A Brand New Start (Carmilla Black, aka Scorpion)

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"There's something I have to speak with you about" Carmilla Black, also known as Scorpion, glanced back to the arachnid hero who was currently helping her fight against A.I.M members. She had it with being a puppet, she wanted out of this life. But her retainers didn't want to let her go, which is why she had seeked out the help of the arachnid hero of New York, the Amazing Spider-Man. "Will you listen to it after we are done here"

"Sure" Her was covered by a dark green mask, one which only revealed her toxic green eyes. She had used her stinger, which was her left hand, to poison various operatives. She glared at the down operatives, her eyes sending hate to the unconscious men. "Though we might need to handle this firs-"

"Already done" She interrupted the hero, watching as A.I.M. had fallen, with even M.O.D.O.K. being one of the many downed operatives. She could already feel a weight lifting from her shoulders. She was finally able to be who she wanted to be, and that her choices didn't have to do with anything that she was commanded to do.

"Wow... That was quick..." Spider-Man muttered, his eyes looking around the place. He really didn't expect to defeat this A.I.M. branch with a villain that wanted to be free from her ties. Though he was happy that one of his villains wanted to start anew, and that she wanted to forget ever being a villain. "So... you wanted to talk?"

"Yes..." She removed her mask, letting it hang under her chin as if it was a scarf. Her toxic green lips were smiling at the hero, appreciating his time. "Most people call me Carmilla, but I actually have another name..." She took a couple of steps forward, having enough distance between the two to be able to grab his hand. She wanted to be true to herself, her life as a villain and a liar was behind her. "My true name is Thasanee... Thasanee Rappaccini"

"Well... that is nice to know" He replied, actually surprised to be hearing the real name of one of his villains. He obviously knew most of their names, each and every one of their names written down for him to remember. But when he heard that her name was not actually Carmilla Black, but Thasanee Rappaccini... He didn't know how to react. He uttered those words because he just didn't know how to respond to such a statement. "But... Why tell me?"

"Because I feel safe that you know my real name..." She confessed, her eyes looking straight at his hazel orbs. She could actually feel it, the connection between the two of them being formed. "You are a great man, Spider-Man. You try to hide it, but I know who you are" She removed her hand from their hold, moving it towards his cheek. Her toxic green painted lips had a genuine smile to them, enjoying the moment she had with him. "And I like that about you"

"T-Thanks... I guess..." Spider-Man didn't really know how to react to her confession. He could notice that her words were only the truth, her heartbeat was too calm to be uttering a lie. And if she was indeed lying, he definitely didn't pick anything from her words. "Is that it?"

"No..." She continued on. Her heart beating against her chest in an offbeat rhythm. She opened her mouth slightly, words unable to come out. She didn't know how to tell him. "Never forget me..." She brought up his mask a bit, until his mouth was uncovered. It tempted her, made her want to lean in and connect with him. "Remember me... the woman call both Carmilla... and Thasanee"

She couldn't help it and leaned in, her lips softly kissing the arachnid hero's lips. She moaned a bit, savoring the moment she currently had with him. She wanted to be with him, her heart yearning for the warmth she felt when she was with him. But she would not be truly free if she stayed. So she separated her lips from his own, even if she didn't want to.

"This is not farewell, Spidey..." She walked backwards, her fingers clutching to his own for dear life. Her heart wanted to stay and confront the problems that would definitely follow her. But she didn't want to involve him any longer. She needed to resolve her problems before she could jump back into his arms. "This is a-"

"Wait!" He grabbed her hand in a tight hold. It made her eyes go wide, looking just how he didn't allow her to leave. She gained a tint hue over her cheeks, her eyes looking back at him. "I understand that you have to leave... Just..." It was then she felt herself be dragged back towards him. Her mouth collided once more with his lips, which prompted her to moan once more. She loved the feeling that he caused all over her body. "Be safe..."

"Always..."With that she left in a hurry, before her heart could overrule her judgement. His words made her want to ignore what she had to do to be a woman free from the clutches of A.I.M. and stay with him. To face her problems with him as her pillar. But she needed to go, he had wormed his way to her heart and could not allow him to suffer because of her.

Though she was more determined than ever. She would fix everything, to be able to turn over a new leaf. Because she would be back, and the first thing she was going to do was kiss him again. Because whether it was as Carmilla or as Thasanee, she loved the Amazing Spider-Man with all of her heart. And in her mind, she was already imagining her happy ending with the arachnid hero. Time was all she needed to make things right, and finally be able to be loved.

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