From Fishes to Roses!

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After the victory against the Flying Fish Riders, the Straw Hats had headed off with Hatchan's Takoyaki 8 vendor ship along side the Sunny. "This aren't so bad." Luna was stating as she, Zoro, Robin, and Franky were the only ones left on the deck of Sunny. As the others were on Hatchan's ship enjoying the food that Hatchan prepared for them. Luffy especially as he was stuffing the takoyaki handfuls at a time, which caused his cheeks to inflate.
"Yes, they're quite lovely." Robin seemed completely delighted at the food.
"Goes best with Booze!" Then there was Zoro with a barrel of booze beside him as he was drinking it and the takoyaki.
"And cola!" With Franky across him with a large amount of cola
"You say that about everything." But this had been pointed out to them by Luna since they drink those things with everything. Much like her with tea and Robin with coffee, that both were drinking with their takoyaki. Camie had continued to bring some to the side of the Sunny, where Luna were use her ability, telekinesis, to bring it all up for them enjoy it together. However, as the time moved on...
"Hey, you guys~!" Someone's shouting had caused all to stop. "Young masters~!"
"Who's that?" Zoro was asking with booze in hand.
"I'm pretty sure that voice is..." But Luna seemed to have recognised to voice shouting.
"Wait, wait! Don't leave without giving us a chance to thank you!" Everyone was looking off to where the voice was coming from and came to notice the Flying Fish Riders coming towards them.
"Who's that guy?" But there seemed to have been a little confusion, and it made sense as the one riding Motobaro, who had breathing equipment and engine on, wasn't the one who was originally riding him.
"I'm Handsome... Oh, that was wrong. It's me, Duval!" But he didn't look anything like the wanted poster.
"Was, that big his face looked...?" Luffy was asking since that wasn't how he remembered it.
"I altered his bone-structure. He shouldn't have anything to complain about now, right?" Sanji had explained that the reason for Duval getting his entire facial structure rearranged was by his kicks. The result of such a crude and violent operation was a complete successful makeover. Due to Sanji's kicks, Duval's entire face had been rearranged into a handsome one almost completely different from the one he originally had, his only leftover features are very tiny spirals still visible on the ends of his eyebrows.
"My, Master Black Leg... after you smash my face in, we were all really surprise when I woke up!" The Gang had made it to the ship. "You've mad me really handsome!" Where Duval was looking at himself with a hand mirror. "I can't even recognise myself any more! Now, the ladies will be crazy for me. I must say... It's truly is a Rosy lifeBut it seemed that not just his face but personality too did a complete 180. "I want to go back to my lazy country life as soon as possible... but if I left without showing my thank you to you, I could never forgive myself!" The guys were still eating away as they were looking at the crazy man. "This is your first home visit in these parts, right? If there is anything we can help you with, just call us!" That's when Duval had winked at them... or at least tried to but it seemed hard for him to do so, not to mention disturbing.
"Don't wink if you're not use to it!" Which had Sanji shouting at him upon seeing it. "Well, as long as you're satisfied, that's good enough. If you want to do us a favour, then don't bother us again..." That was something they all wanted.
"Beautiful... too beautiful..." if only the person it was being said to wasn't paying attention to the hand mirror.
"Are you even listening!?" Making Sanji a but annoyed since Duval had become a complete and utter narcissist.
"I want to ride on a white horse..." And was clearly in his own little world.
"Hey, listen!"
"Head! Listen ti what he's saying!" The Fish riders were trying to cause the boss to snap out of it.
"Oh, that's right... what? I'm handsome?" But it didn't seem to be working in the slightest.
"I never said a single word about that!" And Sanji really was beginning to become annoyed. "You want me to turn your face back and said that sketch-like way it was!?" That was how annoyed he was. However, his attention turned to Nami that was wiping away the sauce on her lips with a handkerchief.
"It is somewhat embarrassing, but I accept it! You're fair maiden's kiss~!"But it seemed that Duval become infatuated with Nami thinking she blew him a kiss.
"I wasn't doing anything like that!" But because she was wiping sauce off her lips she snapped at him. But it was like he couldn't hear her at all. "What's with that ridiculously positive attitude of yours!?" Luna had to wonder as she watched from the ship.
"Oh, mirror, mirror... who is the most handsome man is the world?" He was acting like the Evil Queen from Snow White asking 'Who's the fairest maiden of all is.' "It is me!"
"You're inky giving it one choice?!" But it seemed that he only had flowers in his brain now.
"We get that you're handsome, but you're still am idiot." Usopp had stated right to the man's face without hesitation, which seemed to have hurt Duval.
"Jealousy?" But it seemed that the guy took it in a completely different direction.
"No way!" And it pissed Usopp off so much that he was about to attack Duval.
"Stop it, Usopp! You're no match against his craziness!" If Luffy wasn't holding him back from doing so.
"Well then, young master!" The conversation moved on and the head was holding up a piece of paper with numbers on it. "This is my snail phone number. Feel free to call me whenever you like! Exactly help you out when that time comes!" He tried to wink again, but it was still disturbing. "I really did cause you a lot of trouble, huh? I am really so... rry!"
"Stop winking already." It seemed that no one had the energy to care anymore.
"See you later! Let's go, Rosy Life Riders!" And with that the strange group of men, once the crew's enemy, left all delighted.
"Hurry up and go." With the crew stuffed and Hatchan tired, Camie cleans up with everyone satisfied. Everyone had moved back onto the Sunny where Sanji had brewed and served tea with their taste.
"That's some good tea!" Hatchan seemed to have recovered after taking a gulp.
"This is the course we're gonna take." Camie had a map out in hand as she spoke. "We're headed for the Sabaody Archipelago."
"We can't get to Fishman Island without going there first?" Usopp didn't quite understand why that was the case.
"Fishman and Merman can just drive straight down to get back. But your humans, so if you try to die down there, the pressure would kill you!" Hatchan was explaining it as the guys were sitting at a low round table pulled onto deck.
"Indeed... The submarine couldn't reacher either." Franky had stated as they already tried to use the Shark submerge. "How are we going to make it there?" He couldn't understand how.
"Alright, pay attention! It seems like you don't know anything... so I'll tell you a thing or two about the seas!" Pappag was about to explain how it all worked for them. "Huh? Who is gonna do that? That... Be... Me!"
"There are two routes to the New World." However, Luna, standing between the table to guys were sitting at and the mast bench the other girls were on, had completely trampled on his moment.
"However, because we are outlaws we can only use one." No one seemed to be paying to anyone but Luna as she spoke.
"Why?" Luffy saw struggling to ask as he had over eaten.
"It is just the fact that the other route requires the World Government's permission, and that it to cross over the top of the Red Line, meaning going directly through the Holy Land, Mariehoa." Which had been explained to the crew, but it seemed to be a surprise to them. "It makes sense that Pirates, other then War Lords, are unable to pass through this route."
"You mean, walking over the Red Line?" Chopper had asked as that what it sounded like to him. "Then what would we do about the ship?"
"It's obvious you leave the ship behind and just buy another one on the other side." She answered him and Franky had spit out his tea in shock.
"Leave the ship behind!?" As a shipwright, he found that to be disgraceful.
"That's right. Which makes sense since it takes time and money to get permission, it's the most safest way to get over." Luna, being around for a long time understood this method, she us to use it a lot before becoming an outlaw.
"However..." Pappug had the spoke up as Luna came to pause. "The passage you're taking will allow you to get through with your ship and everything! That passage is known as... The Ocean-floor Route, which go straight for Fishman Island!"
"But the Ocean-floor Route is pretty dangerous as well." All attention was focused on Camie that the began to speak.
"Huh? Camie, Camie? I didn't say you could take over..." Pappug tried to cut the mermaid off as it was a lot different with Luna, since he was terrified of her.
"What do you mean?" But no one was paying him attention.
"There are plenty of people who are eaten, along with the ships, by sea monsters in Sea Kings." Camie was explained to them, as it explains a lot of people not making it.
"I get it... that would be pretty dangerous." It was making sense to Franky and the others,
"I don't want to go to Fishman Island after all..." Chopper was sweating buckets as he was trying to calm his nerves with tea.
"Me neither..." Along with Usopp, who was sitting beside him.
"Wait a minute, Camie! Did you just say along with 'their ships'?" Nami had been pulled back to that part.
"Huh? Yeah."
"What kind of ship can we use to travel on the ocean-floor?" Nami wanted to understand what ship was being spoke of.
"The Sunny is fine." Luna had come to answer the question.
"Huh?" But everyone, excluding the ones from Fishman Island, sleeping or love-struck, were stunned at the answer.
"Hey, this ship can't travel under water!" Franky reminded the demon of this.
"At least not yet." But she responded with that.
"Huh?" Confusing the cyborg.
"Understand that there is a large hole in the Red Line, so large that one wouldn't be able to see the outline of it." It was explained that in that hole was where Fishman Island was located.
"Actually, it's right underneath the Holy Land, Mariehoa!" Hatchan turned to Nami explaining this fact to her. "You just had about 10,000 m down, and there it is!" And made it sound like it wasn't much.
"That far down?" But to Nami it was extremely far. "Wasn't it Skye around about 10,000 m up in the sky, too?" She had come to be reminded of that adventure.
"What do you mean, we are going to take the ship to the ocean floor?" Franky was back on the important topic.
"We are going to get the sheep coated at the island we are going to now." Camie had been the one to explain it to him.
"Coated?" But this was his first Time hearing about such a thing.
"You'll understand when we get there." But the mermaid wasn't going to go into details as she giggles. Meanwhile, Luna was watching turned to look ahead to where they were heading.
"It's been a while since I've been to Sabaody.... it's must have been a little over 15 years now."

Battling the Demon (One piece)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz