Shock Wave!

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With Whitebeard enterying the battle personal, things were about to reach A whole another level then already. And consider that this fight was an full out war already, it was going to shake the entire world no matter who wins. Once Whitebeard feet had landed on the ground the Marines seemed to have turned pale. Even Sengoku appeared to be stunned as Whitebeard pointed the tip of his spear in his direction.
"Follow pop's lead!"
"Clear the way for Pops!"That was then when the pirates all began charging in full force
"Don't let them come closer! Fire!" Cannons on the walls began to fire at Whitebeard but he uses his powers to deflect them back and destroy the cannons. As that was going on...
"W-What is she doing?!" The marine were in complete shock upon looking at Luna, who had moved. However, it was something that could be understood as she had a unconscious Marine's neck in her mouth, blood leaking down his neck. She was drinking his blood. The injuries she had were beginning to slowly heal as she was drinking. "I-Is she drink his blood!?"
"Monster!" They began firing their guns at her but all they did was shot the Marine as she lifted him up from her mouth and used him as a human shield, before she dropped in on the ground.
"That was disgusting." Luna complained about the taste of the blood before she began taking steps towards the startled Marines. However, soon she came to a stop...
"Luna!" But she turned around upon hearing the voice of her captain and saw him running towards her. Right behind him was the Son of the Sea, Jimbe and Emporio Ivankov, who both nodded respectfully to Luna. "Are you okay?" Despite knowing how strong and fast she healed Luffy still asked this.
"I'm fine, even though I didn't want to I drank the blood of some marines laying around." She answered him, not even bothered or insulted by the question.
"But you know, that old man is amazing! He can fight even after being stabbed!" Luffy was saying while looking behind at Whitebeard swinging around his spear that was destroying cannonballs left and right. "Anyways, I gotta focus on saving Ace!" It was then when he took off running once again.
"Luffy!" Which only caused Jimbe to shout and run after him.
"Idiot captain." Along with Luna.
"Miss Luna! Jimbe!" But as they ran Ivankov called out to them both, also running. "Look at that!" He pulled their attention ahead of them where they were able to notice that the marines were retreating for some reason. "They all went up to the plaza while we weren't paying attention!" Out of the front lines there were no longer any marines that hadn't fallen in battle already.
"Hmmm! I have a bad feeling about this!" Jimbe admitted this, and he wasn't the only one as Luna was feeling like there was something she need to remember. "But the old man in the middle of the action now! There is no time to think!"
"Yeah! Nothing will stop us!" Ivankov shouted in agreement. However, out of nowhere something came falling onto the ice before the pirates.
"I'm not gonna let you get to the plaza, Whitebeard Pirates!" It had been a person, or to be more precise a giant that towers over regular soldiers. He had this curly brown hair with a large bulbous chin. He stabbed his sword and to the ice as he swung it down towards the pirates and quickly breaks through multiple pirates.
"I-It' s Vice Admiral John Giant!" There was all but one giant that was a Vice Admiral and the fact that his uniform had spots of red on it, unlike others, they knew who he was. Before long the giant was right before Whitebeard, his sword pulled over his head before swing down.
"You're standing in my way. Move it." However, Whitebeard completely blocked the attack before push the giant back. Then dropping his spear, the man had gripped onto the air before him, using his abilities, unleashes a massive earthquake
"I lost my balance!" It had drastically alters the balance of the sea and Marineford much. Both the pirates and Marines began panicking, though the Pirates handled it better as they were grabbing or stabbing the ice to stop themselves. However, through this Luffy was trying to run only to be pulled off balance and fell to the ground.
"The sea is..." When he lifted his head he saw the entire island of Marineford tilting alone with ocean in different directions. And then there was a large gapping hole in the middle of all it. The building were beginning to shader and even the ice began splitting right below Luffy's feet and he didn't have much time to react.
"Luffy!" However, he had been saved as someone or thing wrapped itself around his waist and wrapped him up. His head shout around up to the top of the ledge to see Luna
"Luna!" He had been saved by her creating a blood rope to grab him.
"Hold on." She shouted down to him before she used all her strength to slung the blood rope up, pulling Luffy along with it and he landed on the ice behind her.
"Thank you! I appreciate it!" He came to tell her before looking around. "Doesn't that old man care about his own crew?" He was asking since the Whitebeard pirates were also in the middle of it.
"Don't misunderstand." However, Luna didn't agree with his question. "They are already aware of the actions to take when Newgate goes on a rampage." She explained this to him as the pirates weren't taking any of the brunt from the attack. It wasn't long after that when the attack had come to an end and everyone was now able to see the capability of the strongest man in the world. Much of the plaza had been destroyed from this single attack.
"What deadly power!" John Giant appeared to be impressed, catching his breath. "But in the name of absolute justice of the Navy, I can't let you pass through here!" He grabbed ahold of his sword and once again tried to attack Whitebeard. However, instead of waiting for the attack to come, Whitebeard had lunged high towards John and pulled his fist back. As he swung his fist forwards cracks appeared in the air in front of the giant, causing severe damage as the shockwaves directly pass through his body,
"It's coming!" The wave had broken through the ice, and the bay as is destoried a pard of the wall.
"It will reach the scaffold!"
"Keep going and destroy it!" It was about to reach the scaffold and soon a large dust cloud appeared.
"Hey! Is the scaffold alright!?" The dust began to clear and more of the fort appeared to be destroyed because of this attack. However, despite the surrounding being destroyed and in ruin, the scaffold was still in one piece.
"It didn't hit the scaffold!"
"What made it yeer off!?" That question had been answered. "Look at that!" As right in front of the scaffold was... "Three admirals!"

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