Savage Instincts (Laura Kinney, aka X-23)

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"Come on!" Laura Kinney shouted as she had her adamantium claws out for a while now. She was fighting Spot alongside Spider-Man, the best friend of her old man. She growled as she watched Peter Parker, the identity behind the mask of Spider-Man, punch Spot on the face. Only for said fist to exit out of the villain's leg. "Either hit him or get the hell out of my way!"

"Come on, Wolverette! This is a piece of cake!" Peter said as he used the same arm that was inside of Spot to toss him towards the nearest building. Unfortunately for Peter, Spot created a portal in front of himself and went through it. Peter couldn't even manage to groan before two kicks were felt on his back thanks to yet another portal appearing on top of him. "I should keep my mouth shut..."

"I'll love to keep playing with the two of you..." Spot started to create a portal underneath Laura and Peter, sending the two heroes elsewhere. Spot watched in glee as the two heroes went through the portal. "But I'm in a hurry today..." It was then that Spot saw how the heroes were desperate enough to try and find a way out of the portal, but no luck for the heroes this time. "Enjoy your vacation!"

"Web-Head! Do something!" Peter couldn't help but groan. Why couldn't he be with someone else right now? He should have denied even working with Laura and should have left this to Miles instead. He would have preferred to be paired up with Barbara today than the crazy clone of the Wolverine who constantly had tried to kill him.

"Can't. The 'Pongo parody' destroyed my Web-Shooters. Why do you think I was fighting with my fist instead of using my webs to finish the job in the first place" Peter yelled as they fell down. He could hear the growls coming from Laura's mouth, making his mind certain that he made a terrible mistake in accepting being paired up with Laura in the first place.

"Way to screw things up, Parker" Laura growled at the man that held her affections from the moment they met. She just didn't know how to fully express her feelings for the arachnid hero, so she let her instincts control her. But every time she did so, it only seemed to make him go farther away from her.

"Bite me!" Peter grunted out as he began to stand up. He extended his hand to help X-23 to get up from the ground. Motion which was not used because Laura practically ignored his gesture and stood up on her own, making Peter roll his eyes at that. He couldn't understand why Laura acted this way with him, but he was not going to question her actions. He'll probably get stabbed in the stomach just for asking.

"We're not in New York any longer..." Laura stated as she sniffed around. She would have recognized with the sense of her nose if they were in New York, but the scents that she was receiving were nothing in comparison to what she normally would smell in New York. It was familiar, that much she could recognize.

"Oh great... The dalmatian sent us far away with no way home" Peter groaned as he began to walk a bit, with Laura following him. Parker's Luck has struck yet again. He should have definitely refused, but there's no reason to get angry at spoilt milk. He'll just have to endure being with someone who practically seemed unable to resist her killer instincts. "And I had to be with the one female that actually want to kill me and has tried to do so many times in the past"

Laura growled at his remark, feeling a bit hurt at his words. Sure she knew more now about how to express her feelings, but every time she had a chance to do so, she would instinctively act as she used to do around him. It always hurts to know that the one she wanted didn't want to be even near her, but it has been an obstacle that she wanted to overcome. It was then however that Peter pulled her in, narrowly avoiding a claw from what appeared to be an avian walking dinosaur.

"We're in the Savage Lands?!" Peter shouted in anger as he punched and kicked the various avian dinosaurs that wanted a piece of him. He was starting to hate Spot as each second passed. Why couldn't the villain send them to Madagascar, or even New Zealand... it just had to be the Savage Lands. "The next time I see Pongo, I'm going to castrate that son of a bit-"

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