call your aunt. She's probably worried about you" She advised, knowing full well just how the elderly woman could react at seeing her nephew in such an injured state. Getting to know the arachnid was very troublesome, since it meant that she had to appear as a civilian woman who had just gotten in contact with Peter since long ago. But everything worked out in the end, everything went according to her plans to gain Spider-Man's favor. "And maybe let the others know that everything has been mostly dealt with"

"Yeah" She smiled as soon as she noticed what his reply held. She was not a Special Operative for nothing, she knew just how to read people and how to detect things that normal people would not be able to notice. And she heard, quite clearly, his slight affection being demonstrated there and then. "Though, there is a computer brain that knows my identity. I got to get it somewhere safe" She could understand his fears, she would probably have them if she cared for a secret identity in the first place. It was one thing having a moniker for when facing super villains, and another was having an alias to be able to blend in into the mission. But regardless of what she may feel about that specific topic, she knew that he was not worried for himself but for his family. "I had someone in mind, but we are not on speaking terms"

"The Fantastic Four, right?" It was not really a question, she knew that it had been the heroic family that first entered his mind. The immediate silence that surrounded the two was enough confirmation from his part. She sighed slightly, moving her hand to his chin and elevated his face so he was facing her. "You don't have to worry about the computer, Peter. I can get my men to move it into a safe location" After everything she had to deal with Steve and his supposed Cold War, she had been overworking herself to gain some level of power. And it was safe to say that she had attained such power, such control, in her little growing group. So she was definitely not worried about anything. "I'll make sure they don't do anything they are not supposed to do, promise"

"Thanks, Sharon..." Sharon Carter, who now went by the alias of Power Broker, just teasingly smiled at him. She could admit that his heroic actions actually attracted her quite a bit, her previous interests were very known to be few known heroes like Captain America. But these months that she had started to know the hero, she could say for sure that she was attracted to the man behind the mask. "But what a birthday... Didn't even got a chance to open a present"

"But maybe not every present was in the party~" She whispered sensually, moving both of her hands towards the lower end of his mask. She gently grabbed it, slowly but surely removing the piece of fabric that stood between the two. "And I just saw you throw your body into danger, again, to protect everyone" It was then that she saw the man's lips, as she also saw the controlled beard that the hero had. She knew that it was because he hadn't shaved, but she had to admit that it brought out a bit more manliness out of him. "And you know what that boy scout loyalty does to me"

"Do I really-?"

"Of course you do..." It was then that she grabbed ahold of his neck, pushing him towards herself to finally unite their lips together. She immediately moaned into the kiss, her legs rising slowly to snare him around her. The two were too focused on their kiss, too focused to care about anyone or anything that may be around them. She even tried to jump at him there and ignore the fact that they were exposed in public. But she managed to control herself, to control her urges. "Happy birthday, Peter..."

"Thanks..." She finally gave the man a hug, the two of them enjoying the moment they had alone. She breathed in deeply, his musky scent making her sigh lovingly. Even if it would be weird to most people, she really didn't care. All she cared about was being able to stand right beside him, to be there in his darkest moments and maybe be able to make him forget about the woman who hurt him deeply. She still didn't know who she was but there was one thing she knew, and it was that she was going to gain retribution in his stead. One way or another.

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