Fantom of the Web (Charlotte Cluster, aka Lady Fantomex)

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He stood over at the balcony, far away from the party that he had been invited to. After saving Mary Jane from Moira and being told to go straight to hell by the redhead that he had just saved, the arachnid hero was only able to drown his sorrow in the expensive wine that Krakoa had provided for the Gala that he was attending. He did look down to the suit he was using, his eyes looking over it completely. He had to hand it to Jumbo Carnation, he created a very amazing suit for the Gala. But memories of what could have happened and of what was really happening in his life, were only making him feel worse.

"If only I was faster..." He mused, his stare going towards the starry sky. It helped as a distraction, a way for him to ignore reality even if it was for a few seconds. He still blames himself for everything, because it was what broke his relationship with Mary Jane Watson. She moved on, now standing besides the man that the two of them had found those six months ago. He could only sigh, desperation escaping from his lips at the mere thought. He had to leave her in his past, she had made it extremely clear that she wanted nothing to do with him. The least he could do was honor her wishes.

"Spider-Man?" He looked back, his eyes looking at the one who called him over. The straight and brilliant brown hair of the female waved through the soft breeze that had decided to visit the balcony. A white mask over her eyes as her body was covered by a stylized white and black siren dress. She held two cups, one in each hand, as she handed him one of the two cups. He recognized her immediately, the female clone of Fantomex; if he was not mistaken. A female that had gained a new life by the mistake of the revival mechanism the mutants now had, or at least it was what he heard from Logan. "May I invite you to a drink?"

"Sure..." It was his only response to the female. She gave him a weak smile, something that he immediately took notice of. He could relate to the face that she was making, he supported one right at this moment as well. He accepted the drink, closing up the distance between the cup and his lips. The liquid burned through his throat, but he could care less about the effects that the drink may have on him. He just wanted to forget, wanted to erase everything that had to do with the redhead female that had already moved on with her life.

Silence ruled the area, the two heroes just enjoying their respective drinks. Though Spider-Man was thinking deeply as to why Fantomex's clone was right next to him. He was a pariah to the hero society, no one wanted to deal with him because of his actions to save Mary Jane. Only Logan had been there for him; and that was mostly because of the connection the two of them had with one another. And the man was also the reason that he was invited in the first place. But ignoring just how he was able to enter Krakoa, he glanced at the female next to him still enjoying her own drink.

"You know... I never expected to come back to life..." Her voice caught his attention, the arachnid hero stopping whatever he was doing to pay close attention to the mutant right next to him. Her voice, it was too similar to the voice he would use when he was hiding things. Call him crazy, but he was getting the feeling that the woman wanted more than just to enjoy a drink together. "It was supposed to be Charlie, the first one..." He just hummed in response, his eyes glancing often toward the female right next to him. He could guess that this was just the tip of the iceberg, that she still wanted to say more. Probably an effect of the drink that the two were having together, though he was smart enough not to make any comments right at this moment. "And just when I think I can regain what I have lost-"

"It was no longer yours, right?" He finished her sentence. He even watched her flinch in response, looking just as she was cautiously looking at Elizabeth Braddock and Rachel Summers laughing with each other at another corner of the gala. The arachnid knew of the history that the female standing next to him had with the current Captain Britain; and could only sigh as he tried his best not to say anything that may make things worse for the female clone. "I get it... The same happened to me recently, though not the way you might think"

"Too soon for you to talk about it?" He simply nodded at her question. Do not get him wrong, he was more than happy to spend time with the female right next to him. She was a beauty beyond anything comprehensible. But talking with her about Mary Jane, and just minutes after she had practically told him to never see her again was a tad much for him. He could still feel the perpetual knife on his back. Though he was happy to see that the female beside him was preoccupied for his own experience in relationships.

"Sorry..." The arachnid hero muttered. He finished the cup, drowning the last drop of the liquid that had been brought to him by the female. He had enough of everything right at this moment, the night only having been saved by the unforeseen appearance of Fantomex's female clone. He was about to say his farewell, to walk to the nearest Krakoan Gate and disappear for the foreseeable future. But a soft hand stopped him, actually dragging him to the dance area of the Gala. "What the-"

"Dance with me" She whispered right in his ear, the hero looking at her with a raised brow. He relented though, granting the female at least one dance before he would ultimately leave the Gala. And as they danced, he could feel various stares from those around them. He definitely could see the shit-eating grin that Logan was giving him, and even a few raised brows from the Krakoan community. He ignored most of them, only concentrating on the female that was sensually dancing all around him. He was curious as to why she was acting in such a way, but thinking about just how lax the mutants have gotten with relationships, he was definitely not surprised. He just enjoyed the moment with the female, following her rhythm throughout the rest of their dance together.

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