Pushing Fowards!

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Sengoku had come to order for Ace's execution to continue, however, what they didn't expect with the ground to begin shaking out of nowhere. "A...ce!" All eyes had widen in shock as the large Demonic Giant they thought was dead began moving and raising once again.
"Little Oars Jr.! He's still alive!?" The marines were the most shocked up seeing this, since they thought that all the attacks killed him.
"He woke up faster then I expected..." Even Luna appeared to be taken back, but only because she thought he would still be out of it for a while.
"Ace! Ace! Ace!" Oars Jr continued to call out to the young pirate sitting upon the platform, his arm slowly stretching out towards him despite all the pain and injures he possessed.
"Oars...!" Ace was in complete shock looking up at the giant.
"I protect Ace!"
"Oars!!" The pirate screamed to him.
"Oars!" Seeing the giant demon alive caused a grin to appear across Whitebeard's face
"Oars is alive!" While the pirates began cheering in delight that he was alive and still fighting despite everything.
"Captain Squard!" Someone had called out to Squard who was standing smiling at Oars. In an instant the smile disappeared but he didn't turn around to the person that called out to him until a few moments had passed. "Captain... Squard!" Only to become shock as his weapon was being held up towards him.
"You all..." this had caused tears in the man's eyes, tears of joy as his crew still believed in him. "Alright!" The man had taken his weapon from them. While this was all happening...
"Luffy, are you alright?" Luna was asking the young captain that was pulled out from the water.
"Honestly! You're too reckless!" Inavkov shouted down at him as him, Luna and Jimbe were all kneeling down looking over him. Luffy hadn't spoken as he was breathing heavily from being under water too long.
"Get ready to fire!" Sengoku ordered.
"Fire!" And once again the Marines began firing at Oars in the hopes to bring him down as he's weakened.
"Oars!" Seeing this only caused Ace to scream in agony.
"They'll beat Oars again!" The pirates were shouting in shock. The arm that Oars was stretching towards Ace soon came to the ground as he lost strength.
"We gotta do something! We gotta hurry! They'll execute Ace!" Luffy suddenly shouted this and he wasn't wrong.
"Yes, we have to stop them!" Jimbe was in a complete agreement with this.
"Jimbe!" The straw hat boy lifted himself off the ground and gripped onto the collar of the fishman. "I need you to do me a favour!"
"Ace!" Oars was refusing to go down, despite the heavy amount of injuries.
"How tough!" It appeared to have impressed Kizaru a little.
"He's barely alive! Keep shooting!" The marines were about to once again start firing at the giant demon.
"Oh, okay. Let me do it!" Until the admiral stepped forwards, almost completely recovered from his own serious injuries.
"Admiral Kizaru!"
"We have to finish the execution already!" As the man was speaking, he had lifted up his index finger in the direction of Oars. "I better take his head at a time like this!" It began to glow as he was using his Devil Fruit.
"Captain Oars!"
"Oars!!" The moment Ace screamed out to him
"It's over!" Then the beam had been fired
"Ocean Current Shoulder Throw!" However, it hadn't as something had come flying over Oars. It had been a stream of water that soon all came landing in a single spot before he collapsed across the ground, revelling something in it.
"Lu... Luffy!!" It had been none other then Luffy, who had was standing bending over with a broken mast in his arm. Jimbe had used his Fishman Karate to push Luffy over the wall, however....
"Oh no! You finally made it!" Aokiji...
"You're standing tall, Dragon's son!" Akuinu...
"It scares me! His youthfulness!" Kizaru... Luffy was standing before the three Powerhouses of the Nazy
"The guy who jumped over the wall was Ace's brother!" while everyone else around was left stunned.
"That brat!" Whitebeard seemed amused at the sight.
"I praise you just for your tenacity."
"But you're not good enough to reach this stage yet."
"What makes you think that you can beat us?" The three of them were speaking to him one by one with that question being the main.
"I'm gonna get Ace back!!" That had been shouted at Luffy throw the mast at them with all his strength.
"He's so reckless just like his brother! Oars, stay there! I need you power!"Watching Luffy, Whitebeard soon began giving out orders to Oars.
"Pops!" Who didn't have any problems with it.
"Jozu, the trump card!" Then the old pirate called out to Jozu
"Okay!" That had then began preparing their trump card.
"Everyone, get ready! We're gonna charge into the plaza!" This had been stated. Meanwhile, the broken mast that had been hurdled at the three admirals came to be frozen by Aokiji. However, the Strawhat captain didn't give up as he leaped up into the air about. 
"Gum Gum...Stamp Gatling!"

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