Loving Flames (Angelica Jones, aka Firestar)

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"See, that's the problem with armor..." Angelica Jones, also known as the heroine Firestar, blasted a concentrated beam of flames straight at Beetle. It melted right through the armor of the villain, making Angelica slightly happy that she was able to easily defeat him. But her mind was elsewhere, unable to concentrate clearly. Her mind was on edge, clearly uncertain if she should have expressed her feelings the way she did. It was driving her crazy. "It melts at insanely high temperatures!"

"Nicely done, Red!" Her heart almost skipped a beat. Her eyes widening slightly at the voice. She turned around, finding herself face to face with the Amazing Spider-Man, someone she was really close friends with and the man she had fallen deeply in love with. She still hasn't received an answer from her confession, her heart beating at an alarming rate as her mind created possible scenarios as to why he was there waiting for her. She neared his position, a smile on her face as she flew closer. "It's like you're a superhero or something"

"Spidey!" She was over the moon just by being next to him. Her cheeks gained a tint of pink as she stared right at the man who had conquered her heart. They had teamed up various times, and because of it their relationship had evolved over the years. She would even say that she had a special place in the heart of the arachnid hero. Because he definitely had one in her heart. "Didn't think I'd see you again so soon"

"Yeah? Why's that?" She shrugged her shoulders, glancing down to the streets momentaneously as she watched the officers take Beetle away. She even saw just how a few of them stayed behind and started to clean the area slightly so that Damage Control could finish the job. She looked up once again towards Spider-Man, who seemingly was still waiting for the answer to his question.

"Because..." She trailed off her sentence, looking away in slight embarrassment. In reality, she felt more fear than embarrassment, being reminded that she had impulsively tried to force Spider-Man to be her boyfriend. Don't get her wrong, she still desired for him to be with her at all cost but she wouldn't force it upon him any longer. She would wait for him to approach her and tell her his feelings. "I tried to... force thing..." Firestar looked down, feeling shame in her previous actions. She knew that she shouldn't have done so, that for a relationship to work it needed an agreement from both parties involved. "I'm sorry..."

"Oh, I know..." She smiled, a sincere smile at the words of the arachnid hero. She could see just how he walked through the wall, nearing her position quite a bit more. Her heart raced against her chest, wanting to burst out of its position. She was even breathing without rhythm, her chest rising and falling at the notion that may happen between the two. She still didn't know why he had approached her, but she definitely wanted to think that it was because he wanted to evolve their relationship as well. "You know what, can you come closer and close your eyes?"

She immediately opened her eyes, her hopes only getting higher and higher. She didn't react, her hands trembling slightly at what the words might mean in the end. she definitely wanted something more, for them to be the best hero couple out there. But even she knew that they would be second at best, with the first place belonging to Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman. So arming herself with valor, she did as instructed.

"This better not be a trick, Spidey!" She almost stuttered, her heartbeta increasing every second that passed by. She could only see darkness, her eyes closed and following Spider-Man's orders. She felt a sudden heat going through her chest, and she knew for a fact that fire or heat could affect her because of her powers. But this was a kind of heat that she welcomed, because it brought her a sense of fulfillment. "What is it?"

"It's something that I forgot to give you..." She waited and waited, though nothing happened. But it was not until two more seconds later that she felt it, a warm sensation in her lips which caused her to open her eyes in shock. In front of her was Spider-Man, with half of his face uncovered, and kissing her. She didn't waste a second longer before she responded to the kiss, enjoying it as much as she could. She finally had won him over, winning the race to his heart. It was all she wanted, to be by his side and be there for him for each moment where he may need her.

The kiss didn't last long, both heroes separating slowly from the kiss. Her heart throbbed against her chest, her cheeks tinted red as she moved her hand to her rosy lips. She couldn't help but smile, a loving smile not wanting to leave her face. She could still feel his lips, even if they were not kissing any longer. It was unreal, a spark in her heart suddenly blasting full force.

"Wha..." She didn't know what to say. She didn't even know how to express herself at that moment. Her dreams had come true, she wanted this to happen ever since she had fallen in love with Spider-Man. But she didn't know just how to react knowing that he also felt the same. "I thought..." She could see the grin on his face, the reaction making her slightly weak at her knees. It was a miracle that she was currently flying over three stories high and she didn't have to sit down to calm her nerves. "W-What changed?"

"I thought about it for quite some time, and I have come to realize that I love you too, Angie" Her eyes widened slightly, her face suddenly getting even redder than before. He had said the words she had always wanted to hear. This day was becoming her favorite day of the year, with many of her wishes coming true. She just couldn't imagine being far away from him any longer. He completed her, made her feel complete. "So... You want to humiliate some baddies as our first date?"

"Gladly!" She exclaimed, following the man that had stolen her heart. She didn't know where this relationship may lead her, but she would traverse through any obstacle to stay right besides him. Because he was Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man, and also... he was her boyfriend. And she would do anything for him.

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