Blood Game (Elizabeth Nikos)

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"Should have killed me when you had the chance" Elizabeth Nikos took a couple of steps back. Her body controlled by fear as she watched Michael Morbius mutate even further, heading straight to her. She had tried to kill him, just as he had killed her brother, Emil Nikos. But she couldn't, which brought her to her current situation. "You were warned!"

"Αγαπητέ Θεέ!" She whispered in greek. Her whole body was shaking in fear. She even forgot that she had many weapons in her person that could be able to kill the Living Vampire. But being induced to this kind of fear was one that she never had expected.

"Morbius, stop!" She widened her eyes a bit, feeling the claw of the Living Vampire against her throat. She hoped that Spider-Man would be able to save her. She didn't want to die, she needed her justice. Even if most people would just say that it was her being vengeful. "You don't want to do-"

"Enough, arachnid!" Her hopes dissipated right before her eyes, watching just how Morbius just smacked Spider-Man away from the two of them. She kept on struggling against his hold, gasping for even a single moment to be able to breathe.


She looked fearful as she just watched Morbius give into the rage. The veins in his body bulged with every second that passed. This was not the man that she used to love, and he was definitely not the monster that she wanted to kill. He was something else, something far worse.

"You will surely wish you had been strong enough to strike true!" She didn't know what would happen now, looking at the bloody teeth in front of her. She just gave up, there was nowhere to run and definitely no way out. But she knew one positive thing from this. She would be able to see her brother soon enough.


"Sorry, doc" She felt something on her back, glancing at the arachnid hero who was already behind her as if nothing had happened to him. Though a glob of web passed right besides her, impacting the Living Vampire straight at the eyes. Which prompted Morbius to let her go. She suddenly felt a tug, arriving in the arms of the Amazing Spider-Man in seconds. "But human meat is out of the menu"

"Arachnid!" Spider-Man swiftly evaded the tackle done by the rageful doctor with the blonde huntress in his arms. He knew that his blood would be able to momentaneously cure Doctor Michael, but for how long would he stay sane before his hunger and rage would consume him again. He and the huntress had to think of something and fast.

"So... any plans to stop Alucard from eating us alive?" She looked at the arachnid, her deadpan look telling him everything. She had the perfect plan to get rid of Morbius for good. Her plan was to take a wooden stake, or anything she could use, and stab it through the thick skull of the vampire. "I am all in for any options right now"

"I should have killed him when I had the chance... Emil would be able to rest in peace if I did" She glared toward where she guessed Morbius would be. She could hear the rampage that he was causing to find them. She needed to kill him, it was the only thing that would get her heart to calm from her rage. "I need this..."

"Look... If we are unable to find a way to help Morbius, I will let you kill him..." She opened her eyes wide in shock. She perfectly knew how Spider-Man was with the topic of killing. So hearing him say such words impacted her greatly. All she could do was smirk. "Even if it goes against my motto..."

"Sure, whatever you say" She replied, tightly hugging the still running arachnid hero. She could honestly say that being able to feel all of his muscles against her made her feel a slight heat she never expected to feel after her feeling for Michael Morbius faded into nothing. She just hoped that she would be able to kill the man who killed her brother

Time Skip

She sighed, overlooking the warehouse where she had to fight alongside Spider-Man and Michael Morbius. Against her wishes, the arachnid hero managed to find a cure to stop Morbius from raging any longer and being able to control his thirst. She was not able to kill the man who killed her brother, but she had found something else on this self-mission of hers.

"Lizzie... Why are you still here?" She looked back, watching just how Spider-Man landed on the same roof as her. She knew that the police had already detained the men that they cured from the transformation they did on themselves, so she was not surprised to see him here. "I thought you were going for the Werewolf next. Though I must warn you, he has a mean right hook"

"No. I think I have someone else in mind right now..." She said, walking towards him. She looked at the hero, a serious look on her face. She was hiding quite well the grin she wanted to make. Her red lips slightly pursed, trying to demonstrate a tad amount of anger.

"Really? Then is it-"

"It's you..." Her words stopped the arachnid dead cold, giving her the chance to take his mask off and kiss him straight on his lips. As soon as she made eye contact with the man, her mind remembered seeing him before. And while she didn't know from where she saw him, one thing was certain in her mind. She was going to enjoy being with the man.

The kiss continued, both of them enjoying the moment quite a bit. The two of them were not aware of their surroundings, though they didn't need to care since no one was around. The moon shone slightly, its light illuminating the pair of kissing adults as the night faded to black.

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