The End!

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It was time that the crew to get back their friend, "Come back..." or at least that's what they thought, "Sherry!" Nami and Usopp behind Luffy were so shocked that their mouths would hit the ground. Of course the most shocked one of all of them but of course Chopper.
"Oh my! The one captain Monkey D. Luffy wants is the Tonjit's beloved horse, Sherry! What in the world is he thinking!?" This was Luffy so Their was most likely no thinking involved.
"Do you have any idea of what you're saying, idiot-captain!?" Usopp was shouting as he was pulling Luffy's cheek.
"Yup, of course." He was still smiling,
"Yeah, What the hell are you thinking!?" Nami had grabbed Luffy's other cheek. "You're ALWAYS like this!"
"Please don't pull my face like that..."  Chopper was in the state of shock from the whole thing.
"From now on Choppy will always be with us." As Porche was sliding her face up and down Chopper's as he was in that state.
"If you didn't take the boss, then take Chopper, for God's sake!" Name was shouting as both her and Usopp were pulling Luffy's face all over the place.
"But I have a reason for..." Luffy's faced slapped back to normal after the two of them released the skin they had. The old man came over to us pulling the cart with the horse Sherry on it. They both looked really happy, especially Sherry. "I got Sherry back from them, old man."
"You guys..."
"You'll be together from now on." Luffy had told him.
"You three in the back, what's wrong? Looks like you're pretty badly hurt. Are you Okay?" I guess he hadn't been watching them battling but really, it didn't bother them at all.
"It's because a certain retard was pulling my leg." Zoro stated about Sanji.
"I can see you've got your hands full." Tonjit had said after both Zoro and Sanji started fighting again but Luffy was only laughing. Luna had enough of them both so she completely ignored them.
"I'm sorry, and thanks." Tonjit said with tears in his eyes.
"Don't mention it." It was a wonder why Luffy chose to be a pirate since he was such a nice and innocent guy. Tonjit and Sherry looked so happy to be together.
"So that's how it was." Nami sighed before smiling.
"I guess it couldn't be helped this time." Usopp was also now smiling.
"You should stop by for some cheese later." Tonjit had said to them.
"NO WAY." But Usopp had told him back.
"I'm truly sorry." Tonjit had said once again bowing but then smiling delighted, "I really mean it, Thank you."
"Great, Eh? Old man." Luffy was happy and all.
"However, is it really alright? Your friends is still..." Tonjit had a point as he looked over to where Chopper.
"He does have a point, Straw Hat." Lunaturned to him, "Did you think of reindeer's feelings?" She asked him then looking over to Chopper who was crying again. Luffy had also turned to face the little guy.
"Chopper..." Nami said seeing the poor guy suffering.
"Sorry, Chopper. We'll win the next game for sure and then we'll take you back. So wait a little while longer. You're a man, right?" Luffy asked lifting up his hat a bit. "Got any problems with my resolve?" Chopper wiped always his tears and then plopped back down on the chair.
"None whatsoever!" He shouted back.
"Chopper..." Nami was fine with that.
"If you leave it to us, it'll be alright!" Usopp was saying with his nose held high.
"Really, you guys are such liars..." Sanji had said back to him. Robin had started chuckling.
"I wonder what the next game will be like." She seemed to be enjoying herself.
"It doesn't matter, since we're going to win anyway." Luna stated with confidence, while flicking her hair
"Let's hurry up and get it started." Zoro was smirking beside he.
"We'll get Chopper back for sure!" Luffy was shouting with his giant grin on his face. It was really impressive how fast the Foxy crew worked on building a large stadium within half an hour. Those of the Straw Hats that weren't participating stood waiting for the others to get ready. The first ones to make it back were Luffy and Usopp that were wearing yellow bibs. Usopp had the number 800 on his while Luffy had 1. The two of them were also carrying roller blades with them. While Usopp was cleaning them Luffy was stuffing his face.
"Oh, ladies! You're both so lovely!!" Sanji had lost his mind see both Nami and Robin walking over to join them. The two of them were also wearing the yello bibs, Nami 73 and Robin 6.
"Oh! Are you ready?" Luffy was asking them both his his mouth full.
"What are you eating, Luffy?" Nami had asked after noticing Sanji away from the two of them.
"A Long kiwi. That old hooorse guy gave it to me. It's pretty good!" Luffy told her holding it up, it was long alright, longer then a hotdog. A silence drifted over our group, "you can't have it." He pulled the fruit away.
"I don't want it!!" Nami was lost it at him,
"Mellorine!" Sanji had come back even more love struck then before. That was when it was time for the next match. The announcer was flying in the sky on his bird once again.
"it's time for Round #3, the Run Rolling Round roller skating race!" They had built a road of some sort and stands for the spectators. "It's a head-to-head race on an outdoor track! Once again, the rules are simple! First, each team's scorer will start skating at the sound of the first whistle, and theam defenders will follow suit after the second whistle 20 seconds later. Defenders can hinder the opposing team or root for their own! Anything goes! After five minutes are up, the team whose scores is in the lead wins! Naturally, being even a single step ahead means victory in that round!" He had explained the rules and the big bird had came flapping down to the ground. The rules sounded simple enough but still... "incidentally, yours truly will be doing the play-by-play from a special seat by the starting line!" He had climbed up from the bird, "All right! It's time for both teams to come in out!" Luffy had stuffed the rest of the kiwi into his face.
"Okay, guys. We have to get Chopper back this time." Luffy was telling us and started heading out, "Lets do it!" We all followed close behind him. Cheering in agreement with him as we entered the game area with all the same arms in the air.
"Oh! The Straw Hat Dangers come out with a war cry!" The announcer had shouted into the mic. "And lying in wait are the indomitable, Foxy Devils!" The foxy Pirates team were all wearing the same uniform those that were participating except Porche had on her same pants. Hamburger and Foxy were both standing with the team. "First the team's playmaker, Porche! Next is the speedy Chiqicheetah" Chiqicheetah looked liked a half-man, half-cheetah hybrid. He wore a purple t-shirt with a black lightning shaped segment in the middle and a pair of white shorts that was the teams uniform. He also sports a pair of shin guards and a pair of protective sleeves. "And Mashikaku, The defence's Linchpin!" Linchpin was a large and rectangular man, with tan skin, and thin limbs. Like Chiqicheetah, he was wearing the same uniform. "Then there's the fishmen Jude and Girarin." Jube was the fishman with the  black hair with a pointed-up ponytail, while Girarin was a purple fish-man with yellow-green hair and a fin on top of his head. "Oh, And last but not least! Out own Foxy is the head couch, with Hamburger as manager! A truly powerful lineup, indeed!" After that the teams were staring each other down, when Chiqicheetah had started walking over to Luffy.
"H-huh!?" and began to smell him making him all uncomfortable.
"Oh, my! Chiqicheetah is clashing even before the starting whistle!?" The crowd were 'whoo'ing.
"Whats with this guy!? He's creepin' me out...!" Usopp was looking at the guy in disgust along with Nami.
"He's Indeed a quick runner, but he's also sensitive to smells." Foxy was Laughing amused but Luna really didn't see how that was useful. "You ate something pungent, didn't you!?" Luffy didn't know what he was talking able as he tried to get the cheetah guy away from him.
"Ha! You didn't eat that old guy's rotten hunk or milk, did ya?" Usopp was asking as if Luffy wouldn't do it, but it was Luffy he was talking about.
"Oh, is that why?" Of course he would do it.
"You did eat it!?" Usopp had lost it and snapped at him.
"M-Man, you're rude!" Luffy had finally gotten the guy off of him and shooed him away. Just like that the Chiqicheetah joined back with his team.
"Looks like nothing happened..." The announce sounded disappointed at that fact. "Allow me to continue explaining the rules!." And had moved on, "each team has a coach, and a manager! None are allowed to directly, participate in the game!" The team's had gathered around at their bench's, "Be aware that a person can only be scored one! Oh, but there are only four Straw Hats who can serve as a scorers! They're one man short! What will come of this!?" That was a problem.
"All right! I'll let one of you participate twice. Since I'm a nice guy! Pride permitting, of course!" Foxy was once again laughing that annoying laugh of his. But I really didn't like his tone.
"I can't stand his tone!" Nami was glaring over to him.
"You're so generous, Boss!"
"Your kindness seriously moves me to tears!"
"You're a real man!" The crowd was going wild.
"Oh, you guys!" And Foxy was getting a embarrassed, "you're too much!"
"He's actually taking that lame flattery seriously!" Nami had purposely said so that Foxy could hear her,
"Man, Split-Head sure is dumb." Usopp was doing the same thing.
"It's like watching a lame play." Sanji decided to join in.
"Oh, Boss! Come back!" And because he had low self esteem he was on all fours depressed.
"But you know, we should  take his offer." Luna told the team looking towards them, "I know you would all hate to admit it, but that's all that you can do... it is for the reindeer, so you have to give your pride for now." Luna made it sound like it was none of her problem but she was right either way. That's when they all noticed that Luffy had walked over to Foxy.
"Thanks! A match is a match, though! We won't lose!" Luffy had offered his hand to Foxy What then snorted before grabbing onto it.
"You're too soft-hearted. Wanna know why I would make an offer that benefits you? It's because... we're the best-!"
"All right! Let's win Chopper back!" Luffy had completely walked off on him.
"Yeah!" And they were completely ignoring Foxy as well.
"Boss!" And once again he was sinking into the ground of depression.
"Both captains have agreed to the rule amendment! Straw Hat Dangers, please select a scorer for each round!" As the announcer had told us this both Sanji and me were looking down at the clipboard.
"With five rounds, the odd-numbered rounds of 1, 3, and 5 are key." Sanji was saying as his tapped the pen on the clipboard.
"Put me in two rounds! Okay!? Okay!?" Luffy was harping on and on over the his shoulders.
"Okay! Just shut up! I'm trying to think!" Sanji shouted at him.
"Anyway, I think it'll be best if Luffy was in the first and last round..." Luna had stated taking the clipboard from Sanji, writing Luffy down.
"All right!" Luffy was cheering in success and excitement. Luna knew that she shouldn't expect mush from Nami or Usopp so their rounds would most likely be a throw away match, that only left Robin.
"Oi, Robin. I'm moving you to the third round." Luna didn't ask her, only write it down.
"Sure. Any round is fine with me." But she didn't mind at all.
"Thanks- Wait." Sanji had told her, Luna  looked up to behind her to him, "Could the other team have the same idea?" When Sanji asked that, she looked back to the clipboard and then over to Foxy's team, if that was the case then...
"Come on! Hurry up!" Luffy was shouting, distracting me from thinking.
"Shut up." Luna had told him as she began to rewrite it again. "In the first and last round is Luffy. Nami you're in the second. Usopp you have the third. And Robin I've moved you to round 4."
"Hold on! Why do you two get to decide that!?" Zoro was protesting Sanji and Luna.
"Huh? 'Cause I'm the coach, Luna's the strategist and you're the manager, duh." Sanji had explained to him.
"Screw that! Why do I have to take orders from you!?" Great, here comes another fight.
"Isn't it obvious!? You can't be coach with all that moss seeping into your brains!" Sanji had a giant grin on his face,
"You're eyebrow's funnier than you are, look like coiled poop." That was a lame insult.
"There's one more very important thing to keep in mind!" Both Sanji and Zoro began to fight once again until
"Knock it off! I can't hear him!" Nami was losing her patience with the two of them.
"That is enough." Luna looked up to them both, "I was the one that decided this, do you have a problem with that Pirate Hunter?" Both man stood away from each other and turned away from one another.
"Fine." With that, the fight was over... for now.
"Be aware that going in reverse or leaving the course will result in immediate disqualification!" The great bird had flew down beside Luna, which she had handed the roster to it before it flew off. "Starting before the whistle means disqualification, too! All right, everything appears to be set! The first round pits... oh! It's a clash between two big shots! Straw Hat Luffy versus Porche! This looks to be a heated battle from the very start! Now let's get underway!" Luffy was readying his skates and when he stood up.
"Why did I not see this coming?" Luna was sighing,
"Wha...?! Wh-What in the world!?" Nami was completely shocked as we looked at Luffy.
"You can't be serious...!" Usopp had gone pale, as did Sanji and Zoro, it was simple really. Luffy couldn't skate.
"T-this is hard..."
"A-Am I seeing things!?" Sanji was asking shocked.
"I don't  see it! I don't see anything at all!" Usopp had his hands over his eyes.
"Even if you have your hand over your eyes, don't run away from reality." Luna turned to him as she spoke. Luffy had then fell onto his backside causing the whole place to break out into laugher.
"Oh, my! He can't skate at all! And according to the roster, Straw Hat Luffy plans to skate in two rounds! Is this game already over!?"
"Are you serious! This'll be a cinch!" Foxy was shouting pointing at Luffy.
"Upsy-daisy..." Luffy once again tried to stand up only this time he smashed his face into the ground.
"Now what do we do?" Zoro was asking.
"Wait... does this mean the third rounds gonna be extra important now!?" Usopp was asking with blank eyes. In Luna's opinion she didn't think there's a need to worry. The match was about to begin with
"Both teams are finally at the starting line, but will this even be much of a race!?" In the end, Usopp had to hold Luffy up at the starting line. "It's time to begin!"
"I can't believe you asked to be in two rounds!" Usopp was sighing as he spoke to Luffy in disbelief.
"It's not my fault! I didn't know it was this hard!" Luffy had told him back being honest, to then fall down dragging Usopp with him.
"It's over! It's all over!" Nami was saying in the sidelines clenching her hands together.
"We have no choice, though. We'll have to pick up the slack." Robin was beside her saying with the smile on her face as normal.
"Okay, it's time! Scorers, get in position!" The ref had shouted holding up his arm as a signal for the racers.
"Hey! Not you again!" Sanji had shouted at the ref because he was the same one that was in charge of his, Zoro and Luna's match from before. "You'll have he'll ti pay if you try any funny stuff again!" The ref was whistling as if he didn't care or was scared but the sweat that were running down his face told a different story. That's when Foxy began to laugh annoyingly.
"There's no need for 'funny stuff'; it's already clear we're going to win!" He had said to them.
"It's time for the third game: the Run Roller Round! Will Straw Hat Luffy emerge from Round #1 victorious?! Or will it be our own Porche!?" The crew were all beginning to get nervous, even Robin.
"On your marks! Get set!" The ref blow the whistle and off was Porche.
"There she goes! Porche starts off with a spectacular dash! Meanwhile, Straw Hat Luffy is... flat in his face!" When Luffy had tried to start he had once again fallen face first and this time he cracked the cement. "He's collapsed before even crossing the starting line!"
"That was an impressive fall..." Robin had stated looking at the crack.
"Stupid things!" Luffy was shouting as he tried to get up and remove his skates.
"Whoa, now! Removing your skates will mean instant disqualification!" The announcer was telling Luffy which seemed to piss him off even more.
"Darn it! Oh! I can just grab those-!" Luffy had gotten up only to fall straight on his backside. Porche had already made it half way when the ref blow the whistle again.
"Twenty seconds have passed! It's time to let the defenders loose!" It was announced and right behind Luffy came Mashikaku, who's shadow was hovering above Luffy,
"Mashikaku!" The thing had said as he began to fall,
"Hey! His about to be pined! Help him!" Sanji was ordering Usopp.
"Are you crazy!?" Usopp screamed back but there was need to help Luffy since Mashikaku had bounce right back up.
"Gum Gum Ballon!" Nami and Usopp shouted seeing Luffy all inflated.
"Carrots, Coward, kick him." Luna had called or to them saying.
"I see!" Nami had token off towards Luffy and pulled her foot back only to send Luffy rolling after kicking him.
"H-hey!" Usopp struggled behind her,
"Straw Hat, you better not deflate." Luna had shouted warning him. "Nico Robin, you know what to do." She had turned to her ordering.
"Leave it to me, Miss Luna." Robin had told her pulling her arms across her chest, "Cien Fleurs! Delphinium!" (Hundred Delphinium Flowers, Spanish) hundred arms had sprouted out from the ground and created a path which had then started rolling Luffy.
"Robin!" Nami was delighted.
"It's her again!"
"Awesome!" The crew belong to foxy were watching in an amazed.
"What speed! He's well on his way to catching up with Porche!"
"Oh No! Flower Shurikens!" Porche had thrown her flower like Shurikens towards Luffy, but Robin had changed the side she was rolling Luffy on. "Oh, no!" Seeing that he attach didn't reach and seeing Luffy starting to catch up she turned back around and started skating faster.
"Amazing! I've never witnessed a race like this before! But the Foxy Devils have some serious Defense!" Porche crossed the line and passed the rest of her team.
"I'm a wall..." Mashikaku said standing in the middle.
"Seriously, is that all?" Luna had flicked her hair as Luffy was thrown into the air by Robin.
"Oh! But he clears the wall with a skilful toss! Is it only a matter of time until he catches Porche!?"
"Nice, Robin! You're a Genius, Luna!" Sanji was shouting all excited.
"Nope!" The fishman, Girarin has leaped above Luffy and the blades that were coming out from his forearm grow, "Killer Sword Festive!" When Luffy was stricken he was sent off into the audience.
"What a turn of events! Straw Hat Luffy has gone outside the course!" That meant they lost the first round.
"No way!"
"He cut him! You Okay, Luffy!?" Usopp was shouting up to him, waiting for an answer.
"Rest easy! My Killer Swords don't cut! They're all show!" Was there really a point in them?
"I don't really see the point in bragging about that." Luna only looked at the fishman sideways at his stupidity. But this was pretty bad. Luna looked over at Chopper, with the first round going to the other team that meant there was going to be more risk in the other rounds of losing, meaning not only will the crew not get Chopper back but they will lose another member.
"The winner of the first round is Porche!" The whistle had been blown, "One point to the Foxy Devils!"
"Damn it!!" Luffy was shouting from all the way up from a tall tree after exhaling that sent him flying like a ballon.
"Just got down from there!" Zoro had completely snapped at the guy.
"All right! Let's move right along! The second round match-up pits the heartless Navigator Nami." The crowd that had just been cheering a second again had stopped hearing Nami's name, "Against the King of Defense, the human wall: Masshikaku!" Then started up once again. Nami was at the starting line ready to go knowing that she had to give it everything she's got, but she had then glanced up to the giant wall like man beside her that was just standing there.
"Round #2! On your marks! Get set!" The moment the whistle had blown Nami was off,
"And they're off! Oh, but what a shock! Masshikaku is slow!" Her opponent wasn't even over the starting line yet. "Like, really slow! The heartless Nami quickly increases her lead!"
"What's with this guy? Is he even trying to win?" Usopp was asking the others looking at Masshikaku in disbelief. "Forget about him, Nami! Just keep movin'!" He had then shouted noticing Nami slowing down and looking at Masshikaku completely confused.
"Right!" But she had changed right away. That's when the second whistle was sounded off.
"There's the second whistle!"
"Let's do it, Robin!" Usopp had then spotted the defenders of the other team standing and blocking they're path making both Robin and Usopp Confused to what they were planing.
"Just try and get through, if you dare."Jude had smeared.
"Not even water can get past us!" Girarim had held up one of his arms showing off the blades.
"Little late to be playin' roadblocks! We're the ones in the lead..." Sanji was saying to them but Luna was getting a bad feeling about the way they were acting. It couldn't be one of they cheats, can it?
"Wh-What's with you guys!? Move!"Luffy was yelling at them even though he couldn't stand.
"Wait! Don't push yourself, Luffy!" Usopp had turned to him, "we're gonna win if things stay as they are!" Nami had made it all the way around but came to a stop behind Robin,
"Yes, maybe!" The sound of Porche pulled everyone's attention to look up where she was sitting on Masshikaku shoulder facing them. She had a Boquet of roses pop out of her staff and had them pointing at the crew.
"Wait! Don't look!" Luna had shouted but it was too late for the others.
"Flower Hypnosis!" And they had all collapsed. Everyone of the Straw Hat crew had collapsed, all but one and that was Luna.
"Oi, wake up. Wake up!" Luna was shaking Zoro and Sanji wildly as she was trying to wake them up.
"It's pointless!" Foxy had come up to her laughing, "By the time they wake up, we'll win. But why didn't it work on you? I mean it works on Giants and fishman." Now I understood why, Giants and fishman were on the same wavelength as humans but Luna was different.
"That's because the reindeer wasn't the only non-human member of the crew." Luna had told and looked at him with a cold stare which had caused the man to flinch. However, this wasn't the time for this. Looking back to Masshikaku, he had made it half way around the ring. Luna looked back to the others, they still handed woken up nor did they show any signs of it. This was really bad and it was getting worse at the time passed by until they finally began to regain consciousness.
"What...?" But the time they started coming to, it was too late.
We were also peeping!?" Usopp was shouting as he asking completely confused.
"So it would seem..." Robin was also back up and I noticed that Sanji was now siting up.
"Luffy! Get up! Hey!" Usopp was shouting at him.
"But things still look the same... right?" Nami was questioning.
"Yes." And robin agreed with her.
"You're wrong. Get you ass moving!!" Luna had snapped at Nami.
"Nami! Hurry!"  Chopper shouting to her as well. She was looking at him and them to me confused.
"I said get your ass moving!! Hurry up!!" Was still shouting at her, along with Chopper who was in the stands.
"Five! Four! Three!"
"Huh? Why?" Nami was asking.
"Two! One!"
"He's passed over you." Luna had told her but the whistle had blown before she even realised it.
"Team Foxy wins two rounds in a row! Victory is already within reach!"
"They did a full lap while we were asleep...?" Sanji was still trying to understand what had happened.
"Yes, this whole time you were a sleep, Masshikaku had made it around completely." Luna was telling him as she was sighing out of frustration.
"I can't believe we beat 'em with Masshikaku!" Foxy was finding it completely amusing.
"Is this for real...!?" Usopp was as,ing as he was holding Luffy up from shaking him.
"Team Foxy scores twice in a row! Luffy's team is in a real pinch!" He wasn't wrong about that. "The third round is now a crucial one!" Now it was Usopp that we left our fate up to. We're domed. "It pits long-nosed Usopp again Chiqicheetah   The speedster!" Yep, domed.
"M-My chronicle sickness-" he didn't need to finish his sentence before Nami and Sanji had lost it at him.
"Don't give us any crap about a 'Can't Race Anyone' disease!" It was always the same with him that is was annoying.
"Eep.."  somehow the crew got Usopp had the starting line but it was clear he was freaking out.
"Listen to me for one." Luna had spoken to Luffy who fell on his ass again. "You have to bend your knees and use you hips." She had told him.
"Have you skated before?" Luffy had asked her.
"Yes, when I was younger with my mother." Luna had told him but she froze before going back to what she was saying before, "Your need to spread a bit more. It's different to walking."
"Like this?" Luffy had gotten up only to fall again.
"No." She said to him annoyed.
"Like this?" Luffy tried again, only to be kicked by Luna, "Like this?" He tried again to once again fall.
"I said no. Listen you idiot captain." She had began to lose her patients were him when the whistle blow.
"On your marks! Get set!" Hearing this, Despite freaking out like crazy, Usopp had pulled down his goggles. The whistle had blown again and they were both off.
"Oh! I'm in the lead!" Usopp was shouting after a bit when he lifted up his head to then noticed that Chiqicheetah was already on the other side of the course.
"So fast!" Even Robin was sweating at seeing it.
"No one's a match for Chiqicheetah's speed!" Porche was laughing at the crew.
"He doesn't need any support, ya know!" Jude had told them.
"Damn! It's hopeless after all!?" Usopp was asking himself still skating. That's when Chiqicheetah had passed right passed with the wind blowing behind him.
"No way! A full lap already!?" Nami was completely surprised.
"Maybe you two should sit back and relax too?" Porche had asked or more like stated to them.
"It's not over until it's over!" She had been shouted back at by Nami.
"Twenty seconds are up! Defence, go!"  The whistle blow.
"Let's go, Robin!" Nami took off.
"Yes!" With Robin right behind.
"My! How admirable!" At this time, Chiqicheetah had did a lap and was right behind Usopp again.
"He's already back!? Take this!" Usopp ad tired to elbow him but ended up missing and spinning around. But everyone's attention wasn't on the two of them but really an idiot.
"You got it." Luna was said , "Just do what I told you." Luffy was beginning to stand.
"Oh! Is he gonna make it!?" The crowd was at the edge of their seats watching him,
"Just a little bit more! Keep going!" The foxy pirates were beginning to cheer for Luffy,
"That's it! Stand up, Luffy!" Chopper had bursted out of his chair screaming as Luffy had completely stood up.
"I'm so moved!"
"He did it." Luna was honestly surprised but was no longer annoyed.
"Luffy!" Nami called out to him.
"All right! I'm up! Hang on, Usopp!" Luffy had shouted to him, who was crying in joy. "Hang on, Chopper!" The guy that hadn't been able to skate till now was standing up in them but still, he was shaking a lot to try and keep his balance.
"Luffy!" Usopp was crying even more then before.
"And then... like this!?" Luffy had squatted down as he was getting ready to jump but he had lunged forwards instead. "It's so fast! Awesome!" Luffy was off a like rocket as he was screaming out of both joy and terror. Chiqicheetah had began to close on to him from behind, "I won't let you win!" That's when Chiqicheetah had changed into a full cheetah and was chasing after Luffy.
"Amazing! It's hard to believe Straw Hat Luffy couldn't even stand up moments ago! He's keeping pace with Chiqicheetah, who's powered up with his Double Speed Full Dash!" If it wasn't of the skates, then Chiqicheetah would be running but because of them he was using his front paws to skate faster. Luffy was doing fine until the turn was approaching.
"Oh right, I never explained to him about how to turn." Luna was saying noticing Luffy's panicking. Upon saying that, he broke through the wall and was going flying away. Or at least that would have happened if Luffy didn't eat the Gum Gum Fruit. His hands had just grabbed onto the edge of the part he broke but then that broke which had sent him flying anyways.
"Straw Hat Luffy has left the course once again! He's out of Round #3 as well!" Luna smacked her head out of frustrating. Usopp had the others had made another lap around passed we're Luffy shot himself out of.
"I knew it! He's hopeless...!" Usopp was saying when Chiqicheetah had passed the group once again.
"There goes the Speed King, Chiqicheetah! He's four laps in the lead now!" Luna needs to think of something and fast or they were going to lose. Luffy was out, Nami was useless and then there was Robin... that was it!
"Nico Robin, lend a hand would you!" Luna shouted over to her and she nodded after understanding what Luna was telling her. Hands had began to sprout out from her Palms one after another, heading to Usopp.
"Long-nose! Grab on! Hurry!" She had told him.
"Right!" Usopp had grabbed onto the arm in front of him and once he had it, he began to move after because Robin had used her arms as a whip to send him forwards.
"What's this!? Archaeologist Nico Robin uses a Long Whip! Will this help him rally back!?"
"Oh, those woman!" Porche had shouted about Luna and Robin who worked really well together even if they were under pressure.
"Porche! Just leave it to me, ya know!?" Jude had token off now. Usopp had passed Chiqicheetah but he had changed and was was again like a real cheetah when when it looked like he was off the course his tail was used to swing him around.
"There it is! Chiqicheetah's Triple Speed Rocket Dash!" But there was still no whistle that pissed Sanji off.
"Hey! He went off the course just now, dammit!" He was grabbing the ref shaking him,
"He was only in the air! Only in the air!" The ref had told him which was a lie.
"Violent coach Sanji's desperate complaint is shot down!" What can they do? They didn't have much time left.
"Nico Robin, behind you!" Luna had noticed Jude wrapping his arms around Robin.
"I won't move if I were you! The more you struggle, the tighter it gets, ya know!" He had a giant grin across his face and it was extremely creepy. Despite not being able to move, Robin was completely calm and had closed her eyes. She had used her ability to have two arms sprout out from Jube's back and they grabbed from behind his chin to snap his neck. "It's no use! I'm soft-bodies! That doesn't hurt me one bit, ya know!" He was laughing as he lifted up Robin into the air where Foxy used his Slow Slow Beam on her.
"Well done, Jube!"
"That's one down, ya know!"
"Damn! They got Robin!" Sanji had yelled watching.
"Hey Luna. Idiot Coach. We're going to lose unless we do something about that Chiqicheetah guy!" Of course Zoro was right, but what could they do?
"Don't need you to tell us that!" Sanji had shouted to him as Luna was trying to think of something.
"Wait... Chiqicheetah..." it seemed something had hit Luna as she was thinking about Chiqicheetah. "Oi, Old Horse Guy!" Luna had began to yell to the stands, "You there!? Old Horse Guy!"
"Oh, you mean me?" Tonjit had called out asking.
"Where is that place you got the Long Kiwi from?" She was asking him.
"What are you talking about!?" Zoro was now asking,
"Shut it!" Sanji had snapped understanding what Luna was thinking about. "Hurry! Tell us where!"
"There! They grow on those trees!" The old man had told them as he pointed behind him.
"Hey, Shrub Head! Run and get us a kiwi brunch!" Sanji had ordered him.
"Is that his you ask for stuff!?" Of course Zoro was making it difficult.
"Just get the damn kiwis." Luna was emanating bloodlust which had sprung Zoro into action, running towards the stands and had began running up them. Tonjit had given him permission to take Sherry and she took off with Zoro in her back. "I don't know if it'll work, but it's better to try then to not." Luna had said to herself watching Chiqicheetah.
"After 4 minutes, Chiqicheetah has a hug 13-lap lead! Four and a half minutes have passed! His lead has increased to 15 laps! Things are look bleak for the Straw Hat Dangers!"
"What's taking that loser so long!?" Sanji was asking as the seconds felt like hours.
"4 minutes and 50 seconds have passed! Ten more seconds and the Foxy Devils will clinch a Shut-out victory!" There was still no sign of Zoro and Luna had began to panic as Chiqicheetah was passing Usopp once again. "5 seconds to go!" When it looked like all Hope was lost... "Wh-What's happening!?" A giant shadow began to fall over the crowd. The shadow belonged to a tree as it fell, "I-Is that...!?" The whistle had then blow once the tree had fallen to the ground. "O-Oh, my! What on earth happened to Chiqicheetah!?" Everyone's eyes turned to where Chiqicheetah was and they were completely shocked to see what had happened, "Chiqicheetah left the course just before the round ended! What a conclusion!" Chiqicheetah was playing in the tree off side of the course. "The Straw Hat Dangers come from behind to win the third round!"
"Oh, no! Chiqicheetah!" Porche was yelling seeing that the now cat like man playing.
"What!?" Foxy was completely shocked as his eyes were about to pop out of his head.
"H-Hooray!" Usopp had lifted up his arms with tears running down his face again. While the crowd was still confused on what had happened the crew gathered to the side Luna and Sanji were standing of the tree. "What happened?" Usopp had asked the two of them with a dumb look in his face.
"Isn't is obvious?" Luna had flicked her hair, "Catnip and kiwi share the same properties as one another and because of that, there are many plants that can mesmerise a some cats with just its smell. Since cheetahs are in the same class as cats, I thought why not." She had shrugged.
"So that's why he was sniffing Luffy earlier!" Nami had shouted thinking back.
"That's right, I remembered that Straw Hat was eating a kiwi fruit and the way Chiqicheetah had acted around him. With that, I got Pirate Hunter to go get some kiwi but I would have never thought he would chop the whole tree down." Luna had said right back to her. It made sense to her and that was how she thought of the plan on the spot.
"Excellent thinking as always Miss Luna!" Robin had said to her.
"As if this was a challenge." Time had passed and the tree was really in the way.
"The Straw Hat Dangers have scored a point of their own!" While that was being said, the Foxy Pirates were pulling the tree off the course and stands. "But the Foxy Devils still have the advantage! There's no time to bask in the afterglow of victory, though! It's time for Round #4 to begin! The scorer will be Nico Robin the archeologist versus Jube the Fishman! A great match-up, indeed!" Just as Robin was about to go to the starting line,
"Nico Robin. I need to talk to about the round." Luna had come up to her and said. it was so soft and quiet that no one knew what she were saying all but Robin. "Do you think you can do that?"
"I see. Yeah, I think I can do that." She had said. While they were doing that Zoro was with Luffy,
"Listen up, Luffy! When you reach a carve..."
"I got it! I'm fine now!" Luffy had cut him off.
"What do you mean 'fine'? You screwed up just a second ago..." Zoro had said reminding him.
"Don't you remember, Zoro? Luna told me to watch everyone earlier..." Hearing Luffy say that, Zoro's eyebrow lifted up in confusion. On the side lines, as these two conversations were going on, Nami and Usopp were having their own.
"He's definitely going to shoot that beam again." She was looking over to Foxy at the corner of her eyes as she spoke.
"Yeah. That Idiot-Idiot Beam is bad news" Usopp had to agree on that since that was all Foxy could do.
"Idiot-Idiot Beam...!?" Foxy had gotten all depressed since he could hear them.
"B-Boss..." the two of them had turned to Foxy stunned at how depressed he can get so easily.
"Usopp! Hear me out!" Nami had gotten a great idea, or at least one that was good for them... maybe.
"What is it?" Usopp had turned to her asking, which she had then began to whisper into his ear and a giant evil grin appeared across Usopp's face, "you're a wicked one, All right!"
"Good idea, huh!?" Nami had the same type of look at Usopp as she spoke.
"Oh! Does the heartless Nami have a secret plan!? Her dishonest face is on par with that of our own boss!"
"Who're you calling dishonest!?"
"You." Robin and Jube were both now standing at the starting line we're Jube was ready to race while Robin was just standing there with her arms crossed under her chest.
"It's time for Round #4!"
"Got ya good earlier, huh?" Jube was laughing as he noticed Robin looked at him.
"Ready!" Robin had then gotten read, "Go!" Robin was already ahead, unlike the others, she was a great skater and had no problems moving fast. However, Jube was right behind her and she saw that. "Twenty seconds are up! Defense, Go!" Luffy was off.
"I-Is Luffy gonna be okay?!" Usopp was asking the others not sure after last time. Luffy didn't seem to be doing a bad job with skating now but he wasn't slowing down even when he was approaching the turn.
"Oh, so that's his plan." Luna had said watching him and realising what Zoro had told her earlier about what Luffy had said it him. He had jumped over the rails and just like how Chiqicheetah had used his tail, Luffy had used his hand to grab the rails to swing himself around the corner.
"Yes!" Nami had cheered.
"Way to go, Luffy!" As did Usopp, But the main problem of this round was still there and it was Jube.
"Bring it one anytime! I'll give you another taste of my Macha Caramente!"
"No, you won't!" But Luffy seemed to have it covered as he punched Jube right into the wall.
"Oh! Is he finally in fight form!? Straw Hat Luffy sends Jube Flying!" Luffy had bend down to see if the guy was conscious or not and had smirked.
"Nico Robin!" Luna had turned to her yelling.
"Right!" With that, she turned the corner and was facing Girarin and Masshikaku that were standing before the starting line. Girarin had out his useless swords and had tried to strikes down at Robin but she ducked and moved onto Masshikaku that was just standing there like a wall. A pair of robin's arms had started sprouting from his shoulders hand then the arms continued to sprout from the palms of them. Robin had used them to throw her over Masshikaku
"Huh?! My baton is gone!" Porche was yelling after searching herself.
"So sorry!" Nami was saying as she was spinning the baton in her hand.
"Oh! How could you!?" Porche was asking completely unsure when Nami had stolen it. Robin had passed her and continued to skate around again. At that point Jube had woken up only to be frighten by Luffy standing above him.
"I'd stay down if I were you!" He had told him smiling.
"Okay...!" That was all Jube could say since Luffy would knock him out again.
"Incredible! The Straw Hat Dangers are on a roll! They've taken a one-lap lead!"
"We'll Just see about that! Hamburg! Prepare for a full dash!" Foxy had ran and jumped onto Hamburg's back.
"Right!" And He was off running or something that grillers do.
"Get ready, Usopp!" Nami had told him at Foxy and Hamburg went pass.
"Yeah! I dub it Operation-Laugh-And-Fall! Ready!?" Usopp had responded.
"Okay!" Nami had a serious look on her face. Robin had came around the corner of the course and Hamburg had came to a stop, foxy had his arm up in the position he uses to fryer the Slow-Slow Beam.
"Lousy Split-Head! Shottin' your Idiot-Idiot Beam again, huh!?" Usopp had shouted to him loudly, and Foxy had fallen onto his head off of Hamburg on the ground.
"Split-Head!? Idiot-Idiot Beam!?" He was depressed.
"He's not like that! He's an intelligent, handsome man!" Hearing Nami yell that Foxy was standing up proudly, but least just say there was one person who was just getting shivers from it, Luna.
"Don't listen to her, you stupid fox!" Usopp had yelled once again,
"No, I'm serious! I'm head over heels for you!" Nami shouted back.
"No one would like you, Crappy Split-Head!"
"He added 'Crappy' to 'Split-Head...!"
"So handsome!" Foxy was happy one minute...
"Split-Head!" Depressed the next
"Handsome!" Happy
"Split-Head!" Depressed
"I'm in love!" Happy
"All lies!" Depressed "Split-Head! Split-Head! Split- what are you doing, Nami!? You need to compliment him!" Usopp had noticed Nami had stopped.
"I can't go on... it's making me sick...." Nami was crying as he face was blue, "switch places with me..."
"Why, you... how dare you!?" Foxy seemed to have gotten over his depression.
"I can't think of any nice things to say... all right! Let's just keep repeating stuff!" Usopp had shouted deciding.
"Right!" With Nothing left to do Usopp was yelling out you're manly, Nami was repeating Split-Head over and over again but it seemed to be doing the same affect.
"He can't fire his Slow-Slow Beam! Has our Boss been KOed by this ingenious verbal assault!? Time is nearly up!" Everything seemed to be going great for the fourth round since Robin was scoring point after point without a care. That's when the whistle blow ending the round. "Incredible! Just incredible! The Straw Hat Dangers win Round #4 by a landslide!" The group, not including Luffy, were all standing at the starting line for Robin who high five Nami as she reached them. "There'll now be a five-minute break before the final round begins!" Both teams were at their benches and while Luffy and the others were all happy and smiling at they spoke to each other, Foxy and his team were all slouching and hanging their heads but they seem to have a plan.  Five minutes had passed, "the final round was is to begin! Both teams, to the starting line! Oh! The Foxy Devils' scorer, Girarin, is all alone! All the others are off the track! Could they be planning to unleash that huge technique!?"
"Huge technique?" Sanji had questioned as those on the benched looked over to Foxy.
"What's so huge about it, it's just going to be that Idiot Beam again." Luna had stated with a flick to her hair.
"Oh, my. How did you know?" Porche didn't even deny it as the team smirked over the crew left. "Yes. This tactic is all about getting the Slow-Slow Beam to hit it's mark."
"But knowing that still won't help ya!" Jube had said before laughing.
"As if! Weren't you paying attention last time!? We have Operation-Laugh-and-Fall!" Usopp was beaming with confidence. "Don't worry, Luffy! Just skate like crazy!"
"Yeah! Leave it to me!" Luffy had shouted throwing his arms into the sky.
"Okay, it's time! Ready! Go!" They were both off but they weren't the only ones, Foxy had walked off on the other side of the grass area.
"What!? Already!?" Usopp had shouted seeing that Foxy had his arms up ready to fryer.
"Manly! Manly! Manly!..." Usopp was shouting
"Split-Head! Split-Head!.." And Nami was shouting but....
"Slow-Slow Beam!" Foxy wasn't affected by it as the beam was heading for Luffy.
"There it is! A barrage of Slow-Slow Beams!" Luffy was jumping all over the place dodging the. The best he could.
"Why isn't Operation-Laugh-and-Fall working!?" Usopp was asking which then Foxy had turned to face them.
"Huh? Did you say somethin'!?" He had earplugs in his ears.
"Earplugs! The Straw Hat Dangers have been bested! That's our boss for you!"
"C-Crap!" Despite being really bad as skating before, Luffy was dodging the beams as if he had been skating for years, as for Girarin, he was just bouncing the beams off his swords.
"Is it me, or do the Idiot Beams bounce off that guy?!" Sanji was asking the others watching.
"Oh! You noticed! Slow-Slow Beams dint work on Girarin!" Porche had told him.
"Oh, really? Why not?" Sanji was asking like a love sick puppy.
"Oh, I'm afraid that's a secret!"
"Oh, a secret!? That's what I thought!" Sanji was a complete helpless case.
"That's why you're already off the course, huh?" Zoro had stood up stating.
"That's right. All your guys are gonna turn into slow pokes, but not us! And they can't hide behind us!" Porche had explained it to them.
"So that's their deal! This is bad! Really bad!" Usopp had began to panic along with Nami but for some reason there was one person that was completely.
"Twenty seconds are up! Defenders, go!"
"Time for you all to slow down!" Even when Foxy had his arms pointing at the crew. That person was Luna, because there could be no one else.
"No!" Nami and Usopp tried to run away only to be caught up in the Slow Slow Beams.
"Direct hit! Navigator Nami and Sniper Usopp have fallen prey to the Slow-Slow Beam!" Foxy had then turned back out to Luffy and began to fry but Luffy had dodged them but when he thought he was in the clear.
"Captain! Look out behind you!" Robin had shouted because Girarin had bounced the beam off his sword and it was heading to Luffy which this time he couldn't escape from.
"They finally got Straw Hat Luffy! Is victory a near-certainly now!?"
"That just leaves you!" Foxy had his arms now following Robin.
"Nico Robin, Get off." Luna had said as she stood up from the bench.
"What are you on about?" Zoro was asking her confused until her saw Robin coming to a complete stop and stepped onto the grass off the course.
"Oh! What's this!? Nico Robin was keeping the Straw Hat Danger in the game! So why did their strategist, Luna, tell Nice Robin to get off the course!? Are they... giving up? She's exited the course of her own accord with only one minute left!"
"What's going on, Luna, Robin?" Sanji was asking them both all confused as Robin had reached the bench.
"I can't avoid those beams by staying here, right?" Robin was smiling answering him, you would thing Sanji's reaction would be all smiles and hearts
"Robin...?" But it wasn't. Robin had walked over and stood beside Luna who was looking and watching Foxy.
"The Beam only lasts for 30 seconds. You know what to do, right?" Luna had said to her, not making eye contact.
"Right." Robin didn't make any eye contact either, the two of them seemed to have something cooking up.
"Forty seconds remain! Girarin has an easy, three-lap lead!" The Slow-Slow Beam that had gotten Nami and Usopp wore off and they fell to the ground in pain.
"Time for another dose, just to be safe!" But it didn't last long because Foxy had shot them with another beam. "It's been fun, Straw Hat Luffy... But this is the end!" Foxy was laughing as he once again started approaching Luffy who was still suffering from the beam.
"Thirty seconds left! Victory is guaranteed if he can hit Straw Hat Luffy with another beam."
"This is where it starts." Luna had said and Robin had placed her arms up across for when she uses her Devil's Fruit abilities. Luffy had then started moving again but he fell on his back side.
"End of the Line!" But there was no beam coming out from Foxy's hands, the answer was simple, because Robin had stopped him from activating is ability with her arms that had sprouted out from his arms.
"Crap!" The Foxy Devils had turned to Robin.
"This is when you start skating, Straw Hat." Luna was telling him.
"Skate Luffy! There's no time!" Sanji had shouted after her.
"All right!" Luffy was up and began to move again and skated right passed Girarin.
"Twenty seconds left!" It's not that none of them had noticed it, it was that Zoro already had done something to stop Jube. He had stabbed one os his swords down in front of the arms that began to stretch towards Robin.
"Would you like to be grilled or chopped?" Luna was also standing in the way with her hair floating along with bloodlus.
"D-Damn!" Jube had backed away instantly.
"Ten seconds left! Straw Hat Luffy is moving at incredible speed! This could turn into a mad dash for the finished!" Luffy had already caught up and was right behind Girarin.
"I think that guy needs a taste of his own medicine." Luna had looked to Robin who had smiled and nodded at her. Her arms had forced Foxy's to get in portion to use the Slow-Slow Beam and it was being pointed right at him,
"Oh! Our Boss slowed himself down! Five seconds left!" Girarin had turned to face Luffy making his swords grow.
"Swords That can't cut... won't work on me!" Luffy looked like he was going to punch Girarin in the face and he thought that to, but Luffy's arm had flew right passed him and as did Luffy.
"The Straw Hat Dangers come from behind to win!" Luffy had crossed the line.
"YES!" Chopper had cried for joy...

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