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The screaming that had come from Nami, Usopp and Chopper had come from the island the one place that those three wanted to avoid. Why was it that their voices were coming from it? The answer was simple, the three of them, plus Luna, had fallen down a very deep ditch that is located between the actual island and the sea. "Ouch, ow, ow, ow..." Usopp was rubbing his butt after the fall.
"No wonder that hurt..." Nami stated, pulling his attention to her as she was looking up. "We fell all the way from up there, guys." She was looking all the way up a stone wall.
"Where are you?" Chopper, laying in his Heavy Point asked as Usopp was sitting on him.
"It would appear that we're on the Ghost Island." Luna stated still on the ground, since that would be the only exclamation.
"Ghost!?" But hearing that had scarier Usopp and Chopper to their feet.
"Hey! Cut it out! It's makes me even more scared!" Nami snapped at them while shaking.
"But how in the world did we get down here?" Usopp asked as he and Chopper crawled over to the girls.
"If I have to guess, being over excited about the Mini-Merry had distracted us and we drove right into the shore." Luna had explained but it seemed that the two guys didn't understand. "Put it simply, Nami was overconfident and end up using too much speed, so we rammed into a wall. It was because of this that we were sent flying. And before we knew it, where were at the bottom of this ditch." The three of them had then turned to the woman that had steering
"I'm 100% at fault, but you will forgive me 'cause I'm cute!" Nami was acting all sweet and cute winking.
"I, seriously gonna whack you!" But they weren't Sanji so it wasn't going to work which was while she was on her knees with a sign in hand saying 'I'm sorry.' "For one thing, isn't it weird how all this fog appeared. When we entered the island?" Usopp wasn't wrong about that.
"Maybe it's a trap to deal with adversaries?" Nami and suggested that option. "We should consider ourselves lucky that this wasn't lines with bamboo spears."
"You're Right! Where okay because we landed on the skeletons!" Chopper had calmly spoken looking down at the floor filled with bones.
"Uh-huh." But when they had come to noticed this, they began shaking in terror.
"I said cut that out!" Nami lost it at them, but she was just as terrified.
"Don't you guys think that was a little slow in noticing?" Luna had said as she wasn't freaked out in the slightest also noticing when she opened her eyes.
"But we've barely set foot on the islands. Luffy and the others will come for us if we sit tight." Usopp was telling the others which would work.
"But I'm scared of being below sea level." Chopper had admitted to them.
"Fair enough. It's dangerous and hard to find."
"If that's the case, why not just wait on the shore above ground?" Luna began to stand up speaking, only groan in pain before falling back down into the bones.
"What's wrong?!" Which had start of the others.
"It's silver." Luna spoke looking down at a chain that wrapped around her right leg.
"Silver? Ah, that's right! You can't touch it!" Usopp had come to remembered bending over to grab the chains that wrapped around her leg. Upon removing it, the three saw a large series burn in the pattern of the chain.
"This looks serious." Chopper pulled off his backpack and was about the pull stuff out, Ho wever, the sound of something growling had caused all to stop. Their heads had turned to darkness where yellow eyes were glowing from within.
"What is that? A dog?" Usopp was asking since it did sound like one growling. But their eyes began to adjust until they were able to see three headed dog standing before them. The two parts had blue fur while one side had yellow fur. It also had three yellow tails, and two of the heads had yellow hair on the top of their heads and backs and one of the tails had white fur on the tip. But the strangest thing was that it appeared to have been stitched together and was covered in scares.
"That's no dog." Nami stated since it didn't have three heads.
"Th-Then what is it?" The long nose had asked her starting to get nervous.
"H-Huh? C-Could that be C-Cer...Cerberus!?" Chopper had asked as Luna was on his back. It was then when the three heads began barking one after another, however, the yellow head sounded off.
"It's Cerberus!" Upon realising that, Nami, Usopp and Chopper, in his Walk Point and Luna on his back, were running with the three-headed dog right behind them.
"Wh-What's Cerberus!?" Nami didn't know what or who that was.
"It's the name referring to as the hound of Hades, it a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving." Luna had explained in details completely calmly.
"Does that really exist!?" But it seemed hard to believe that.
"Sure does! It's right behind us!" Usopp was screaming.
"Does that mean we're in Hell!?" Chopper could only concluded crying.
"No, I don't wanna know!" Nami refused to listen scared out of her mind.
"Just run! It'll eat us if we stop!" Usopp seemed to right about that since that would explain all the human skeletons on the ground. But as they were running and the Cerberus was barking, Luna noticed it sounded off and looked back to it. "What's wrong, Luna?" Usopp had asked
"Luna, what are you looking at?" Nami had also asked as Luna was looking back to Cerberus.
"Wait, the yellow one a fox head not dog." Luna had state finally said upon seeing the third head yelping instead of barking. And it seemed that the Fox head had hear and began depressed over it.
"Look! That hurt it's feeling." Usopp was whispering to Nami as they had come to a stop as well.
"Must be a sore spot." But it was then when Cerberus seemed to have become even more angry.
"We ticked it off!" The three cowards were crying as they took off running again and now the Fox head was saying 'pow'.
"We must have hit a real sore spot!"
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Chopper was apologising instead of Luna.
"I was only stating truth." Who didn't feel The slightest bit responsible. "Hey, there appears to be a staircase ahead." Luna pointed ahead of them to a flight of stairs leading up which mean it would take them to the ground level.
"Thank goodness!" Chopper was still crying and they ran up the stair case on to land with Cerberus still chasing after them.
"Gah, it's persistent!"
"We hut a really sore spot!" It seemed that Cerberus was a very sensitive creature. Usopp had come to a stop and pulled out his slingshot while turning around.
"Smoke Star!" He fired and a large smoke screen appeared with Cerberus had dove into and was leaping all over trying to find the exist and when it came out the four pirates were nowhere to be seen. They had completely disappeared which had caused it to head back. "It's a a dog that doesn't have a sense of smell?" If it had used it, then Cerberus would have found the pirate up in a tree watching him.
"It appears that it doesn't. But it's gone now." Luna was saying watching.
"What should we do?" Nami asked the others since they had ran pretty deep into the forest.
"With that wandering around, we can't wait somewhere that would stand out!" Chopper had stated to them.
"Certainly not!" A voice had spoken from behind the ground, which had forced them to turn and see a... person (?) with a bat like body with a black cape that looked like wings, and legs capable of suspending him upside down which he was doing. He had sharp fangs and claws, a long stitched nose, pointed ears, and his eyes, if not sunken, seem to have strange tattoos encircling them. Above his right eye is the number 21 which Luna had remembered seeing the number 82 on Cerberus' right side as they were running.
"Who're you!?" But it appeared that seeing the man had caused the others to scream.
"I am called Hildon." He had introduced himself to them. "I was afraid you might be in trouble when I saw the feral dog chasing you, so I snuck up from behind."
"Don't sneak up!"
"As night falls upon the forest around these parts, it becomes so perilous it hardly seem like it belongs of this word." It had been explained to the group by the man, Hildon. "If you please, feel free to take my carriage to the mansion." A carriage had appeared below them.
"There's a mansion?" Nami found it hard to believe as they were looking at the carriage.
Indeed, there is. You're welcome to visit to Doctor Hogback's mansion." Hildon was still hanging up seid down behind them.
"What!?" Chopper had reacted in shocked upon hearing that name.
"What? What is it?"
"What's the big deal, Chopper?" The others were a little confused at his sudden loudness.
"Hogback..." none of them knew the name, a least that is was it appeared to be. However, Luna had quite a serious death glare upon hearing that name.
"Who's that?" Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Luna had take up Hildon's offer in accompanying them to the mansion while they traverse through the forest via carriage. Which was where they were in conversation with Hildon or at least Luna was.
"Those horses that are pulling the carriage, they don't appear to look like any I know of." She was saying looking to the strange man saying.
"Uh, you must be imagining things!" Hildon had replied back.
"... is that so...?" But she didn't believe that for a second.
"Anyway, you're a lifesaver! Thanks for saving our hides!" Usopp had told Hildon relieved to leave the forest behind.
"It was nothing! Please, have a drink." He had offered them liquid that was inside the bottle across his back. "This Forest is filled with unusual animals, making it dangerous to simply walk around." That had been explained to them.
"Yeah, I was surprise! I thought Cerberus was an imaginary animal." Chopper had agreed while stating that.
"That terrifying face must be a mutant or something!" Usopp could only concluded. But it was as none of them, excluding Luna, had noticed that the creature had been stitched together similarly to Hildon not to mention the numbers. "I was afraid we were going to be stuck in that tree when you found us."
"The mansion is the best place to wait for your friends."
"Plus... I'll get it meet Dr. Hogback!" Chopper was getting all excited while sitting on Luna's lap
"Is he all that famous?" Usopp was asking him, since he never heard of the guy before.
"There isn't a single doctor who doesn't know his name!" That had been explained that the man was a famous surgeon by Chopper. "With his miraculous operations, he's saved as many people as there are stars! He has obtained status, honest, and everything you could get as a doctor! He's earned the respect of doctors around the world!"
"Yes, however one day he just disappeared without a trace." Luna had spoke up but it didn't seem like she was that sad about it, unlike to little reindeer on her lap. "Many say he just went missing, while they were others that believe he was abducted. Apparently, it throw the medical world into chaos for some time, but no one found a lead in the end."
"Now he's on the verge of becoming a legend." Chopper had then said then turned to Hildon asking it he meant that Dr, Hogback sparkling with excitement.
"Indeed! Doctor Is still conducting research that goes beyond the boundaries of human knowledge." Who had told him that.
"Would it be okay if I asked for his autograph?" The Doctor was overly excited about asking that.
"If that's all you want, I'm sure that would be fine." Nami had then pulled back the curtain of the carriage.
"No way! This forest... even has lions!" She was saying looking out to the forest but then suddenly she began screaming and spilled her drink all over Chopper and Luna, while the reindeer and Usopp began screaming now as well.
"What was that for?" Luna asked wiping off the wine that spilled on her then asked Nami why she was screaming.
"J-Just now, I saw a l-lion outside!" The girl was explained her face completely blue. Then she began draw something on Luna's sketch book that was in her bag. "I-It looked like this." She help it up to show them.
"I don't buy that!" Usopp ended up snapping at her since it was a Lion with a man's face.
"Then take a look for yourself!" The curtain had been opened by Nami and he looked out along with Luna and Chopper.
"Prey... Fresh prey..." it was then when they saw many strange creatures, but after blinking the creatures were gone. The three cowards signed and began to laugh before taking in a deep breath, Luna blocked her ears
"Weird stuff's out there! Super weird stuff's out there!" Because the three all screamed impure terrified fear.
"Stop Right here! Stop the carriage, Hildon!" Nami was shouting at the man as Usopp had completely passed out.
"Why are you so worked up? Are you having hallucinations?" He made it sound like they were going insane.
"That wasn't a hallucination! I'm sure they were out there! This for us is way too messed up!" Usopp was screaming as he had woken up.
"I suppose. This forest is a little strange.The combination of that fog and fear can induce hallucinations in some." The bat man was explaining.
"Huh? What was a hallucination?" Chopper had asked in relief.
"Really, now? A hallucination? Nah, it was too vivid for that!" Usopp was saying as it wasn't working for them. But Hildon pretended not to hear anything while drinking.
"Hildon! Sorry, but could you take us back to the shore?" Nami was asking since even if it was dangerous they would managed somehow. "We have Luna after all."
"Oi." They placed all the responsibilities on her.
"What!?" But then there was someone in tears. "But then I won't get to meet Dr Hogback! I wanna meet him!" Chopper was pretty much throwing a tantrum.
"That might be the case, but even I'm getting a hunch that we should head back." Luna was telling the little guy, looking down at him.
"See! Even Luna thinks so!" Usopp was happy to hear that, but the reason for it wasn't that she was scared but more like she couldn't stand listening to them screaming and crying none stop, especially since she was still injured due to the silver. "Are you willing to die to meet the doctor? Or will you skip meeting him so we can leave this island alive? Which will it be!?" That had been asked.
"Of course I don't want to die! Or get scared!" It seemed that Chopper was convinced.
"Is that right? I shall go inform the Coachmen. Everyone, please wait here." Hildon had called out for the carriage to stop and when it did, he stepped out leaving the four alone, where Chopper was moping around.
"I'm sorry, Chopper! I know you're passing up a huge chance." Nami was saying leaning towards him.
"It can't be helped! I'm still green, since I can't act on my own like Luffy."

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