The Accino Family!

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The house of the bounty Hunter family known as the Accino Family was a golden castle of sorts that seems to have a tropical jungle atmosphere completely different from the rest of area around that was ice. It was also where Nami, Usopp, Sanji, and Franky were all trapped after escaping. However, it was under ground where their were throw down a ice hole, the crew was supposed to freeze to death... "Stop it! You'll die if you go to sleep! Wake up, Usopp! Usopp!" Which seemed to be what was one of them as they had gathered in the Shark Submerge III to get away from the cold as much as they could. However, it was no different inside.
Don't wake me up, Nami. I'm in the middle of a pretty dream..." Usopp's face was completely blue as it had a peaceful look on it. "There's so many birdies and butteries... Merry, you've come for me, haven't you?"
"Wake up!" The other three had hit or kick him then.
"Are you trying to kill me!?" Which seemed to have worked. But then they all heard something drop outside.
"Where the hack is this?" They could hear someone saying after opening up the hatch to see outside.
"Zoro!?" Only to find the missing swordsman sitting on the ice.
"Where the hell have you guys been?" He turned them asking as if it were them that had disappeared.
"That's what we should be asking you!" The four snapped at him.
"More importantly, I saw our flag upstairs." Zoro moved on while getting up as he explained to them. "Guys, you didn't..."
"So it really is here, huh?" Nami's thoughts of the flag being in this place was correct.
"We've gotta get it back before Luffy notices!" Usopp had said since he would lecture them about it.
"Damn it! You can't even protect a single flag, you lame excuse for a cook?" Zoro was looking right at Sanji asking.
"Back at you! How dare you come back empty-handed, this shitty swordsmen?!" Who had said that back to him becoming angry. Then the two began fighting like always despite the circumstances they were in.
"Hey! This is no time for fighting!" Which had Usopp snapping at them.
"It looks like everyone is doing well." Someone spoken from above
"You two really don't know when to quit, do you?" Along with someone else. And both females' voice sounded familiar pulling the Pirates attention above to the large exit above them.
"Robin! Luna!" Nami, Usopp and Franky shouted loudly in relief upon the sight of them.
"Robin! Luna!" Sanji had become a love teenager calling up to them.
"Robin, Luna, save me!" Usopp was waving to them.
"Please! Pull us up!" Nami was also waving while shouting.
"Really, you're both supposed to go down there with them." Lil was beside both women informing them while swinging her legs. "But see, you're both special, Big Sister Robin, Big Sister Luna! I'll ask papa to spare you two. And papa does anything I ask!" She was stating all proudly. "So let's go to the birthday party."
"There's a birthday party?" Robin asked her and she explain it is for papa and they would have a bunch of food.
"C'mon! Say goodbye to everyone." Lil was telling them both, before they turned back to the ice ditch below where Nami and that were calling out to them, saying to rescue them all but one that was looking at them with his hair flat. Luna's eyes began to glow looking at him.
"Well, shall we head on up?" But stopped before Lil noticed anything.
"Really?" She jumped down running over and grabbing both their arms. "Let's go! Let's go! I'll lead the way!" And began to drag them where Robin waved to the crew below, confused to why both woman were leaving them. Leaving the crew behind the three of them had entered the hallway of the castle, where Lil was in the lead. However, there was something wrong as Luna came to a stop, which only caused Robin to. But when she turned around to the red-eyed woman she had seen that Luna looked quite uncomfortable. That wasn't something Robin was use to seeing from her, especially at the fact that the colour seemed to be running from her face.
"What's the matter?" Lil saw that both of them had stopped, but didn't seem to notice Luna's discomfort.
"It suddenly got really warm." She told the girl, which was something that Luna had been noticed a while ago but it got worse going down the hallway.
"Huh? It's couldn't be..." the girl quickly turned to a pair of doors ahead of them, which she then ran towards and looked through.
"Are you alright?" Robin was asking Luna who had some sweat rolling down her face.
"Yeah, I just can't stand the heat." Upon saying that, if came to the mind of the archaeologist that when the ship was in a warm climate Luna would always avoid saying out in the sun as much as possible.  Then when it was so hot that it didn't matter if she was in the sun, she would be below deck where it was the coolest.
"Is it a demon trait?"
"Only to some. My kind are more for coldest then heat, so when exposed to a certain amount of heat were come weak." That had been properly explained. "But this isn't the time for this. We need to get the flag."
"You're right." Robin had then walked over to Lil who was saying that it would be best to stay away from her father when he was made, which was probably the best chose for Luna as well. It become clear that he had some sort of ability caused by a Devil Fruit.
"C'mon! Let's go play in my room." Lil had then told both woman since there appeared to be no other option.
"Then let's take those snakes and drinks with us." Robin suggested looking into the room while pointing.
"They're so warm, I doubt they'll be very yummy." The girl was patting as she had a point.
"That is fine." Luna had spoken up, pulling her attention. "We would also like to ask you a favour." It was then when they packed up a bunch of food and cola into a sack before someone took it heading the way they had come from. Then they were were walking down the hallway again, heading to Lil's room with nothing to currently worry about. Thanks to the assist of Robin and Luna, the crew that was captured were now free and running around the castle. They had Zoro in the front (stupid chose) taking the lead to the flag room he had been in originally. Although he ended up leading them into the wrong place over and over again, which was to be expected.
"Hey! Give back my flag!" But now their captain had arrived
"L-Luffy!" which had caused them to freak out.  Usopp ran to the window on the other side of the tower stair case... "H-He's here!" where he could see Luffy standing in front of the castle with Chopper and Jiro, before the Accino Family. "Nami! It's Luffy! W-We're doomed!" He came running back to the others saying that they hit the worst case scenario.
"This really sticks..." Nami had to admit and Zoro was running of the stairs.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Franky called out to him
"Isn't it obvious? I'll use sheer willpower to get the flag back if I have to!" He said running.
"Go wander these halls forever!" Sanji said not trying to stop him.
"Shut you, you stupid cook!" When Zoro and entered the next floor the sounds of his screams and crashing had followed. And for some reason Franky smirked but
"Robin! Luna!" When Nami spotted the women walking down a hallway out towards them on the stair case, all stopped and turn.
"Robin! Luna!" Sanji was over joyed to see both them completely fine.
"We've been searching for you." Robin had said to them since Lil had ran off when Luffy had come.
"You guys are completely lost." This was plain to see as Luna looked to them.
"You're such naughty girls, sending us a care package with cola inside! That's my Robin and Luna!" Sanji was making it sound weird.
"But it's not it strange? Only you two got the red carpet!" Franky pointed out asking since they hadn't been thrown below like the rest of the crew. "How'd you pull that off?"
"It looks like Luffy is here. He's come for our flag." Robin had changed the subject while reminding the others.
"That's right! We're finished!" Usopp was saying, however...
"You're wrong about that." Luna spoken, which caused him to stop and look to her confused. "You're all forgetting what our captain is."
"You're right!"
"Got it!"
"You've got a point!" The others began to understand what she was saying.
"Yep. Whoa, wait!" But Franky didn't seem to be all for it.
"Indeed. I don't know how Luffy learned about the flag, but it's not as though she witnessed it getting stolen." Robin had stated the fact.
"That's right. In other words we have a chance to pretend this never happened." Luna said to the others since there was a clear chance to get out of this. "We already know where the flag is." She spoke for both herself and Robin.
"You can leave it to us." Who said that.
"Sweet!" Usopp was excited
"Way to go, Robin and Luna!" While Nami didn't expect anything less.
"You're far more reliable than that lame Moss head." Sanji spoke of Zoro, who only got them lost. It was then where Luna explained the plan to them all before they began to split up.
"We're counting on you two, Robin! Luna!" Nami was telling them as they were leaving the way they came, and Robin had sprouted out arms from the wall that gave the thumbs up back to them.

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