Something's Coming!?

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All Marines stood in shock as Vice Admiral Keshvi was no longer standing before Luffy. The one standing in front of Luffy, replacing the Vice Admiral by Luna. She had lowered her leg as it had been used to kick Keshvi away just before she could kill Luffy. "Luna!" And seeing the demon caused him to be filled with delight.
"Captain, you better head off." As she told him this, blond hair had come flying at Luna. "I'll deal with her."
"How dare... How dare you do that to my face!" Keshvi entire focus was on her in anger as she was holding her nose that was bleeding and broken. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Luna had disappeared as the hair slammed into the ground where she stood. "I won't fool for that again!" Keshvi sent her hair flying to the left where Luna had appeared, her leg pulled back as she was about to kick the Vice Admiral's face once again. However, she placed her foot on the tip of Keshvi's hair strand and pushed off to avoid it. "You damn bottom-feeder Pirate!" But the attacks didn't let up as they were firing at Luna from all directions in Keshvi's anger. Even if Luna was more powerful, she had began reaching her limits of use magic. If she used anymore she might actually lose consciousness. It had been a very long time since Luna had been in this state. When was the last time? It was probably that day. "You're slow!" Luna had noticed until it was too late as she felt something slicing through her leg. She looked down and saw Keshvi's hair had completely sliced offer her leg.
"Luna!" Luffy had looked back only to see this sight and he was ready to run back to help her.
"Idiot!" But he had stopped upon her snapping at him. "Don't look back!" She shouted at him as she used her hands to land on the ground and pushed herself away from Keshvi and land on her only foot not sliced off. She wasn't the slightest bit fazed. At least on the outside. "Keep running!" At her words, with hesitation, Luffy took off running for Ace.
"Don't look away from me!" Luna leaped as Keshvi attacked her once again. However, she was breathing heavily as she had pushed herself too far and looked to her severed leg. She had to heal it but with the amount of magic she had it wasn't going to happen. "I said not to look away!" Keshvi's hair had sliced at Luna's torso but she was able to avoid it being fatal, however, it cost her an arm and she hurled off into the town within Marineford. "You're weak!" Keshvi had followed after the woman to find her trapped underneath the rubble of the building she broke upon impact. "I wonder why everyone is so affair of you." The Vice Admiral was saying as she began walking over to Luna, smiling. "You poor thing! You lost your leg and now your arm!" She seemed completely amused as she only saw Luna's arm sticking out from the rubble and hearing her groaning in pain. "If you don't want to die, you better stop moving." Keshvi seemed to have calmed down after her little fit from moments ago. "I'm sure the Five Elders would love to have you back. Maybe I'll get the bounty on top of another reward." She seemed completely happy as she thought she had won. However, Luna could feel her body was heating up... the blood was rushing to her head... she knew this feeling... this feeling was...
"Stop... get away... from me..." she had tried to stop Keshvi from coming near her, as she was laying underneath the rubble.
"Oh my, are we scared?" But hearing this caused the woman to smirk in amazement as she continued walking over to her. Luna on the other hand, everything around her was starting to turn red as her head was throbbing loudly, so loudly that it hurts.
"No... you don't understand..." She had used her only hand to grab her face as she was trying to stop. "I can't... I can't stop it..." She was saying strange things. She could feel something coming...
"Stop what?"

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