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After Franky had pulled off the stunt he just did, both carts had separated from one another. However, it left the man alone with CP9. Which left Sanji, Us-Sniper King, Robin and Luna floating on the tracks. "Hey guys! Don't worry about me! I've got a plan! After you meet us with Straw Hat... find a way back to town!" Franky was shouting over to them.
"Franky!" Sniper King cried out to him
"Wait! I will not run away!" Robin on the other hand was shouting to CP9.
"Calm down, Robin. It's a little late for that." Sanji had stood back up, after recovering from the blow he took. "We came to save you both knowing full well what the circumstances were." He was saying to both and continued. "As long as we figure out a way to deal with the Government's Buster Call... there's no need for you to comply with them!" Robin!s he's wide, however, it was not due to Sanji's words, but the space that was located behind him that was opening up like a door.
"About the Buster Call... it's a serious problem." All but Luna seemed shocked at the appearance of Blueno. "Tempest Kick!" And Before Sanji had time to react Blueno kicked at very high speed and strength, sending out a sharp compressed air blade into the cook's chest, causing the man to fly once again to the other side of the cart. Seeing this, Robin's entire face turned paled.
"Sanji!" Sniper King called out to him. But they didn't know how he just appeared out of nowhere like he did.
"That was uncalled for." Luna stated to Blueno all annoyed.
"Wait!" Sniper King had taken a stance before the large man, his sling shot out.
"What are-" Robin was trying to ask
"Just trust me." But he cut her off. "Hey, bastard! I'm your opponent n-" However, He had come to realised that Blueno was no longer before him, he had completely disappeared. "Huh? He's gone! How in the...?" The answer soon came to light as a door like space opened up once again behind them. The first one to have noticed this beside Luna, had been Robin. But by the time Sniper King had turned around upon noticing Blueno stood before him and stabbed him with a Finger Pistol, while also taking Robin. However, Sniper King still stood, his arm stretching out towards Robin."Let...Robin... g-"
"Finger Pistol!" Had once again been used, this time causing him to fall this time.
"Usopp!" Sanji had gotten up and was dashing for Blueno
"Iron Body." The kick from Sanji had hit, however... "Haven't you been paying attention? Your kicks are useless." There no affect in it. Blueno gripped onto the leg that had been used to kick him and he slammed Sanji into the floor, causing him to cough up blood before being through across to car. "How persistent." Blueno said, watching as Sanji was trying to get up again.
"Enough." Luna had grabbed onto his wrist. "At this rate, you'll kill them. Nico Robin is not resisting."
"He attacked me. I had no choice." He told her, which she was completely aware of.
"But they are unable to stand now, so leave." She stated to him, or more like ordered. She turned to Robin, who nodded before turning to the door that had been created.
"Wait!" Until Sniper King spoke. "It's okay, Robin! Luna! I-It'll be okay!" He was telling them why breathing heavily. "You're still hiding something, aren't you?" Blood was dripping from him as he spoke. But by speaking, all eyes had fallen on him. "That doesn't even matter. However... pirates... cannot abandon their crew..." he began to stand up. "...without the captain's... permission. So... please... believe in Luffy!" Upon hearing that, even Luna was surprised looking at him. But it soon disappeared from her face as she turned to Robin, who had snapped out of it when Blueno had kicked Sniper King. She then entered the door without looking back, leaving Luna and Blueno.
"Wait, Robin!" Sanji tried to stop her by shouting.
"There's no point." Luna told him, as she stood in front of the door, her back to it. "As things are, she will not go against her promised."
"How would you know?" He asked her, not seeing how one wouldn't.
"Do you know what a trauma is?" Luna had asked him, as he kneed before her. "It is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event. It damages a person's mind as it exceeded a person's ability to cope or integrate the emotions involved, eventually leading to serious, long-term negative consequences." She explained just in case they didn't. "No matter who or what they are, all living creatures possess a trauma whether it's small or large. It is what creates a person." They understood what it meant, but not why she brought it up. "The more severe trauma is the more someone says it repeated it self."
"What's your point?" He asked her,
"20 years ago, a single island located in the West Blue had been completely eradicated." He seemed shocked up her words. "Everyone on that island had been eliminated by a Buster Call, which burned it to the ground. However, it was later discovered that there was a soul survivor of that incident, an eight-year-old girl by the name of Nico Robin."
"What the hell?!"
"No matter who you are, watching five Vice Admirals and 10 battleships destroy you home is extremely traumatising. Especially for a child. It became her nightmare that she couldn't forget." Luna had explained the reason behind Robin's fear and panic. "And that same nightmare is pointed at the people she calls friends now. It makes sense that she won't fight back." Her sights fell on the door that Robin walked through.
"Unbelievable. You used it against her."
"Of course." Blueno answered him, as was beginning to turn back to the door.
"You bastards. Just how corrupt are you!?" Sanji shouted at the man.
"That's just the type of people those at top are. If it's for their so called justice, they will do anything." Luna stated to him before she, herself entered the door.
"Then what are you using against Luna?"
"Miss Athena?" Blueno could only guess that is who he was speaking about. "...Nothing." Sanji's eyes widen upon hearing that. "I'm not entirely sure about that woman, however, I know for a fact that we are to never anger her." He continued the conversation. "She is a heartless woman that would do anything to get what she wants."
"Like hell she is!" Sanji took off in anger listening to him, however, to door closed right before him after entering. So Sanji had kicked nothing but air. "SHIT!!" On the other end of the door, Robin came walking out heading right back to the car she had been in the entire time. With the Puffing Tom moving further and further away from the cart that had been broken off from the sea train, the only way to get back had been the 'door' the Blueno had created using the Door Door Fruit. It was what Robin had existed out from with a confused Franky looking at her.
"H-Hey. You!" She walked right passed, not paying attention to him.
"Hurry up and sit down, Nico Robin." Lucci had spoken, which was the only reason she had come to a stop. "We're about to arrive at Enies Lobby." She didn't answer him, but walked off.
"Oi! Wait a minute! I said wait!" While Franky followed closed behind, trying to her attention.
"Is it really okay to leave those two together?" Kalifa turned to her leader asking, as it didn't seem like a good idea.
"Are you suggesting that they'll be capable of taking all of you out by themselves?" The heads of the three CP9 Agents had turned to the door, where Luna existed. "Besides, there really wouldn't be a point in running, as the sea train is almost at its location. Enies Lobby." The placed called Enies Lobby, also known as the Judicial Island, a government-controlled stronghold in the first half of the Grand Line. It is located on an island referred to as both the 'afternoon island' and the 'never-night island'. It was one of the World Government's three major strongholds, and the headquarters of CP9. The gate at Enies Lobby leads to both Marine Headquarters and Impel Down. Because of this, there were many government agents stationed there, roughly 10,000 men, a mix of those from both the World Government and the Marines. The island also has a courthouse, which made it easy to transfer high-level criminals through Enies Lobby and directly into Impel Down, or to the Marine Headquarters. Many called this the end since those are the only places they could go, and neither were great. This was the destination that they were all heading too. An island that was the play ground for the World Government.

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