Web of Passion (Adriana Soria, aka the Spider-Queen)

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"Curse that clone..." She whispered as her eyes showed anger towards the city of New York as she stood on top of a skyscraper. Her plan was perfect, a way to gain her king back by her side. But those annoying heroes interrupted her plans, especially the clone of her intended king. He was a replacement, something out of their way of life. It was because of that, that she hated that specific arachnid. "He was about to be mine!"

It was her right as queen to be connected to the Great Web just like he was. The two of them were supposed to bring their species up into the light. To let others know that the spiders were the one who actually did something for the world. She may act like she does not care, but she did care. Her emotions may be hard to figure out, but she knew that she cared for the world in her own specific way.

"How am I supposed to get with him now?" She questioned, her eyes wandering elsewhere as she immediately saw her king swinging around. Sure she had considered Captain America as her king before, but the man was a false king. But Spider-Man, he was the true king of their clan. He was the one at the center of it all, which made him the one true king.

She kept staring at him, her eyes locked into his body. She knew that she had to do something, and fast. She would not allow any harlot to taint her king. He was hers alone, no one being able to even stand in front of him without showing him the respect he deserved. And it was then that she smirked, her legs leading her towards the exit of the skyscraper. She knew what she had to do, and it was just a matter of persuasion and their instinctual powers to make everything go her way.

Time Skip

"Why does this look very familiar?" Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, was webbed up to the wall of his apartment. His eyes stared at the dark haired female that he had thought his clone had killed a week ago. He was happy that the female was alive and well, since he hated when people were killed without any reasoning. But he hated when he was restrained and could do nothing about it. "Oh yeah, I remember. You did the same thing when we first met"

"So you still remember our precious time together, my king?" She smirked, her yellow painted nail lustfully passing through his chest. He felt a shiver run down his spine, his eyes staring directly into Adriana's own. He knew what she wanted from him, a deeper connection to the Web of Life. "Maybe you care for a repeat? I will always be up for it, my king~"

As arachnids, he knew that she knew of everything that had to do with the mystical force that was the Web of Life. As connected as he was, he just did not know just what Adriana's connection to the web itself was. Was she so important that the web would allow her to survive a killing blow from Kaine, or was she just lucky? Those would be questions for another day, because all he needed to worry about was to get out of his bindings.

"Maybe you should just let me go, and I won't tell a single soul that you were here, alright?" He asked, but the immediate expressionless face of Adriana made it clear that it was not going to happen. He sighed, resigning to his fate. He had to at least try, even if it ended in a failure

"I prefer you strapped down on the bed~" Peter opened his eyes wide, looking at just how the female began to take off her clothings. He tried to not look at her, trying to at least not succumb to whatever was going to happen. But the sudden kiss she gave him was enough to make him surrender.

She smirked into the kiss, her powers working fantastically on her king. She would have had him long ago if it was not for Steve Rogers. But now she had finally gotten her king. And she was not letting anyone take him from her.

Time Skip

"This makes what, the twentieth attack?" Peter asked, his eyes lowering slightly as he stared at the two dead men in the ground. The mother of his son had done her best to protect Michael. The two men have invaded their secret location to kidnap their son. "You know that you cannot hide forever, Ana"

"He was going to wake Michael up" She said with a huff, making Peter smile slightly at her attitude. She had really changed, something Peter had seen ever since their son was born. No longer did she try to seek out war for her betterment. But just stayed hidden away, preferring to live her life with their son. "He had just fallen asleep. And I was not going to let two idiots disturb his sleep"

"I know..." He sighed, walking towards her and cupping her cheek in his hand. He had hoped that people had not found out that she was alive. His friends had even started to hunt her down to try and kill her again. With Peter relocating Adriana and their son as soon as he knew that they were on her trail. "I wish things were different, Ana"

"Me too, my king..." He smiled, kissing her lips softly. Times like this were moments when he felt truly at peace. Being with his family and standing right next to them was all he could ever hope for. But he knew that he could never be with her in such a way, at least for now.

"I have to go now..." He whispered, his face reclined over her own. He saw just how Adriana was enjoying their moment together, something he decided to do as well while closing his eyes for a moment. But he knew that it could not last. Not forever, not like he would want it. "Take care of Michael for me, alright?"

"Always..." With that he headed out of Adriana's current hideout. He looked to both of his sides, before swinging away. He hated to leave his only son for so long. Only being able to see him from time to time. But he knew that he needed his mother more than him. And he knew that he was in the greatest of hands, the hands of Adriana.

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