Dragon Tale (Evangeline Whedon)

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"So... Where are we exactly going right now?" Spider-Man, the alter ego of Peter Parker, was really confused. He had been called by one member of the X-Men, Evangeline Whedon, to the cliff beside the X-Mansion. He had thought that something had happened to his allies, so he rushed to the place. He was quite shocked to see a red dragon seemingly waiting for him.

Right now however, he was on the back of said dragon, who was Evangeline, flying over the seas. He didn't know that Evangeline's mutant powers were to be able to transform into a dragon. Though he was enjoying the moment, feeling the air through his body as he used his own power to stick into the scales of Evangeline's dragon form.

"No where" Peter was confused, crawling through the scales of the mutant and sitting in the snout of the female dragon. He looked straight into her eyes, which had transformed from dark brown eyes into yellow slits. "So... you now know that my powers are dragon based..."

"You almost scared me to death with that!" Evangeline chuckled. Though in her draconic form, it was more of a gruff laugh. It amused her to see the arachnid hero acting in such a way. I thought you were going to eat me when I saw you"

"I see..." She closed her eyes, gliding through the skies. It calmed her down a bit, it made her feel free. But more importantly, she was happy that apart from their first meeting while using her dragon form, he was able to trust her completely. "You know... Even if I am a mutant, I don't have the best relationship with the others" She felt excluded, even when she was one of the reasons that the mansion had so many mutant kids inside. It was her job as the lawyer of Charles Xavier" "Yet... I feel that I could be myself without worry when I am with you, Spider-Man"

"Vange..." Peter whispered, a small smile hidden behind his mask. He already knew what she was trying to say. He could see it in her dragon eyes. The eyes were glancing everywhere, making him know that she felt slightly embarrassed. "It's a huge honor that you feel such emotions for me..."

She smiled, already arriving back at the cliff where she had made him arrive at for the meeting. As soon as she felt the man drop down to the ground, she began to transform back to her human form. She had to hide behind the bushes that were nearby, trying to put her clothes on.

"You have a rare gift, Spidey..." She called out, putting on her black bra. She couldn't be more thankful to the hero, to the one that saw her and not just a dragon. It made her feel as if she existed. Many times had she been on the defensive when the X-Men treated her as nothing more than a weapon to use. And while not all of them acted in such a way, just seeing how Spider-Man acted with her made her feel like a human again. "To see others as if there were no division between us..."

"Because there is no division, Vange..." She glanced back, most of her clothes already covering her body, at the hero seemingly waiting for her. He was looking up to the sky, his lenses narrowing slightly. Though it was probably thanks to the sun. "We are the ones who create such divisions between one another" She could see just how the man looked down just to stare tight at her. It made her stop breathing for about a second. "Humans, Mutants, Inhumans... we are all the same. We are living beings with feelings. Feelings that should be taken into consideration"

She couldn't help but develop a blush as she heard his words. The honesty she could feel in his voice, made her breath heavily. Her eyes were already hazy, looking at the hero with a hint of lust. And she will deny having such a reaction normally, and would probably blame it on her dragon instincts. But she wouldn't want to lose him, her instincts screaming at her from the depths of her soul to just act. To claim her destined one.

"I appreciate this more than you could understand, Spider-Man..." She walked towards him, standing face to face with the hero. She was shorter than him, his chin almost over her nose. But she could perfectly see the white lenses that were looking at her intensely. "And so, I offer you this in deep gratitude"

She kissed him, her hands having already removed parts of his mask. She immediately moaned into the kiss. Feeling just how the hero responded to her affections. It was something beautiful, and possibly even magical. A bond between the two had been formed, one that she hoped would keep on evolving as time just passed.

Peter felt just how the mutant separated her lips from his own, a string of saliva uniting the two briefly before it suddenly broke. He could feel her breathing, the ragged and heavy breaths that she was currently making. He already expected this outcome if their earlier conversation meant what he expected it to mean.

"So please, keep on accepting me..." She whispered, her hand grabbing his own softly. She felt sparks running through her body by the simplest actions. "Not as a mutant..." She was trying to make him see. That her feelings were more than just a simple crush. "Not as a dragon..." She was happy that he accepted both sides of her. But even she knew what her heart really wanted. "But, as a woman..."

She kissed him again, enjoying their bond one more time. She knew what her feelings were for the arachnid hero of New York. She was going to do anything to get his trust, to be able to spend even more time with him. And maybe, only maybe she would be happy with the man her instincts had chosen for her.

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