A Request!?

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It had been shortly after everyone had regained consciousness from the large explosion caused by Kuma when they were on Thrilla Bark. While the other members of the Straw Hats were getting ready for a feast, Luna had left the other upon them walking off towards the Sunny or the remaining building standing. She was heading towards the place she battle Amman where she soon found her face to face with the Tyrant. "It's been a while, Bartholomew Kuma." She only greeted him without a hint of fear.
"Yes, it has been Morozov Luna." And yet, he greeted her back. "If you were to go on a trip, where would you like to go?" He had asked her suddenly and without reason, but...
"Seriously, you gonna ask me that question? I do know how your Devil Fruit abilities work." Luna had her arms crossed upon saying that. "Don't you think your stunt was over the top?" Which had brought on the topic she seemed to be after.
"You seem unpleased." Although, it appeared that Kuma had an understanding of the woman. "I was merely testing them. I knew he wouldn't have died with you there."
"Whatever." It appeared that she was huffing about it. "What do you plan to tell the World Government? You can't tell them that we're dead and we appear later on. Not to mention that they would as for some sort of proof." That was only due to protocols.
"I'll just say you got away."
"..." Luna was looking at the man
"..." Who was looking back at her. Both in silence.
"You're serious, aren't you?" The woman ended up sighing after a few minutes of silence had come. "This is why I can't understand you humans." That had been said as she knew he was and had decided to move onto things. "So tell me, what had the World Government actually send you here to do?" But moved on while jumping up onto some rubble that was as tall as the Warlord, where she sat down her legs hanging.
"I had come to make a report to Gecko Moria." And he hand answered her without hesitation.
"A report? On what exactly?" She asked him without waiting
"About the empty Warlord seat that had now been filled, after Crocoidle's dismissal." He was still answering her.
"You mean when he had been defeated by Luffy and had been caught red-handed destroying a country?" She had known about it and not because of the crew telling her but she read the report issued, or covered up. "It makes sense that the World Government had to dismiss him, since they couldn't pretend not to see anything anymore." And the truth was that they had known about Crocoidle's plan to take over Alabaster. "So, who is it this time? What sea is he from? Since there are a large number of pirates in the world right now."
"The successor is Marshall D. Teach." It sounded familiar which took a little time for Luna to remember where
"Marshall D. Teach? If I remember correctly he was once a member of Whitebeard's crew." Which only took a few seconds.
"Yes, he goes by Blackbeard now."
"How original." Luna had sarcastically started rolling her eyes. "So how did he someone like that become a Warlord?" That had been the question.
"He had fought, defeated, and captured 'Firefist' Portgas D. Ace." Which was the answer.
"Portgas D. Ace?" Luna seemed almost surprised to hear that name. "No wonder the Government approved of him." She had gone back to her normal self. "However, what are they planning on doing with Portgas D. Ace?" That had been asked but something had come to mind. "Those morons, are they planning to do what I think?"
"Yes, they plan to publicly execute him." He made it sound like it wasn't anything big.
"Are they insane? Do they have any idea what would happen if they do such a thing?" Luna found herself standing up asking this.
"They believe that this would be the best opportunity to prove their power." He had told her, however
"Prove their power?" It seemed that it only caused Luna's eyes to glow. "They're completely insane. Do they have any idea what would happen if they were to succeed in killing him?" She knew the answer to that quit well. "This not just the New World, but the entire world while be thrown into chaos. But even 'if' they win, Edward Newgate won't go without taking down half the island." This was being stated looking up to the sky above. "He might be human and getting up in years, however, he's been ruling over the New World for several decades, to be honest I won't be surprised if he completely tied down the island."
"Yes, but right now the Government's main concern has to do with a certain Pirate." Luna could already guess who that Pirate was.
"I guess after defeating Crocodile, CP9 and now Gecko Moria it makes sense." But she already knew who this 'pirate' was. "They most likely knew the log would point to Fishman Island after Water Seven. Which meant we had to come through these waters making the chances of meeting Gecko Moria high. So they had feared that another Warlord would be defeated, which he had." It seemed Luna knew exactly what they were thinking.
"No one had produced that Rob Lucci would lose."
"That is very true. He was the only one that mastered all techniques based of my abilities to the greatest potential for a human." Luna had jumped off from the rubble to the ground. "This is going to be an event that will shake this world." She stated now turning to look off into the distance before looking to Kuma. "Hey Bartholomew Kuma, would you mind doing me a request?" The man stood in silence, looking at her as if waiting for what she wanted to ask. "If anything happens on the Sabaody Archipelago I want you to use your ability to send everyone flying in separate directions." Had been the favour she asked of him.
"And where is it that you want me to send them." And he didn't seem to have even the slightest problem with it.
"I want you to send them in the direction I tell you." Was the response she gave pulling out a map where she was pointing on, she did Luffy all the way to Brook but it only left one person
"And you?" Kuma asked since she didn't tell him.
"I think you already know where I want to go."

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