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An order from the World Government had been issues and it had been for the eradication of everyone but Luna on the island. The Warlord, Bartholomew Kuma seemed to have no problems fulling such an order. "What was that he just said...?"
"O-Obliterate...?!" There seemed to panic spreading at the word.
"Oi! Oi! By obligate..."
"He means us?! Why?!" It seemed that there were some that were still catching up.
"This just can't be happening...!"
"We were just released from Moria's ability...!" Rolling Pirates seemed to be in shock.
"No way! A never ending battle with the Warlords is just...!" Usopp was completely losing it.
"This is terrible, considering we just barely beat Moria...!" Chopper spoke as they were all exhausted from that fight.
"But why is Luna the only one left alive?" Nami had asked this, since it seemed unnatural
"Ah... because I'm more useful alive then dead. You know, unlike the rest of you." She made it sound like that it was obvious. But all were once again looking up to Kuma, who was now standing.
"But isn't that unfair?!" Usopp was pretty much in tears looking at her.
"Oh please. Consider yourself lucky. I pretty much broken my agreement with the Government the moment I helped you break into Enies Lobby, which means they're going to try to confine and torture me." She explained this to them which didn't really make sense. "Did you really think that they would allow someone like me, that knows almost all the secrets of the World Government, walk freely?" That was doubtful since it made her a danger to them, more so then Robin. This was one of the reasons she was considered to be the most dangerous woman alive. "Normal I would've be killed, however, I wasn't given the title Apostle of Athena for nothing." They were trying to capture and use her for the own gain. And as that had been explained, Luna's eyes had shifted to a man that was walking to the front of all
"You guys stand back. I'll do this!" as he was preparing to fight. But Zoro was just as exhausted as the rest of the crew.
"Be careful! He has some kind of ability. I saw him make a person disappear with just the touch of his hand!" Nami had come to warn him of this.
"He can make people disappear!?" Usopp was in shock at hearing such a thing.
"S-Scary~!" And Chopper was in the same boat.
"And he can change locations in an instant..." The explanation was continued.
"Looks like yet another terrible bastard appeared..." Franky tried to sound unimpressed, but had cold sweat pouring out of him.  The others just looked staring as Kuma took off his gloves.
"It would be a bad thing to be touched by him with his gloves." Luna spoken up to inform the others, and a silent tense began to hover over all as they watched the man, who had disappeared the moment they blinked.
"What!?" And before they knew it, Kuma was in the middle of the victims of Thriller Bark, which caused them all to pull out their weapons while backing away shaking in terror.
"He's here!"
"He's huge...!" He was even taller then Moria.
"When did he...!?" But no one understood how he suddenly gotten there.
"I see now...! He really did change locations in an instant...!" Franky seemed to have come to understand what it was that Nami spoke about before. But everyone did as they had turned around to were the Warlord was.
"Shit! Just when we finally gained freedom! Like I'm gonna freakin' die now!"
"That's right! We ain't gonna let no one screw with us anymore! Get 'im, guys!"
"That's right! That's right! Get him!" Fear had completely taken over the Rolling Pirates.
"Stop it, you all! The opponent's too strong!" But before Lola could stop them, her crew had all charged at Kuma. However, it had been then when Kuma launched a paw-shaped blast through some of them and caused a massive shockwave against some he didn't touch.
"Even the ones he didn't touch... Something, like, pierced through them...?" It had completely frozen the others in place, looking at the man that soon disappeared once again. Although, Luna had turned back around to find the man standing right behind Zoro, who had also noticed him.
"'Pirate Hunter' Zoro... Shall I start with you?" That had been asked, looking down at the green hair man. It had caused Zoro to turn around to face the giant man before him while others wonder what it was that Kuma's ability was and while the Rolling Oirates were become scared, the Straw Hats were standing facing the Warlord.
"Damn, that's cheap! Don't you know what battle the Straw Hats just when through?"
Screw the odds! Where are the ones left with no injuries, so we're gonna deal with you!" But it seemed that the other crew didn't want to have Zoro and that to fight another battle like this with all their injuries.
"Warlord or whatever! Compared to Oars and Moria, you're not that big!" They were shouting to the large man while shaking.
"Just get the hell back." But Zoro had stopped them by saying that. "I'm the one he wants. Didn't you hear?" And he was extremely pissed off. "If it's a fight he wants... then I won't back down. That would be without honour!" The tense was raising high as the two merely stood there looking at one another not saying a word. A butter knife could cut the tender.
"You lot are pretty famous p..." that was when Kuma had spoken, having cause Zoro to raise an eyebrow. "It would seem that in Straw Hat Luffy' ship, there are quite a few skilled subordinates."
"No, no, no, no! You idiot!" Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, and Franky were all smiling embarrassed while speaking.
"Don't act like Chopper in this situation." Luna told them off pretty much, as she, Robin and Brook were the only ones that didn't react the same why they did. "And it wasn't like he meant all of you." It was clear that Kuma's words were directed at those that the Government had been after for a long time, Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Luna.
"You all have caused quite a bit of trouble... It appears that Captain is not the only one responsible for your renown." And that had been the truth, as Zoro's name had been spread pretty far along with Robin's and Luffy's. At that moment, the swordsman had pulled both his sword back into their sheaths, but removed them from his green haramaki where they were placed on both sides of him slightly bending his knees.
"Oi, Zoro, hold up! Don't be so damn reckless!" Usopp called out to try and stop him. "Aren't your bones crumbling apart!?" That was being asked in a panic.
"What the world shoves you around, you've just gotta stand your and shove back." Was had the swordsman responded, with a smirk across his face. "It isn't like you can do anything just by giving excuses. If I die, then I am just a man who can only make it this far." And the man was ready to attack pushing down on his legs. "Two Swords Style..." Zoro draws his swords quickly attacking Kuma. "...Rashomon!" And had sliced right through a boulder that had just appeared out from no where in the Warlord's place. Before he even noticed it, Kuma was above him, which his right hand pulled back with his palm out flat. Which was then attacked with, but Zoro manages to dodge at the last second. "What in the hell...?" Came flying out of his mouth the moment he landed, since Kuma realised a shockwave once again. The Warlord had then attacked with repelling the air around him, sending a devastating shockwave toward his opponent at high speed, that took the shape of a paw. This had only managed to slightly graze Zoro, but went right through the solid stone ruins behind him.
"Look! He hasn't done a thing but he's already out of breath!" Usopp was shouting as her could hear Zoro's breathing and pain.
"What's with that guy's ability!? What are those marks he left on the rubble?!" Nami couldn't seem to understand what was happening.
"Look! On his palm!"
"P-Paw pads!" It seemed that everyone began to notice the paw on Kuma's hand as Zoro gets up again.
"Three Swords Style..." Holding his two swords horizontally above the shoulder and the other in his mouth in the same direction. "...Thirty-Six Pound Phoenix!" Zoro had performed a circular swing that launches three air compressed projectiles fuse and become a larger and more powerful, compressed air projectile heading for Kuma, who took a defensive posture that uses his paw pads to repel the attack with ease.
"Watch out!" And it had headed right fro a group of Rolling Pirates.
"Zoro's attack was deflected by his hand! Is that even possible!?" This was something that couldn't be believed by Chopper.
"It is." Luna spoken up, not even the slightest bit surprised at this. "Kuma had eaten a Devil Fruit that can deflect anything and everything." She had explained this to no just him but those that listened.
"So that's your ability, huh...?" Zoro was trying to look unfazed, but was sweating a major amount.
"Yes, the power to deflect everything... I ate the Paw-Paw Fruit... I am a Paw-man." Kuma held up his hand that showed the paw pads on them.
"P-Paw-man!?" Sanji seemed to be having a little difficulty hearing it.
"What's with that gentleness!? Is there such a thing as a 'soothing' Devil Fruit?!" The other Straw Hats question the name and appearance of Kuma's Devil Fruit.
"I don't know if you're Warlord or whatever... Maybe he's not that tough after all..." Particularly Franky who doesn't believe it's a serious devil fruit. But all that had changed the moment Kuma had sent an air blast at Franky knocking the cyborg down. And it happened so fast that no one could react to it.
"Franky...! Franky!" Chopper began ran ing over to him.
"Cyborg Franky... Is that all there is to your strength?" Kuma was looking down at him asking.
"Franky! Are you still breathing!? Breathe! Franky!" The doctor was shaking him to finally had the cyborg cough and breath heavily.
"Franky got blown away from a frontal attack!?" This seemed to be extremely shocking to the others.
"What kind of move was that!?" Nami could only wonder in fear.
"It might sound ridiculous to you all, however the first and foremost strength of this Devil Fruit is the ability to push virtually anything they touch into paw-shaped bubbles and send it flying at an extremely high speed." And as normal, Luna seemed completely nonchalant about the whole thing. "Also, despite his appearances, the man is quite sensitive about the whole Devil Fruit thing." That had been added.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner!?" Which had Nami, Usopp and Brook snapping at her, since this could have all been mentioned before.
"But it makes sense, a normal cannon wouldn't affect Franky at all..." Robin seemed to have realised this, unlike Luna that probably knew from the beginning.
"I call it the Pad Cannon... By repelling air at the speed of light, I make a shockwave that can pierce through anything." The owner of the Fruit explained this. After a brief silence Kuma had taken a sumo-like position. "Well, that's over..." And Zoro had quickly draw all of his blades once again. "Thrust Pad Cannon!" He had began throwing his palms forward multiple times, which had he fired a vast number of 'pressure shots' at Zoro. The way he pushed his palms forward and the stance he took while performing this technique resemble those used commonly in sumo wrestling. It was a thrusting open-handed strike about the upper chest and face, a technique in Sumo.
"Streaming..." Zoro had dashed forwards towards Kuma. "...Wolf Swords!" He was leaning toward the opponent, using two of his swords to block the opponent's attacks while twisting his body around as he is continuously moving to approach. Then when he was free of the Pad Cannons, Zoro had taken this as his chance to attack the main body with all three blades. However, Kuma had both his palms out in front that had deflected the attack away with his paw pads and it sent Zoro flying backwards. The swordsman was rolling and tumbling through the rubbles.
"Even that was repelled!" It was hard to believe it. The dust cloud began to clear were Zoro was coughing severely due to the impact,
"Damn you..." unable to move even when Kuma appeared right in front of him.
"There's no use! He can't go on!"
"It's a miracle that he's been able to fight up until now!"
"He's already taken a deadly blow that monster, Oars!" Some of the Rolling Pirates comment that Zoro is too worn out from fighting Oars.
"Zoro! Behind you!! Run away!" As Usopp calls out, Kuma suddenly appears behind Zoro preparing for another attack.
"Zoro!!" Chopper and him were screaming loudly while hugging one another.
"That's as far as you go!" But suddenly, Sanji had rushed in... "Concasse!" (French for tenderising meat) and kicked Kuma in the face halting the attack.
"Sanji!" And seeing that had tears of joy falling from the two screaming only seconds ago.
"He wasn't able to knock it away with his paws! That guys skull is gonna be crushed!" It had been because Kuma was preoccupied with Zoro to do so.
"Bastard, don't butt in...!" Zoro angrily shouting but notices Sanji falling down after kicking Kuma. It was clear that he was in pain while screaming holding his leg used to kick.
"'Black Leg' Sanji... you have to be him." Kuma seemed completely unaffected by the attack, but was rubbing his chin since the cook didn't look anything like his wanted poster.
"Sanji's kick didn't even make him blink... What in the hell is this!?" Usopp was shocked as nothing seemed to be working on this man.
"Why the hell is he so hard?! Is his face made from steel?" Sanji wonders this fact as that was what it felt like.
"Fire Bird Star!" Usopp fired off from Kubuto and the fire bird was heading right for Kuma.
"The King of Snipers? What a ridiculous name..." That had been stated by the Warlord since he clearly know that 'Sniper King' was Usopp. And with his hand held out, the attack was simply deflected and had hit Usopp as Nami and Chopper ran away screaming.
"I knew it'd be pointless! They're not hurting him one bit..."
"They'll be done in!" The warlord before them was on a whole different level then that of Moria.
"Zoro...! Sanji...!" Chopper was petrified, with Nami along side him before she turned around
"Luna, do something—" but had stopped upon seeing the blood leaking out from Luna's mouth and left eye, not to mention her body that was trembling making it clear that she was barely able to stand. This was always a clear sign that she reached her limit. It had been the reason she hadn't joined the battle at all. Everything had gone silent as Kuma looked down upon the two male Pirates that were trying to fight him but had incredible injuries. Their captain was still unconscious as well.
As I figured getting rid of you all in your injured states isn't fair at all..." Kuma had suddenly broken the silence saying. The Government ordered me to completely obliterated you all, but..." He then suddenly starts to compress a large amount of air into a strange translucent paw-shaped energy ball.
"What in the world is that?" Franky who had regained consciousness was asking, as they saw a giant bubble which resembles a paw-print.
"Air...? Is he making a giant a bubble with his paws?" Nami had to wonder this.
"It's getting smaller and smaller..." It had been noticed by not just Chopper but everyone had, and they were all just watching in silence as it continued to get smaller.
"He's using his ability to compress the air..." Luna had spoken up to the others. "... if he continues to compress it this much... then when it's released... the compressed energy will cause an explosion much like a bomb." It had been explained as she slowly began to back way, in the direction where Luffy laid.
"Wh-What did you say?" The others upon hearing this grew pale since the are bubble was small enough the fit in both Kuma's palms.
"Bomb...? Are you telling me that he's making a numb?!" It was understandable that Usopp was freaking out greatly.
"Booooooomb?!" Brook's jaw were had dropped to the ground if it hadn't been attached. After a little while, Kuma appears to have finished and no one moved in fear.
"I will spare your lives..." But before he releases the attack.... "If, in exchange, you give me the head of Straw Hat Luffy, while also handing Morozov Luna to me." He proposes an alternative. But hear it seemed to have caused shock and alarm to those of the crew standing before him. "If I return with his head and Morozov Luna, the Government will not complain." And what he spoke of was most likely the truth. And once again a silent tense had hovered over the heads of all.
"You're asking us to betray our comrades?" Usopp seemed quite annoyed and angry at this offer. He wasn't the only one as no one seemed to be backing down as they stood tall glaring at Kuma.
"Come, bring Straw Hat and Morozov Luna to me." They only had one thing to say to such an offer...
"NO WAY!!!"

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