Electrifying Union (Jane Foster, aka Lady Thor)

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"W-What?" Jane Foster, the current wielder of Mjolnir and the heroine known as the Mighty Thor, asked with a slight stutter to her voice. She never expected anyone from the team to even guess that she had breast cancer, she wanted to keep that knowledge hidden from everyone and continue being the hero that she knew she could be. But the man who was actually funding the latest Avengers team, the one she was a part of, found out of her illness and she didn't know what to do. "B-But... How-"

"Jane..." She looked straight at the man known as Peter Parker, the brown haired man sighing as he stood up and turned his back on her. She didn't know how to respond to anything, Mjolnir hanging at her side loosely. "As heroes, it is very obvious that we hide some bruises or injuries to not worry our comrades. I have done so many times, but what you currently have... It needs treatment, and Thor's hammer is not it" Peter looked at her, her eyes looking straight to the man that was in front of her. She could see the slight sadness in his eyes, the worry that it transmitted and the anger of probably not noticing any sooner. "I'll need you to go to the reserve for a while. We need to find a way to cure you"

"What?!" Thunder rumbled from the outside of the building, her eyes gaining lightning as she glared at the man who stood unfazed. She had to protect people! Mjolnir chose her! She was Thor, the Goddess of Thunder! "Being Thor is the only thing maintaining me alive! Don't you think that I haven't tried to find a cure?!" She yelled, the hammer in her hold bringing out a soft blue shine as lightning began to envelope it. She was angry beyond belief, no one commanded her. Not even the man that was funding the team. "This! This is what's-"

"Making your cancer worse!" She flinched, the lightning immediately dissipating from the room. She saw just how he was glaring at her, the cold and heated glare that made her think twice before saying anything else. "I have access to your medical files, Jane. And Vision also brought this to my attention, you might as well be a living corpse. You have less than three weeks alive if you continue on" She opened her eyes a bit, not expecting the harsh truth to be smacked across her face. She had less than a month to be a hero. "But I think I might have something to cure you..."

"Y-you do?" Her hesitation was valid, she had been seeking an answer to her cancer ever since she knew that she had the incurable illness. To finally be able to see a sliver of hope through the darkness that she had created was a dream come true. She didn't expect the comment, but she welcomed knowing that Peter Parker might have the answer that she had been searching for. "You'll cure me?!"

"Of course..." She smiled, her anger at the man vanishing like dust in the wind. He was definitely taking care of the team that he was funding, even going out of his way to search for a cure for her. It was unreal, but she clutched the dream of one day being able to be cured. "Meet me tomorrow at Parker's Industries. We will cure you tomorrow morning"

"O-of course! See you tomorrow!" She had a huge smile on her face as she walked away from the room after closing the door. She never expected to be this quick, which means that he must have known way before he contacted her to tell her about his idea. Everything seems to be looking up for her, finally being able to find the one thing that she desired. In a few hours, she would be rid of the one thing that has tormented her through day and night.

Time Skip

Jane stood in front of the entrance of the previous headquarters of the Fantastic Four, which was now utilized for Peter Parker's company. She gulped, excitement and fear fighting deep within her soul as she just stared at the two big bright red letters in the front of the building. It was the moment that she had been waiting for, to finally escape from the clutches of death that seemed inevitable until yesterday. Peter Parker had given her hope once more, which was all she needed to start walking again and making her way to the building.

"Hello? Mr. Parker, I have-"She had already entered the building, looking around to find anyone that may lead her towards Peter Parker. But she was cut short when in a matter of seconds, a white mass impacted her chest. It made her gasp, her instincts making her almost call out for her hammer if it wasn't for the fact that the man she was looking for was staring right at her. What surprised her the most was the fact that he was standing next to a slightly older man who looked at her with indifference.

"It seems that my theory of Anti-Venom reacting to your damaged cells was correct" Jane heard the voice of Peter Parker, which made her blink in slight confusion. She looked down, looking just how the white symbiote had covered her entire body. She could also see hints of black all through her chest. But what made her gasp once more was the slight pain that she suddenly felt over her chest. It burned, though it was not as if she was being burned by fire. "It seems that Anti-Venom is curing you of all impurities, meaning that it is eliminating the cancer from your body."

"I... It was that easy?" Jane muttered, already seeing just how the symbiote was leaving her already and seemingly going back to his owner. The older man being replaced by who she knew to be Anti-Venom, who just made a huge malicious grin before practically disappearing from the building. She couldn't believe that the cure to her disease was the symbiote known as Anti-Venom all along. "So, am I-"

"We will have to do some procedures... But you shouldn't have cancer any longer" The words said by Peter Parker made her feel as if a tremendous weight was no longer over her shoulders. She fell to her knees, a couple of tears escaping from her eyes as she finally achieved what she had always wanted. To be free from the illness that afflicted her, and she finally was over that chapter of her life. She then felt a hand over her shoulder, and she looked up to see Peter Parker kneeling down and giving her a supportive smile.

"Thank you..." She whispered, a smile on her face that showed just how grateful she was of his help. She moved slowly, her face nearing his own. It was then that she gave him a kiss on his right cheek, her smile hiding a chuckle thanks to the sudden change of expression from the man in front of her. She was very grateful for everything he had done to help her find the cure. She was definitely seeing the man in front of her in a new light, which made her want to get to know him even further.

"You have nothing to thank for... It was my honor" The word made her feel as if she had been indebted to the man, but the smile that he gave her managed to calm her down a bit. She would find a way to repay him for all he did for her. And maybe she would get to know him even better as she tried to thank him for curing her.

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