Ice and Blood!

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As Oars Jr. makes his appearance breaking through the marines just as the Warlords and the Marines were impressed by his size. "I don't know what to think about this." While at this moment Luna was having conflicting thoughts about the sight of the Demon Giant due to her past experience with Oars. "But never thought Newgate had Oars' descendant on his side... I'm impressed." Luna had actually stated. The Demon Giant before her was moving towards the plaza, stomping on anything that got in his way. This was merely due to the fact he was able to see his feet to begin with and hasn't the idea of what he was stepping on. The Whitebeard Pirates got out of his way though so it wasn't them being trembled on.
"The Giant unit is in the move!" But seeing this Demonic Giant had caused the Giant Squad of the Marines to leave their defensive positions, heading for Oars Junior. At first the unit had attacked the Pirates that they came across upon making it into the iced bay.
"Don't be afraid!" But even so, the Pirates were squatted away like bugs
"They are after Little Oars Jr.!" and walked over them heading right for him.
"It's our duty to..."
"...stop him!" At the same time, the Marines were firing at Oars Junior with bullets and cannon balls, which have little to no effect on him. He had grabbed ahold of the Marine ship firing at him none stop.
"Oars, don't! You're an easy target for them since you're so huge!" Ace was screaming at the giant Demon.
"Ace! Here I come!" However, it didn't matter at Oars Junior lifted up the battle ship, throwing all officers off it.
"Oh no! Stop him!" The Giants we're running as fast as they could to attack Oars, hover, he is fast to repel them temporarily by throwing them the battleship which slid all the way to the plaza, breaking through the marines lines. It had opened a way for the Whitebeard Pirates through the plaza.
"It doesn't matter if their a Giant or a Demon Giant, the bigger they are the stupider they are." Luna stated since it was clear neither was thinking all that much. However, out of nowhere she pulled back her scythe to swing it behind her, sending a slice of blood of towards a large ice wave heading towards her. The blood had sliced right down the middle of the wave and split off to both sides of Luna, leaving the spot where she stood completely free from ice.
"You really are impressive Miss Athena..." It was obvious to who it was that created this large ice wave. "...Sorry, I mean Miss Luna." One of the three Powerhouses, Admiral Aokiji who was standing right in front of where the slice had stopped. "You know, I'm honestly surprised that you're taking part in this war. In the past you were ignore it."
"That is true, however, I'm one that follows through upon request from even the dead." Luna came to inform him in a very cryptic way.
"Are you speaking of Roger?" It had been asked back as that seemed the be the only person Aokiji.
"I already finished that idiot's request 20 years ago." But it didn't seem to be the case
"I see." That was when ice began to form into several spears of ice. "Partisan!" (Two Thorn Pikes): that were launched at Luna within seconds.
"Pointless." However, it wasn't anything to Luna as she shuddered the flying spears of ice with little effort from her telekinesis ability. It was clear that Aokiji would need to rethink things because it wasn't going to be enough as Luna's fighting style was unknown beside bits in pieces. However, that it what normal people would thing since the Admiral continued his assault with a large ice wave that was heading right for Luna once again.
"Krovavoye..." Blood appeared and began twisting together into the shape of a giant spear. "...Kop'ye!" (Blood Spear, Russian) It had then been launched after Luna made a throwing motion with her hand towards the ice wave, which shuddered to piece upon in pact. However, it soon became clear that it was nothing but a distraction as Aokiji appeared from behind where he gripped onto her left wrist.
"You let your guard down." The man was breathing out cold air and where his hand was ice began travel up Luna's arm. It was the same attack that he had used against Robin and Luffy but freezing them from the outside, Ice Age.
"No..." However, it was then when Aokiji noticed the woman's right arm being raised. "...It was you that let your guard down." Which had then been slammed right down into his face, sending the man flying off a high speed. Luna had come to look down at her left arm that had been frozen to her elbow before grabbing onto and ripped it off without a second thought.  "What a pain." But only a few seconds later her left arm had shot outwards. It had been explained that as long as Luna's head and heart remains intact, all her wounds, regardless of the severity will hear. This would include any limbs that had been sliced or ripped off. But it does take energy and the more serious it was the more it consumed.
"You sure are scary." Luna's attention had been pulled back to Aokiji that seemed to have regained himself after being sent off. He seemed completely fine, even while wiping away the blood from hip mouth.
"I can show you how scary I can be." And upon saying that, a pillar of crystals had been created and as a response Aokiji also created one. The two had collided with one another, however, both Luna and Aokiji had leaped onto their pillars and dashing away one another. They were throwing punches, kicks, blood, ice and crystal all over the place as they did. Any normal person would be unable to understand or keep up with their movements as they fought. A lot of Pirates and marines that were close by were unable to move from shock at both seemed to be fighting on even ground. However, just as they were about to get more intense, both notice a shadow from above that was grow larger. Luna and Aokiji to both back away from each other out of reflex. Only to soon find and see a large hat had been the cause of the shadow. It had been the only that Oars Jr. had been wearing and it caused Luna to turn towards where the Giant Demon was, on his knees and dripping blood from his mouth. It was clear that he was semi-conscious after being attacked by Bartholomew Kuma preparing and launching a large and extremely powerful Ursus Shock. However, despite all that, he still hadn't lost consciousness and began to raise once again heading for the plaza.
"Fire at Oars!" The marines fired the cannons at him once again, but unlike last time they were actually effective.
"Oars!" Many of the Whitebeard's crew we calling out to the Giant demon.
"The one weakness of the Demonic Giants is that they possess no magic or brains." Luna had came to say, watching Oars Jr. being pushed back.  "It's their size, strength, and toughness that made them a threat, but once you take them away they aren't much." The braid of cannons had come to an end, and yet despite all that...
"I still... can't get to him!" Oars Jr. hasn't lost consciousness at all. "If I could... get one of the Seven Warlords at least!" The demon set his sights on Donquixote Doflamingo as he tried to attack him. However, Doflamingo was fast enough to evade the attack,
"What's the matter, beast?" The warlord ask, as Oars Jr. looked down at his leg oddly.
"My foot..." it had then been when Oars Jr.'s right foot had come  flying off. A thing thread had been the cause of severed leg, not many were able to see. In fact no one but Luna saw it, which made sense as it was thin and all.
"Oars!" Ace cried at to the Giant that was still moving despite all the injuries. The Demonic Giants had one more weakness, due to the fact that they can't use magic they are unable to heal their injuries the same as other demons, which was why he was so seriously injured.
"H-He must be a monster!" Which wasn't all that far from the truth.
"He stepped into the plaza!" Oars Jr.'s made his way over into the plaza, where he was stretching his head out towards Ace.
"Just a little more... Just a little more to get to Ace!"
"Damn Doflamingo! He cut this guy's foot off! I already claimed his body!" Furious about how he damaged his body, Moria tries to finish him soon to use him as a zombie. "Doppelman!" His shadow began gathering together. "Get him!" Before Moria shoots out a large shadow spear at an opponent. "Spiky Shadow Lizard!"
"OARS!" Moria's attack had completely impaled Oars Jr. and yet, the Demonic Giant still stretched his hand towards the platform.
"I'm gonna... save you now... Ace!"

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