Full Set of CP9!

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The sea train, Puffing Tom, had come to a stop as it had finally came to its destination; Enies Lobby, where the sun was shining even though it was still the middle of the night. This was why the island was called 'afternoon island' and the 'never-night island, because the sun is always shinning regardless of the time of day or night. The station that they had come to a stop on had both the marines and Government officers standing by as CP9 and others were existing the train. "Congratulations on completing your long mission!"
"Go get the criminals! They're in car 1!" But all of a sudden, the screams of a man had reasoned all ears and when they turned to see where it was coming from.
"You bastard!" They found Franky biting down on a marine's head as chains wer wrapped around him. "Be a little more gentle, asshole!" It was due to his chains been wrapped around him too tightly. "Just who do you think i am?" The soldiers had all came running to the man's rescue. "Stay back!"
"Be careful! He bites!" It was too late being told that.
"Are you guys deaf!?" He was being held back, while Robin, in sea prison cuffs came out without resistance.
"What a rowdy man." Lucci said, watching form a distance not even bothering to stop Franky. But in the end, Franky had stopped as the group had started their walk down the lines of Marines and Government Officials.
"Another success by CP9!" Some of them were whispering among themselves.
"This is intense!"
"That Must be Cutty Flam." They noticed the glaring man in the middle, looking around trying to look threatening.
"Then, that woman has to be... Nico Robin." The woman was beside him, looking down at the ground as they walk.
"She's a real beauty!"
"But I've never seen the woman next to Rob Lucci..." a bunch of eyes had fallen on Luna, who was walking beside Lucci as if they were equals, which they thought of as Strange.
"You idiots!" Someone had hissed at them. "That's Miss Athena!"
"The apostle of the goddess of Wisdom and Warfare!?" They were completely shocked at hearing that, as they looked at the beautiful woman.
"Open the main gate!" The large gate before them had opened up before they reached the stairs that would take them to it. However, it wasn't long till they made it to the top.
"What is this place!? Is that... a waterfall!?" Franky shouted upon seeing the island before him, but as it made sense as a large waterfall under the island, leading to nowhere except a huge black void, although there is water down there. For some reason a large amount of land, as well as the buildings on it, hangs over this void only connected to the rest of the island by a small bridge of land. There are also many whirlpools behind the island, and a giant gate, the Gates of Justice, which only ever opens a little bit to let criminals through, and when opened stops the whirlpools because of the tides. "What the hell's with this island?!" However, no one but him seemed to be freaking out at the sight as they continued to walk, heading to the town. "I can't see the bottom!!"
"Be quiet for once!" But Kaku had snapped at him as he was tried of hearing the man's voice. The town Was located in the centre part of the island, in the center of the black void and the waterfall, contains rather boring brown buildings that appear to be made of clay or another such similar material. Each one appears to be unique, and some are taller than others.However, as they were walking though it, something had reached the ears of Luna and it appeared to be guns being fired after they had reached halfway though the town. It had caused her to come to a stop, looking back to the main gate.
"Is something the matter, Miss Athena?" Kaku came to a stop while turning to the woman.
"It isn't anything." But she soon continued, following after the others that hadn't stopped as they were heading for the main building of the island. Although they entered through a courthouse, that had no one in it, but a bridge which allowed them to cross over to the large white marble building, with what seem to be jade green squares on the sides, surrounded by thin gold lines. The green was also on the top of some of the buildings, such as the courthouse which had been of similar design like each of the large gates they had walked through.
"Welcome back!" A government official was standing beside a large wooden door that was all fancy like. "Chief, Mr. Lucci's group had arrive." He had said to the door that they now stood in front of.
"They're here? Show them in!" The same voice from the Transponder Snail ordered coming from within the room behind the large door, which the group had entered.
"Long time no see, Chief." Lucci had said the moment they had entered the room. Where five men were located along with an elephant. And the man that sat at the centre was a pale one of slim stature with wavy, wild lavender hair in a layered style that is roughly shoulder-length and parted in the middle. He had black markings around his large eyes, and his narrow nose is a dark red. He had on a brown studded leather mask which covers the bridge of his nose and his moderately high forehead just above his eyebrows. He had a strong chin, as well as long brown leather gloves and a black high-collared leather vest with matching pants separated by a studded belt. He wore white shoes with brown tassels extending from their heels, and wears a long-sleeved light gray shirt decorated with a diagonal squiggle pattern below his vest with the collar turned up. His face was
very expressive, and he has a large smile that causes his slightly angular eyebrows to narrow in slightly. "We've brought Cutty Flam, the culprit behind the attack on Government officials... in Water 2 eight years ago. We also have Nico Robin, the West Blue criminal from Ohara incident... who escaped the Marines' naval assault twenty years ago. The mission was completely without a hitch." This had all been said by Lucci, stating that both were being held just outside.
"Well done! Lucci. Kaku. Blueno. Kalifa." The chef was saying all pleased.
"That's sexual harassment." Which only got Kalifa saying that back to him.
"Just saying your name!?" Where he was shocked at hearing. But then his sights fell upon Luna. "It's nice to finally meet you, Miss Athena. It must be a great honour for you to be in the chief of CP9's presents."
"Are you stupid?" She asked him without hesitation.
"Stupid!?" Which had come as a completely shock to him.
"This brings back memories, Lucci." A dark-skinned man, with a Fu Manchu mustache, looked over his shoulder grinning. The man had a pointed goatee, and long hair braided in a thick queue, that somewhat resembles a scorpion's tail. A scar run diagonally down his left eye. "Looks like your impudence has reached new levels." He wore small, pointed sunglasses on his forehead, small hoop earrings, and a black tie over his bare chest. He wore a black tangzhuang, that was white down the middle and open. He also wore a red sash around his waist over black pants and shoes.
"Same goes for you ugly face, Jabra." Lucci had said something almost childish as he insulted the man.
"What was that?!" Which seemed to have angered him, Jabra who stood up from the large couch he sat on.
"Cut it out, you two." Kaku had gotten in between them. "we just got back!"
"That's right! Cool it, guys!" The man that had been sitting on Jabra's left, stood up shouting. He had a large frame and a huge mane of pinkish hair. His body positions was of him holding one hand out in front of him, a also reminiscent of mie poses, and his vocal inflection is similar to that of kabuki actors. Like other CP9 agents, he wears a black suit, black pants and a black shirt, but he also wore flip flops with green socks, a green tie, and hand guards covering the backs of his hands that were tied around his palm. "It's our first reunion... in... five... years!" It was then when Jabra sat down while a big, round, oddly-shaped man with a zipper across his mouth, stood up. He dressed in black formal wear and has green, well groomed hair, purple dimples on his cheeks and strands of hair on his chin. The oddly shape man had then seemed to habe attacked Kalifa, who had kicked him way like a ball, which sent him flying at Blueno that punched him to the side towards Kaku, that elbowed him off to Lucci that kicked him off.
"I was waiting fir you to do that, Fukurou." But it seemed that none of the members were all that surprised. Not even Luna, but she didn't seem to care about any of this.
"Six Power Game: Comparison!" The oddly shape man had stood up like nothing had happened. " Will let the strength of a single arms soldier equal Power Level 10. Your scores are... Reveal yourself. Reveal yourself. Everyone's strength!" Fukurou was saying, his eyes closed while thinking. "First Kalifa! Power Level 630. Blueno!Power Level 820. Kaku! Power Level 2200. Lucci..." it took him a while to speak Lucci's Power Level but he seemed shocked. "Power Level 4000!"
"4000!?" Jabra had shouted just as shock. "Oi, are you sure you measured it correctly!? That kind of Power Level is unheard of!"
"It's true! Everyone got stronger! I've measured you, Kumadori and Magnis, too. I can rank you all!" Fukurou began checking off the Power Level's rankings.

Lucci: 4000
Magnis: 3000
Kaku: 2200
Jabra: 2180
Blueno: 820
Kumadori: 810
Fukurou: 800
Kalifa: 630

"Oi! I call bull, Fukurou!" But Jabra called him out on that. "Forget about Lucci and Magnis! How am I below even Kaku!" He was having a fit.
"Kaku also got much stronger!" Had been the response given.
"Hey! Don't act so smug, Kaku." Jabra jumped over the couch yelling at the long nose man. "That comparison only tales raw physical strength into account. My actual fighting abilities also including my Devil Fruit abilities. I'd never actually lose against you!" He was shouting all proudly.
"Would you stop yelling, Jabra." A middle aged man spoke beside him. He had chestnut hair and golden eyes. His nose is also pointy and just like the rest of CP9, he wore black formal wear, except that his jacket and shirt were wide open. Not to mention seemed completely annoyed by all the yelling that Jabra was doing.
"What did you say, Magnis?!" He was now yelling at them man.
"Shut up." The man, Magnis had straight out told him. "If you rely to much on your Devil Fruit abilities it put the rest of your abilities to waste." He stated, waving his hand all annoyed.
"That's right. Pay no attention to this prairie dog." Lucci had completely agreed with the man, turning his back to Jabra.
"Who're you calling a prairie dog, Lucci!? You dumb cat!" But being insulted seemed to have caused Jabra to snap. Surprisingly surprisingly, Lucci had responded to the lame insult, causing both to transform.
"Quit bickering, you two!" Kalifa shouted at the pair of them.
"Jabra sure is on edge, though." Kaku stated this, a bit surprised by his actions.
"Right now, all the soldiers of the island are talking about how that waitress, Catharine, dumped him yesterday." Fukurou explained the reason behind all this.
"So, that's it, huh?" Blueno stated as if it wasn't all that surprising.
"Pathetic." While Luna looked at the man that was being spoken about with dead fish eyes.
"W-Wait a second! How does everyone know about that!?" Jabra had stopped and transformers back as he ran over to the group asking all panicked.
"It's obvious that he told everyone." Magnis spoken up about Fukurou going around the central island telling people.
"Damn you!" Out of embarrassment, Jabra grabbed ahold of the buckle of the zipper and began shutting it. Before he got all depressed about the whole thing.
"Jeez. You're together for one moment and you've already started an argument over pointless rankings! Just by mastering the Six Powers, you've or far surpassed normal human limits!" The chief, Spandam had stated not understanding their behaviour. "500 Power Level is more then enough to be superhuman!"
"You're power is 9 - less than one armed soldier." Fukurou said after pulling his zipper opened.
"Shut up! I don't care! I just give the orders!" Which didn't seem like he didn't as he snapped at the man. "Besides, I have my awesome sword!"
"Yes, because you've known about your neatness for a long time." Kalifa stated quite harshly
"But you know, what good is a sword if you're weak?" Luna then asked also quite harshly.
"O-O-Oi! How about you two retract those claws a bit?" Their words seemed to have caused him to become quite depressed.
"That's sexual harassment." But that was only said back as Luna didn't pay any attention to him from then. "Chief."
"Wh...What is it?"
"That's sexual harassment." It was beginning to sound more and more like Kalifa just enjoyed saying that.
"My existence!?"
"Kalifa! How disrespectful!" Kumadori had spoken up, pulling the same pose as before. "Chief, I'll... I'll do it! I'll commit seppuku and take responsibility!" He had a long dagger in hand as he kneed on the ground. "Seppuku!" He pulled it out in front of him so that he could stab his stomach. "Iron Body!" Only to have the blade snap. "Why can't I die!?"
"I wish you would, already?" Jabra snapped down at him.
Maybe I was saved... by my mother up in heaven!" Kumadori had pretty much ignored him crying as he spoke to himself. "Am I right?!"
"I see." Tears had appeared in Jabra eyes. "Your mother is..." he was on his knees before the man also crying
"Jabra, do you understand how I feel?"
"Yes! Despite being so rude just now, I understand all too well- the feeling of losing a loved one!" They were acting like they were in some sort of play.
"I'm sorry! I'm a terrible person!" They had embraced one another crying their eyes out.
"Are they idiots?" It seemed that Luna wasn't even the slightest bit fazed by any of their actions just watching.

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