Humble Fishermen!

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With all members of the crew with nothing but being the Strawhat on their minds were spread through out the Thousand Sunny, where the crew is enjoying their new ship. Nami was sitting in a large bath tub, Chopper was spinning in his new doctor's chair and talking to himself as Sanji watches through the window. Zoro was above in the crows nest that doubled up as a training room. The there was the captain of the ship was away catches a large shark and Usopp tells him to put it in the fish tank. Then in the room below the deck, Robin, Luna, Franky, and Sanji watching the fish tank. "They dropped in a other one." Robin was finding it amusing as another sea creature was dropped into the aquarium as they were enjoying tea. "Isn't it a shark?"
"Well? Isn't this a nice room?" Franky asked completely ignoring the shark swimming around behind him.
"It is, however, do they understand what happens when a shark meets the creatures of the sea?" Luna with pencil and sketch book in hand looking at the tank while sketching.
"Hey!" The voices of Luffy and Usopp had been head from outside
"Did a shark come in? It's an awesome one with horns!" Luffy had explained as they came below deck out of breath.
"Yes, it did, but you've lost all of the other fish you caught." Robin had explained to them as the shark now say alone in the tank after eating everything else inside. Both boys had come completely shocked at seeing that.
"Are you idiots? What did you think was going to happed? Don't you know how the food chains works?" Luna had asked them since it was completely obvious that something like this would happen.
"Darn it! This punk's gonna be tonight's dinner! Sanji roast it!" Luffy had ordered due to anger shouting that they'll barbecue the shark he called stupid.
"Wait, you amateur! It's still a fresh fish. I shall either make sushi or serve it boiled with a hot and sour miso sauce." Sanji, having the cook, informed him that one cannot barbecue a fresh fish. "Tempura might be nice, too."
"I'm starting to get hungry!" Luffy was all excited, his lips drooling. "But seriously, thank you for the great ship, Franky!" The captain turned to the cyborg saying while joining the others to sit in the room.
"It's no biggie! But you still haven't seen its true power yet." Franky was saying all cryptic like, which seemed to have pecked the interest of Luffy which was why the shipwright began to explain it. "The ship's key function are its 'Soldier Dock System.' There are five docs ranging from Channel 0 to Channel 4 located on the bilge. Each dog is rigged to hands different situations. All of them will play a unique role in assisting the Thousand Sunny!"
"Wow! The lemme see them in action!" Luffy had sparkle shout out of him in excitement.
"Hey, hold your horses. I'll let you see them as they're needed. It'd be a shame to show them off all at once." Hearing that only had Luffy and Usopp booing at him since they wanted to se them now
"I can hard wait." Robin chuckled saying.
"It would be interesting to see them when they're needed." Luna stated with Straw in mouth, drink a cold relaxing drink Sanji made. It was then when Luna noticed something falling outside thanks to the open door. "It's snowing." She stated and then
"Yay, it's snowing!" Luffy had ran out on deck all excited.
"Yahoo!" Usopp had joined him, both jumping around in excitement.
"Hey, Zoro!" The rubber head were shouting out the the crows nest. "You're spoiling the party? This is how you're supposed to act when it snows:"
"'Guys, it's snowing!'" Usopp had taken over shouting in a deep voice.
"I guess you still didn't know that."
"You really aren't that bright!" They were still shouting at him, but there was no response, which meant he might be asleep. Every else had began to exist onto the deck as the snow fell.
"Wow! I haven't seen snow in ages. I wonder if it'lol stick." Even Chopper, who had been in his Doctor office the entire time.
"May e I should make something warm for diner tonight." Sanji was thinking since it would be bad for cool food to be served in this weather. Making people sick and all.
"But it's odd." Luna had spoken, looking out as the snow fell.
"What is?" Robin seemed curious of what she meant.
"I don't remember there being a winter island near by." She stated since she had traveled this route before like all the others in paradise. Something felt off, at least to her but she didn't say anything since the guys seemed to be enjoying themselves which had been why she went back below deck where she continued to sketch and not long Nami and joined them after fishing her bath. However, very little time had passed by when
"Hey, there's a ship! Something seems a bit off." Zoro's voice was coming from the loud speaker. Which was why Nami, Robin, Luna and Franky had all gotten up once again to head outside.
"It seems off? How so?" Nami had asked up to him while the three children had ran to the port side where the ship Zoro sported was off in.
"What gives? It doesn't have any sails, let alone an ensign." Usopp had used his goggles to be able to get a look.
.it doesn't have any sails?" Nami had walked over to them confused since it meant that they ship was just floating there.
"It's either a ship in distress, or it's a..." Sanji had come out from the kitchen a while ago along with Zoro that came from the nest.
"Come to think of it, some pirates play a nasty game called the 'Davy Back Fight.'" Franky was saying thinking that they didn't know...
"Yeah, we know." But the entire crew experience the game first hand.
"You don't think... they fell victim to that game, do you?" Chopper was beginning to become worried.
"There appears to be people on it." Luna had said, seeing the ship clearly due to her demon eyes. "They're fishing... and looked incredibly beaten up." She had explained at three men came into her sight. One, a man of average height and overweight, with the chubby face and brown curly hair. He wore pants brown knee-length with tattered edges, as well as a blue sash tied to life. His shirt was sleeveless and white, with some concentric circles yellow and blacks at the bottom; in the upper part has the design of many triangles alternating yellow and orange. He also wore a pair of glasses sunglasses. Number two, he was a short man wearing gray pants, a red shirt without sleeves, and an orange sash around his waist. Above the shirt he had a lavender vest. There was a golden bracelet on each wrist and one on his left forearm. He had long brown hair covered by a white hat with a red horizontal band and two small horns. He also wore a pearl necklace. Then the last man, a tall man of average weight, bald and with an oval face. He wore brown pants held up by a black belt with some studs and the top of a green overalls with yellow buckles. He also wore two metal plates round shoulders. On each of the two forearms there is the tattoo of two purple horizontal lines. However, in the end, none of the men were dressed for this weather. "What do you want to do, captain?" Luna turned to Luffy asking him.
"Let's go check on them. If they end up being our enemy, we'll just send them flying!" He was saying with excitement and upon that, Sanji took the helm to stared them starboard side heading for the ship. Where it did take that long to reach them. "Hey, are you guys all right!?" Luffy was standing in the Sunny's head shouting to the three men on deck.
"P-Pirates! Pirates!" The three began to flip out a pt the sight of the ship.
"M-Make a break for it!" The round one was shouting running across deck while the other two were also running around screaming as more people stepped onto the deck.
"The rudder won't work!"
"And we dint have any sails!"
"Please show mercy!" The three of them had stopped in the place they were originally with their hands up in the air crying.
"Well that was easy." Luna said as the the other were surprised. However, not soon after five members had boarded the run down ship.
"Dang, both you and your ship are in sorry shape! You're both a mess!" Franky had been one of them and pointed out the obvious. With Robin and Luna on both sides of him.
"Who are you guys?" Luffy had obviously been one as he had asked the with his arms crossed.
"W-We're just humble fishermen." The small one had answered all nervously.
"Yeah. About three days ago, we were attacked by an unidentified ship." The small one began to cry as he spoke about them not just having their food and valuables stolen from them, but also having the sail and rudder destroyed.
"So you've got nothing to gain by attacking us." The round man had stated to them.
"No worries there! Long story short, all of you are hungry, right?" The only reason Luffy had understood that was because it was about food. "We were just about to eat, so come join us."
"What!? Are you serious?" They were completely shocked at being told that. Asking if it really was okay.
"Yeah. My cook can't turn a blind eye to guys like you. Don't be strangers!" Luffy had told them before calling out to Sanji to see if the food was ready.
"Yeah, it's just about ready." Sanji had come out of the kitchen answering him. "But first...Chopper! You've been dying tk egg some patients. Go tend to them." He was saying to the reindeer that really didn't get to treat anyone, from last event.
"S-Sure..." But he seemed a bit worried looking down at the large group. "For starters, let's have anyone injured come see me!" He had spoken down to them. "Is anyone too badly hard to move?
"Their pet just talked!" It was understandable reaction for first time seers.
"I'm not a pet!" Chopper had become extremely offended and turned into his Heavy Point form. "I'm a pirate, too! I'm worth a whopping 50 beri! Damn it!" He had become depressed over his wanted poster again. However, Luna looked around at the crew before them that calmed to be fishermen.  There were 10 in all, including the three that were fishing. One of the remaining were a lanky man, with dark red haired styled into a short bowled haircut with a pair of sunglasses sitting atop his head. He seemed to one of the few that was dressed appropriately for the cold with a fur-lined, light pink poncho and light purple shirt and pants underneath, his pants tied over with a light sash. The next one a slim man of average height, with long brown hair partially covered by a purple bandana. He was like the first three and wasn't dressed for the cold, with a pair of blue jeans, white boots and a yellow shirt, held by a brown belt around the waist. Then there was one that only had a pair of pants on. He was A muscular, tan-skinned man with a large nose, yellow dreadlocks, and a black long anchor beard. He also wore a handkerchief to grab his hair and a sphere necklace. Plus a small boy with brown hair with a white and purple dot bandana covering his head. Who was dressed appropriately for the cold with a fur-lined, light brown poncho and white shirt and pants underneath, his pants tied over with a light sash. No mater how she looked at them, they weren't humble fishermen. The crew had then followed Chopper so that he could  then tends to their wounds and one of the men cringes a lot from the treatment. Then all but chopper and the child had gathered in the kitchen which was combined with the dining room of the ship resembles a restaurant, with the two areas separated by a bar. The kitchen has a professional setup and cooking equipment, including a giant oven that can bake anything and a giant fridge with a lock, something Sanji has requested many times in order to stop people (mainly Luffy) from stealing food. A pantry used to store dry goods can be accessed by a door adjacent to the fridge and by a door outside; to discourage Luffy from raiding the supplies here, only raw, unprocessed groceries are kept inside. Next to the kitchen is the main mast of the ship; built within it is a dumbwaiter that can be used to deliver food to the aquarium bar below. The area also contains a ladder that leads to a hatch giving access to the observation deck above. A Transponder Snail was found near the couch in the dining room, that four of the 'fishermen' sat on stuffing their faces, as two more were at the bar.But the 'fishermen' weren't the only ones to be stuffing their face but the guys of the ship as well.
"This is too good, Mister Eyebrows!" The smallest one of them all was crying while say.
"Seriously. It's so good it's making me cry!" As was the big guy beside him.
"Are they crying drinks?" Nami was looking at them slightly annoyed.
"They're just idiots." Luna had stated to her, which seemed to have caused Robin to chuckle. The smaller one had looked up hearing them speak
"Wow! You ladies sure are cute!"
"Sure are! You're so cute You're making me cry!" And now they were crying for a different reason. Making Nami feel completely awkward about it now.
"So it would seem." Robin had agreed with Luna's earlier statement.
"And they were late to notice us!" Nami seemed shocked at that fact too. As they were stuffing their faces, it seemed that the topic of where the crew had been asked to where they were heading came up. Which had been why Luffy told the 'fishermen' that they were planning on going to the New World.
"What?! You're headed straight for the New World?!" Which seemed to have frightened the small one.
"No one will think any less of you! Turn around now!" The bigger one was panicking as he told them that it was hell over there.
"I didn't know 'fishermen' these days go to the New World." Luna's crimson eyes had looked to the two who were terrified.
"N-No..." They began sweating upon realising what they had said.
"Uh, we've only heard rumours... supposedly it:s a horrible place!" As they tried to correct themselves.
"I don't care what the rumours claim. I'll find out for myself if it's like hell when I get there." Luffy wasn't all that's fazed by the rumours or what these guys said as he laughed away. However, when a loud thump came from outside, it had all headed turn to the door leading out on deck.
"What was that?" Luffy had gone out to investigate
"On, sorry about that! It looks like you've been looking after my men for me!" Someone was pretty much shouting, and all crew members (excluding Chopper) had come to the door where a tall man with blonde hair, in the style of a mohawk stood with a barrel in front. He wore a blue sleeveless jacket and a necklace around his neck. "Please let me show you my gratitude! I'm their commander. The name's Stansen." It was after he had introduced himself that he throw the barrel up to them, which had been caught with one hand easily by Luna, seemed to have caused the man to be surprised a bit, however, his smiled appeared on his face once again.
"It's my best brew, which I had specially ordered! Please help yourself.".After the man, Stansen had appeared with a barrel of booze, he had soon entered the kitchen the entring had continued.
"So you had booze, even though you didn't have anything to eat!" Usopp was saying
"Pretty much! But, wow, this is good! It's like finding a port in a storm!" The guy, Stansen was stuffing his face still smiling none stop. However, the others on his ship seemed to be off. "We really ought to do more to thank you!"
"Don't sweat it!" Luffy was telling him that.
"That isn't an option! You really must drop by our port so we can thank you properly." In other words...
"You want us to take you there, right?" Sanji was wiping the dishes after washing them.
"You caught on? Good guess!"
"You're on funny man! All right, we'll take ya." Luffy had already decided completely forgetting their course.
"Wait, Luffy. What about Fishman Island? If we visit any of the other islands, it'll change out log's course." Nami was reminding him.
"Won't it be fine if we leave as soon as we drop them of? Besides it didn't change when we were on that other island." Luffy turned to Luna grinning.
"It's because it takes 2 weeks for the log to set." She explained to him.
"See! What's the big deal?" He turned back to Nami saying that they were in need of help.
"Man, im glad yiu have such an understanding captain! Well, I'm counting on you to get us there." Stansen was saying all grins, along with his crew, however, there was definitely unpleasant about these guys.

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