Caught in the Web (Patricia Walker, aka Hellcat)

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"Now... Let's see how we can approach Spider without him thinking that I'm going to do something to him" Patricia 'Patsy' Walker, also known as Hellcat, was sitting in her department thinking on how she should approach the one that she had heard so much about. Peter Parker also known as Spider-Man had been in a relationship with both of her friends, Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy. Patsy had talked to both of them, who clearly still had feelings for the man but even she had to admit that what the two of them had done... There was no redemption for them.

They had blown it completely, only being able to watch from afar as Peter Parker got close to another woman. She had become interested in the arachnid hero, ever since he had heard from her friends and other female heroes that he was a great guy to be with. Sure she would have to ignore the annoying jokes he would more than often blabber out of his mouth on a daily sequence, but it was something she was willing to ignore if it meant that she could get to know the man that had charmed two of her friends.

"What was that catchphrase that MJ told me she often used on him?" Patsy began to ponder loudly as she was beginning to change from her civilian clothing and into her hero costume. She tried to remember, but she knew that the day Mary Jane and herself talked about everything had been a stressful day. It was then that it hit her, fast as a lightning bolt she remembered the sentence she needed to remember.

" Let's see if you can tame this cat as well, Spider" A mischievous grin plastered on her face as she puckered them up for about a moment to apply her red lipstick on her lips. Pale pinkish lips suddenly transformed into a luscious red, making Hellcat purr a bit. She was going to snag a spider by mixing the attributes of two of the females he had loved in the past, and she was certain that it was going to work. She would at least want to know the man before she decided on what she was going to do, but all those stories from Mary Jane and Felicia had convinced her otherwise.

She was trapped in his web before she could even realize she was there to begin with.

Time Skip: With Peter Parker

"Good grief... Finally got Shocky to stay still" Peter Parker, better known as Spider-Man, said to himself as he was looking over New York City. He had an easy time with Shocker, the man didn't even reach the top twenty of his hated villains list, but he was sure top one in the most annoying and creative one at this point. Who would have thought to use a helmet that practically did what he did with his gauntlets? "His resilience is getting on my nerves at this point, and the bad thing is that the Raft can't seem to hold on to him for more than a week!"

Peter sighed as he dropped onto the roof a bit, sitting down on the ledge of the building as he couldn't help but admire the view it provided him with. He always loved to watch New York at peace and without any trouble running amok. He really could use some time to just relax and be around Aunt May more. Only the One Above All knew how much he needed the rest from all of the crime New York had on a daily basis.

But a part of Peter didn't want it to stop either way. This was his only escapatory from reality. He was in pain, suffering from people of his past. Two women who held part of his heart, betraying him as if nothing had happened between them. But only when his past came back, asking for forgiveness... He really couldn't even look at it to the face, the pain being too much to bear.

"I hate Parker's Luck..." Peter whispered a soft wind grazing his mask with care. He just wanted to forget his pain and move on. Happiness has been denied to him time and time again, never really knowing what true happiness was. All he knew was the shallow lie that would mask itself as the happiness in his life.

"This is where you were, Spider..." Peter tensed a bit at the nickname, sra ding up in alarm. Only Felicia talked to him like that, but he was certain that the feminine voice that just called him was not the Black Cat. He turned around, coming face to face with the luscious smirk of Patsy Walker, also known as Hellcat. "Hello, Spider~"

"Patsy! Hey!" Peter said, making Patsy purr a bit. He was getting slightly nervous with what was happening so he began to walk backwards. But each step he took to get away from Patsy, was another step closer that the redhead heroine gave towards his position. Everything came to a sudden halt when Peter impacted his back against a wall on the roof, the area which led back into the building. "Whoa-" He was cut short when Patsy put her right index finger over his mask where his lips would be. The lenses of his mask opened wide as he suddenly felt a hand in his lower area. "What are you doing?!"

"Shh~" Hellcat purred once more, lowering her right hand a bit. She was caressing his neck with her clawed finger, making Spider-Man groan a bit. She knew that this was the same actions Felicia did on occasions, the woman herself had told her about it. "Today's your lucky day~! A redhead in a catsuit...?" She was tempting him, teasing his lower area, which began to create the largest bulge she had ever felt in her life. She purred louder as Patsy got the edge of his mask and began to take it off slowly. "Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot~!"

And it was then that Peter Parker had the biggest shock of his entire life. Patsy Walker, an amazing model and super heroine known as Hellcat, was kissing him with her luscious lips that had been tempting to be kissed for quite some time now. He didn't resist the obvious lust the heroine had for him, it would probably get him to forget everything that has happened recently.

Patsy purred into the kiss as she kept on massaging the bulge on his suit. She even was trying to find the way she could rub such an amazing bulge against her crying crotch. It was then, however, that she felt when Spider-Man moved. This left her back touching the wall that was previously behind Spider-Man and allowing her to jump on the hero she kept on kissing.

Her hands were roaming around, scratching and marking her place at Spider-Man's back. It was something she tended to do when she got very passionate, and this was no exception. Her hips smashed against his pelvis, moving in a tempting way that would surely leave Spider-Man wanting for more.

"W-What... Brought this... On?" Peter tried to ask, but each time he talked, he was interrupted with a kiss from the feline heroine. Peter kissed her neck, making Patsy mewl loudly at his care. Peter could hear her pants, tongue licking his earlobe which made him groan in pleasure.

"Their loss... My gain, Spider~!" Patsy simply answered, kissing Spider-Man once more. She knew that from all the talks between herself and Mary Jane, and her talks with Felicia, that Peter Benjamin Parker was an amazing person and an even amazing hero. She didn't want to miss her chance to get together with the man behind the mask, because she was going to do something that her two friends didn't know what to do... Love the broken man and get him acting like his old self once more.

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