American Dream (America Chavez, aka Ms. America)

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She sighed, her hands falling slowly to the side as she just stared at the woman she loved leaving her side. She didn't need to hear any other word come out of the mouth of her blue haired ex-girlfriend to know that they were through. It brought her pain, she actually believed that she was the one for her. Just as she had two mothers, she wanted to adopt a little girl that would have two mothers as well. But every dream faded into nothingness for her.

She even wanted to reconnect with her sister, Catalina Chavez, but she was far away. She didn't know if Catalina even survived the fall from the star-shaped portal that she fell into. But it was thanks to that same portal, that she was able to save her step-brother. It was a cost that she definitely didn't want to pay, but she had to move on from it. She needed to go on with her life. She learned that from her short adventure.

"Hey, boricua!" She looked back, immediately seeing the red and blue outfit of the Amazing Spider-Man crouching on the ledge of the building. She was slightly surprised about his unnoticed appearance but quickly relaxed at knowing that he was just around in the area solving something, saw her and came to see if she wanted to join him. "Wait... You did say that I could call you that right?" She rolled her eyes a bit, a small smirk forming around her lips as she glanced at the arachnid worrying over nothing. It was quite the comedic show. "Am I allowed to call you that?"

"Relájate, hombre araña. What's up?" She turned around to face him, the hero looking a bit more relaxed. She was slightly impressed about the man even knowing spanish, which made her give out a small smile in response. She was beginning to notice that whatever information she had been told about other heroes about Spider-Man, it had been wrong. He was a man she could respect, which if she was quite honest, the list was really short. He could be a little chatty when he wants to be, but she could honestly say that he really knows just how to get under the skin of his opponents. From the little team ups they had done together, the fights were quite easy because of his attribute to make people angry.

"There's a monster snail on the Verrazano" Spider-Man said, making America poder it slightly. She was definitely going to help the arachnid hero. She needed something to do to take her mind out of the gutter that had been her previous relationship. "I could use a hand..." America shot her eyebrow up a bit, a small smirk appearing over her face. She didn't have to wait to see the sudden reaction of the arachnid hero, his lenses widening slightly at her actions. "If you're game, that is?"

She smirked, quite excited to work with Spider-Man once again. She began to roll the sleeves of her black jacket, starting with the right side first. She needed to vent, her heart still hurts from the break up that she just had with Ramone Watts, also known as Alloy. So the monster fight was quite the distraction. So she began to roll the left of her jacket, determination filling her eyes.

"You know I am" She stated, walking a bit before she jumped to the ledge. She looked towards the hero beside her, which gave her a smirk. Or at least she wanted to think that he smirked her way. It would make their interaction a bit more friendly. So without any hesitation, she shot a punch to the sky, a star portal appearing out of nowhere where he had just said the monster was. "Ready when you are, araña"

"Let's do this, America" With that said, both heroes went straight to battle. With America wondering if there was more to the arachnid hero than what she had already seen. It was a mystery that she needed to see for herself, and he behaved better than Ultimate Nullifier ever did during their short relationship. Before she had decided that she was a lesbian. Maybe there was something hidden inside of her that really didn't give up on that little experiment of hers.

Time Skip

"So... You and Alloy broke up?" Spider-Man sighed. He hated seeing the woman besides him acting like everything was alright when reality was harsher than that. He couldn't think of anything to say to her, he had never been in a relationship with someone of the same gender. He loved females, so trying to solve that kind of relationship was out of his hands. "Now I will lose the bet with Logan, you two looked great together"

"Thanks for the support, Spidey... It means a lot" She smiled slightly, actually surprised that the hero was rooting for her and Alloy to have a beautiful relationship before everything crumbled down. She bit the hot dog that the hero had bought her, overlooking the blackened sky. She had to admit, spending time with Spider-Man made her think that if her relationship with Ultimate Nullifier was not the crappiest relationship she had ever had, she would have happily given male at least a chance to try and go out with her. "Though it is not that bad... I actually been thinking back to my past"

"Really? And what has gotten you-"

"Not many people know this..." Spider-Man shut up. He didn't even dare to say anything that may interrupt her dialogue. She was beginning to open up to him, and he was definitely not going to ruin what he was trying to accomplish ever since he saw her hiding her feelings. "But I tried dating a boy. He was Ultimate Nullifier, and I wanted to actually see what being in a relationship with a boy was like" He heard her sigh, which prompted him to make an educated guess that the short relationship was anything but good. "You can guess how that ended"

"You don't have to tell me twice" Spider-Man grumbled slightly, making her give a small smile at that. He was definitely not like other men that she had seen before. He was like a man that her mothers would approve of if they were still alive. She had her adoptive family, but she still misses her two mothers, the ones that had raised her in Utopian Parallel. "A complete douchebag?"

"A complete douchebag" She couldn't help but agree with his words. Her mood increased ever so slightly. The more she spent talking with the arachnid hero, the more she noticed that the man was more than meets the eye. "But, maybe there would be a man out there that can even make a lesbian think about at least being bisexual"

"Look..." Chavez looked at him, which made him slightly believe that she had been talking about him right that second. He ignored the feeling however, deciding to try and help the female instead of trying to fix whatever she may be feeling. "Maybe there is someone out there, and maybe there isn't. I have come to know that destiny will always show you the way to your destined partner" He sighed, his mask partially removed since he was also eating a hot dog. He cleaned his hands from the bits of cheese that were left in his fingertips. "You just-"

His eyes widened quite a bit, his words interrupted by the short kiss that America was giving him. He could even hear her moan slightly, savoring the kiss quite well before she separated herself from him. He couldn't react, the lenses of his mask on the verge of breaking from how wide he had tried to open his eyes. He just couldn't believe that his previous thoughts were true.

"Hmm... Quite rough..." She muttered, the tip of her fingers touching her lips softly. She had gotten accustomed to kissing women, which mainly had more soft lips. But kissing the man in front of her, reminded herself just how rough their lips could be. But it was not a bad feeling. In fact, the kiss she gave the arachnid hero had been the best kiss she had received from another male. "Though... I liked it"

"W-What was that for?" America could understand his reaction. She kissing a man after she had decided years to be completely lesbian may have shocked him even further. She didn't really know how to explain herself, but she felt that she needed to kiss him. And her heart responded to those actions. It had throb harshly against her chest, a feeling she hadn't felt ever since the first kiss with Alloy when they started going out together.

"I wanted to try one last time..." She muttered, her hand searching for his own. She grabbed it holding it tenderly and her fingers intertwined with his own. She reclined her head against his chest. "To be with a man" It felt weird at first, feeling the muscles of his chest instead of what she had been feeling for a long time. But with him, the feeling didn't feel wrong... it felt as if she belonged there. "And I cannot see any other man more worthy than you"

"Are you sure? I mean... don't get me wrong. You are a beautiful woman, but-"

"Hey..." She made him shut his mouth, the tip of her finger resting against his lips. It felt amazing, a real experience with a male apart from Ultimate Nullifier. It was amazing, outstanding and more words that she couldn't even think of at the moment. "It's okay... It's not like you are forcing me..." She kissed him again, the tender kiss made her feel a slight shock through her body. Something that she hadn't quite felt in previous times. "I want this"

"Whatever you say, America..." She smirked a bit before enjoying their time together. It was not that much time to actually get over Alloy. But she could say without any doubt in her mind that Spider-Man was rapidly worming its way into her heart. And it made her feel safe, safer than she had ever been. "Whatever you say..."

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