Persuasive Illusions (Kara Killgrave, aka Persuasion)

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She was sitting on the chair that her own father used to sit on before he was arrested. She could care less for the man, realizing that he could be quite the psychotic and sick person. But she shook her head, forgetting about her father and trying to concentrate on the latest topic that had been on her mind. It clouded her reasoning, and she could easily get lost in her thoughts as she thought about the things that she could do with her powers. Just how easy everything would be but, at the same time, she wanted to be the unconditional winner of this conquest.

She had been quite enamored with the arachnid hero of New York, the Amazing Spider-Man. She ignored the younger one, her file on the younger one being Spider-Boy instead of Spider-Man. Ever since the hero saved her from her father's plans, she had been disgusted by her father and completely head over heels with the hero. So, with the connection that her father previously had; she began to see if she could find anything about the arachnid hero that could help her get on his good graces. But aside from a few broken suits and the various pictures that had been published by the Daily Bugle, she has not found anything significant about the hero that she could use to get closer to him.

"Maybe..." She muttered under her breath, moving the chair in a semi-circle to now stare at the exterior through the large window that was there. Being one of the newest members of the Thunderbolts gave her various privileges. One of them was being able to easily enter the Avengers' Mansion and find the arachnid hero. She could certainly tell that he was not always there, but she could always hope for it to be different than other days. She glanced back at the gift that she had prepared beforehand, the approaching Valentine's Day on her mind when she bought the gift for the arachnid hero.

She sighed, a small smile on her face as she redirected her sight to the exterior of the building once more. She kept admiring the city, her heart yearning to at least see the hero swinging through the vicinity. She wanted to actually be noticed by him, to have him care for her the same way he did when he saved her from her father's clutches. A soft sigh escaped from her lips as she began to get lost in her illusions of her being in a relationship with the arachnid hero. She actually hoped that she could actually experience these illusions in real life and finally have the one thing she actually yearns for.

Time Skip

She was walking to the limo that was waiting for her, her followers guarding her along the way. Her serious face could be seen a mile away, though she was actually lost in her thoughts. Negative questions clouded her mind as she began to approach the limo, her heart aching slightly at the pessimistic thoughts that she was currently having. She shook her head, trying to ignore those kinds of thoughts. Though before she could even enter the car, she was pushed down by one of her assigned guards. Her body impacted the ground hard, and she was about to open her mouth to yell in anger until a deafening sound made its way into her ears.


The explosion that soon after happened got her slightly deaf, a ringing in her mind which did not allow her to think clearly. Though she did open her eyes slowly, her eyes catching the dead guard that had probably saved her from certain death. Her forehead was bleeding, the musky blood dripping down her forehead and into her left eye. She started crawling out of the dead guard that managed to save her, her eyes trying to see what was happening. As soon as she looked around, she could not see anything in sight. But as soon as she looked up, she noticed a variety of objects being tossed around. She froze, something that she knew she had to avoid from the teachings she received from Alpha Flight and her time as a villainess.


She opened her eyes wide, recognizing the infamous sound of the arachnid hero using his web-shooters. Her eyes almost immediately caught the swinging figure of the red and blue hero using his webs to stop the various items from free falling into the street. Her eyes stared in amazement as she appreciated the form of the hero that was there saving the day yet again. She had to introduce the man to Helen Astrania, her publicist, to see if the woman could at least start improving the way the public viewed the arachnid hero.

"Is everyone alright?!" Her heart skipped a beat as soon as she saw the hero approaching her. She didn't know how to react to the approaching hero, and she knew even less how to start a conversation with him. Though she did walk towards him, her mind raging at her body for moving on its own. She gulped slightly, her eyes staring at the lenses of the arachnid hero, who was now staring at her in worry. "Persuasion, right?"

"Y-Yes!" She squeaked out, her purple skin tone turning a darker tint around her cheeks. She could feel the heat that her body had for only being remembered by Spider-Man. It was then that she remembered the gift that she had gotten him for Valentine's, which made her eyes go down to her purse as she got the small rectangular gift out. "T-Thank you, Spider-Man... For saving me from my father all those months ago and for saving most of my personnel just now..." She whispered, her hands extending the gift to the hero in front of her. Her eyes were slightly glancing up to see the reaction of the hero, with the hero looking quite surprised at the gift. But her heart soared as soon as she noticed the man taking the gift from her hands. She smiled slightly at that, the beating of her heart accelerating quite greatly. "H-Happy Valentine's..."

"T-Thank you, Kara..." Her eyes opened a bit wider, not expecting the hero to actually know her name. She felt just how the hero gave her a quick hug, probably in appreciation of the gift she had given him, before her eyes caught the hero swinging elsewhere to check the surroundings of the building. She had a huge smile on her face, even as she returned back to her very own building. She didn't need to get out any longer, her self-appointed mission already finished because of Spider-Man practically appearing at her doorstep. She quickly made her way to her chair and spun it around to watch the hero swiftly make his way through the buildings. She sighed lovingly, hoping that the hero loves the gift that she had given him, and internally hoping they could meet yet again in the future.

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