A Night to Remember (Angela Cairn, aka Nocturne)

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Spider-Man watched just how Puma left the warehouse, a feminine hand over his shoulder. He glanced back towards an ex-police officer Angela Cairn, who was thought dead by many but was Nocturne by a few. He looked at her, a pang of guilt coursing through his mind as he watched the still bleeding claw marks that she had on her face.

"Nocturne... Angela" He started, his eyes looking at her slightly pleadingly. She knew that she couldn't see his face, he had a mask for a reason. But she would be able to identify it through his voice. "I can see your sadness..." He saw just as she flinched a bit, her wings fluttering slightly thanks to the breeze that had just entered the warehouse. She still looked as beautiful as the first day he saw her, but he knew that his insecure nature would undoubtedly make things very awkward. "Your loneliness..."

"And I can see it in you too, Spider-Man..." He could not deny that her words pierced like an arrow through his chest. But it was the truth, even if he would always deny it for whoever was around him. He needed to carry that weight so that others would not suffer what he did. It was his curse, his alone.

"And that is what brought the three of us together..." He retorted, making her not say anything else. He saw her look down, her eyes not even looking at him any longer. He felt as if he needed to make her see that she needed someone besides her. That she did not have to be alone. "Let me help you, please. Maybe Dr. Kafka will be able to help you with this"

"No..." He felt like ripping out his hair, he really would never get how women would think. He knew perfectly that she hated what the scientists had done to her. The powers she currently had, she wanted them gone and he knew that. But the contradictions that would often surge through life always confuse him.

"Why?" He couldn't help but question. He had finally found a way to right his wrong towards her. To fix his mistake of not being able to help her when she needed it the most. He wanted to help her, his sense of responsibility trying to amend what he did wrong in the past. "Why don't you even try?"

"And why don't you?" He did not know how to respond to that question without revealing much about himself. She still did not know his identity, which was not always what was best. But at least he would not make her suffer through knowing who he was and the bad luck hebwould always bring forth.

But it was then that he saw her walking towards the exit, his eyes following her slowly. He could not allow her to go because even if she did not know, he would do his best to save her. It was his curse, his blessing, his word. And then he just reacted, extending a hand towards her arm and gripping it slightly so as to not allow her to go even further.

"Because... Because I can't. I need to protect everyone" He stated, the lenses of his mask looking straight at her eyes. He watched her move her face a bit, but he was not going to allow it any longer. He was going to show her that he cared for her. That she did not have to be alone any longer. He then pulled her a bit, his hand grabbing her other arm and forcing her to look at him. "I need to protect you, Angela..."

"You cannot save everyone" Her voice was taunting, yet he knew that she did not mean what she had just said. He could now see clearly the pain that she had suffered. He could guess that it was a way of letting her anger go, to show the world her pain.

"I know... But I can save you" He watched just as her eyes widened wide in shock. He smiled slightly, knowing full well that she didn't expect these words from him. He perfectly knew that he could not be everywhere at the same time, he did not have the powers to do so. But he could save the people in front of him. "Please, Angela... Let me help you. You're not alone any longer..."

He watched her stay silent, but the nod that she made gave him hope that he would be able to help her to reintegrate herself back into society. She had sacrificed enough, and he was not going to allow her to keep on doing so.

Time Skip

Spider-Man was now waiting, it had been a couple of hours since he watched Nocturne go with Dr. Kafka towards a separate room and starts the procedures. He sighed, relaxing for the first time in over a week. He knew that Dr. Kafka would find a way to help Nocturne, she helped him with Hobgoblin once after all. But the sound of the door creaking snapped him out, looking towards the pair of women just staring at him.

"What happened? Why is Angela still like that?" She just smiled, looking over to the preoccupied hero in front of her. He had actually done more for her than anyone had ever tried. It was because of it that she personally asked the doctor to do nothing towards hers. She had already moved on from her pain, all thanks to the actions of Puma and Spider-Man.

"Because I told her not to" She said, moving closer towards him. She glanced briefly back to see the doctor enter the room again, giving the two of them a bit of privacy. She stared right back at him, who looked like he could not understand her reasonings. And in reality, she could not fault him for that. "Because with these, I can protect those that are close to me..."

It was then that she kissed him on his cheek. She chuckled slightly, seeing the lenses of the hero go wide in shock. His reaction was priceless, and something that she enjoyed quite a bit. But she really had to thank him for everything.

"Because of this, I can protect you..." Her cheeks turned a bit purple, though it went unnoticed thanks to her dark skin. She had found what she needed to find to actually be happy for once. To forget about the loneliness and welcome the warmth that is having those you love near you.

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