True Love (Mary Jane Watson, aka Spinneret)

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"Your dimension, Earth eight three three, it's gone" Karn, the newest Master Weaver said to the group of arachnid heroes; Spider-UK, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Silk, Spider-Girl... and another Spider-Girl, who had been hiding through it all. This was Anna-May Parker, and her father died because of these vampires that were hunting arachnid totems like herself and her father. Though everything was not lost, she could still see her father, though he was from another reality all together. "There's nothing there. I can't explain it"

"I can. The incursions..." Spider-UK, or William Braddock, stated as he lowered his face and took off his mask, revealing his golden lock and somber eyes to the rest of them. Anna-May couldn't help but feel slight pity for her alternate brother, who revealed his identity to their father late into the fight against the Inheritors with the fear of dying to one of them. She could also see how her father puts a hand on his shoulder. "A cosmic phenomena that's been wiping out whole realities. The Captain Britain Corps were investigating them" She wanted to go there and hug her older alternate reality brother, but she didn't want to be sent to her reality yet. She needed to talk with her father first. She needed to know if she was indeed worthy of the mantle Spiderling. "I... I should have been helping out. Instead I put the needs of the Spiders over my fellow corpsmen... over my world... and everyone I have ever known"

"Billy... Son, I know it doesn't compare, but without you bringing us all together... We spiders wouldn't have had a chance against the Inheritors" Anna-May couldn't help but smile and let out a single tear as she once more heard the voice of her father. Peter Parker, the Center of the Web of Life... the Amazing Spider-Man and her father. She could see how Billy smiled at him, with a slight teary face. Though she noticed that Billy was putting a strong front. "I'm proud of you, my son"

She let out a small gasp, a gasp that wasn't heard, while the group saw how Billy Braddock began to shed tears at Peter's words. She could definitely understand Billy's position. She wanted to hear him say those words to her, and while she knew that her father didn't know that she was there yet, it didn't help that she wanted to have received those words. Jealousy is a strong emotion, though she knew that her father was proud of all his kids. Whether they were from an alternate reality or not.

"T-Thanks... dad" It was then that she wanted to make her appearance and say a couple of words to Billy. She wanted to make him feel better about everything that had happened and she didn't even know how to do so. She just made her way to the group as fast as she could run, passing like a blur between the remaining spiders and hugged Billy. Her arms locked against his torso as her head laid in his chest. She even felt the slight tumbling that Billy did before managing to stay standing.

"Annie?!" Peter said, making everyone open their eyes in shock. Didn't they send her through the portal earlier?! Her eyes laid closed as she kept hugging her brother from an alternate reality. She didn't have words to say how sorry she was, so she hoped that her actions would at least demonstrate what she wanted to communicate to her brother through this hug. "Why are you still here?! Your mother must be worried sick for you!"

"Peter calm down..." Jessica Drew said, making the man sigh a bit at her words. She went besides him and started to massage his hand with her own, making Spider-Man give his 'work-wife' a small smile. The smile was noticed by Anna-May, and she wasn't not amused in the slightest. She wanted to see if he could come with her to her own universe first to meet up with her mother so they could be a family. She knew that it wouldn't be the same, but she had to try. "She must have a reason for this"

"Alright... Will you be able to explain, Annie?" Anna-May could only nod against Billy's torso. She ended the hug and quickly looked up to see the smiling face of William. She smiled as well, her message went through to him, and she was glad that he understood her unspoken actions. She was going to turn around to face her father, when Billy softly patted her head. She opened her eyes wide as she stared right back at her brother from an alternate reality.

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