Chirps of Love (Doreen Green, aka Squirrel Girl)

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"Sorry, belka... Nothing personal" Doreen Green panted as she looked in fear to the one that was talking to her. She couldn't help but let out a small whimper in pain as she tried to escape from the one she had given her trust into. On top of her stood Kraven the Hunter, hunting knives in his hands. "It's just a game... My game"

"B-But... Why, Kraven? I... I thought you were starting a new life..." Doreen wanted to escape from this living hell that she was experiencing right now. She was in her home, relaxing for a moment before Kraven had taken her and other animal motif heroes and villians. She just hoped to be able to find someone that she knew before her last moments in this sick hunt. "To... To be a better person..."

"But I am..." Kraven's snark made Doreen shiver a bit. She was fearing for her life. She still wanted to do lots of things, including finding the man that would love her. Even if she had many squirrels around in her home. She wished she could play with Chip and Dale once more. Plus she wasn't even able to feed Tippy... And she really wanted to feed her once more. "I am better... A better hunter!"


"Hey Tarzan! Head back to the jungle with your gorilla family!" Doreen widened her eyes as she saw the arachnid hero known as Spider-Man kick Kraven in the nose, breaking it instantly and sending the hunter flying back, striking a tree. "They told me they missed you!" Doreen looked down a bit, holding her tears back from escaping her eyes. She felt hurt that Kraven had betrayed her in such a way. Her naivity had costed her and that cost had been almost fatal, resulting in her death. "Doreen... Are you-"

"No... I... I'm not alright..." Her whispered made Peter Parker, the man behind the mask of Spider-Man, to gain a worry filled gaze. He had talked to her after what she had attempted to do in the past, telling her that Kraven could never be trusted but she ignored him. She truly believed that the villain was reforming, and it made Peter feel worse about the situation. "I... I believed in him... that he-"

"I know..." Peter whispered, his hand over her shoulder as he looked away for a bit. He was actually very angry with Kraven right now. His eyes wandering over the area where he had sent Kraven flying to. "You don't-" It was then that his Spider-Sense alarmed him of incoming danger. He looked directly at the dagger that was sent flying towards him, and his body reacted on instinct. Peter webbed the dagger up and sent it back at Kraven, who rolled out of the way. "Why is he such a pain in the ass?"

Doreen stood quiet as she watched Spider-Man leave her side to be able to fight Kraven. She felt the need to apologize to him for what she had tried to do, for allowing her naivity to not let her see beyond what Kraven really was... a hunter.

Drops of tears were escaping from her eyes, repentance in both her mind and soul as she needed to apologize for everything. She needed to do it, to be able to move on from this pain that she was filling her heart. Because of she couldn't properly apologize to Spider-Man for her actions... she really didn't know what else to do.

"And... That's all folks! The wannabe Tarzan has been knocked out!" Squirrel Girl looked up to see Spider-Man over a knocked out and webbed up Kraven the Hunter. She couldn't help but make a small smile as she watched the outcome. Her mind was still conflicted over the outcome, ot shouldn't even had happened it the first place. Kraven was to be pardoned and live happily as a zookeeper or an adventurer living with the wild animals, observing how they acted in the wild. But she was not able to complete her mission to transform Kraven into the good side, and that is what hurted the most.

Time Skip

"Thank god that this is all over now" Peter said as he watched Kraven get hauled to The Raft, police agents cuffing him up and putting his still knocked put body in the police car. He also watched as other villains that were in this sick hunt get also captured, but it wasn't all of them. He at least saw White Rabbit, Bettle, Rhino, Vulture, and Black Cat all escape from the area. And Peter was thankful that Connors now had control over his reptilian form, because the man really didn't deserve eveything that had been done to him, and was left alone after he talked with the police about it. "Now... To take the squirrel in distress to her house and call it a day!"

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