Made It!

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Days were moving forward throughout the world as it appeared nothing of interest was happening upon the Thousand Sunny. "What exactly is going on?" Luffy asked while sounding completely bored.
"This is no good..." Along side Chopper and Usopp.
"Indeed..." As well as Brook
"I can't catch anything!" The four of them were away fishing, but seemed to be unable to catch anything.
"This is strange." Chopper was stating this, since it had been a while since they started fishing.
"We've hit a rough patch." That idea had been placed out there by Usopp.
"Ah, this is so boring!" Luffy seemed to be losing it as nothing was happening.
"Well, let us be patient." The, almost, 90 year old skeleton told them all, while the others were all located behind them sitting onto of the grass drinking tea,
"Aah, Nami! Luna! Are we gonna reach Fishman Island soon? Are we?" But it seemed that Luffy was become completely inpatient, leaning backwards so that he could see the two of them while asking his question.
"Oh, shut up! We are definitely getting closer!" It had been cleared by Nami reaction that this hadn't been the first time he asked.
"Fishmen... Mermaids!" Sanji was away thinking of mermaids. Those beautiful mermaids! We are going to meet the mermaids I've always wanted to see!" He was completely lost in his fantasy, while Zoro seemed to find him pathetic. Not that he had much room to talk lately.
"Aah, I'm tired of this! Sanji! Food!" Luffy finally given up, throwing his fishing rod to the ground.
"Huh? Is that...?!" But it was in that moment Usopp had come to spot something moving in the sea. "Awesome! It's a fish school!" He gotten all excited after pulling one of his goggles down to see.
"See? Good things happen to those who wait!" Brook was laughing as Chopper was getting all excited. But all had turned to the right upon hearing the chuckling of Luffy.
"Now we'll get something!" Who was back sitting beside them with a fishing rod, like nothing happened. "Wow, they're heading straight towards us!" However, it had been when Luna appeared behind the ground,
"Luna, do you want to try?" Chopper asked upon noticing her, but her eyes were looking at the school of fish. "What's wrong?" That had been asked seeing her face that was serious. More then normal.
"This place is..." The little reindeer seemed confused by what she was on about, but the fishes had completely swam by without stoping, as if they were trying to swim away from something.
"Hey, wait up, fish!" Luffy was trying to stopped them pointlessly.
"Those are..." All attention had turned upon Zoro, who was looking up to the sky above. Soon their gaze were looking to what he seemed confused at, and that was the suddenness of dark clouds appearing above.
"Damn it..." Luna had muttered to herself while looking at the sky.
"Could this be..." Nami seemed to be extremely worried looking up at the sky as well.
"What's up with that overt 'This is bad, Captain'-face?!" Usopp was asking both all panicked upon seeing it.
"Serpent-Currents! Nami shouted as everything began to change instantly, as the sea was no different then pools of whirlpools around them.
"Serpent...Currents?" But none of the guys knew what that meant.
"You guys need to be ready." Luna had told everyone looking around the ship on guard when suddenly all around them the whirlpools had turned into water form large columns shocking the crew.
"It is almost like they are alive." Zoro pointed this out, as they looked like snakes popping out of the water.
"This is really bad, all right!" Franky was pointing at the obvious.
"Well, well..." Brook seemed impressed looking up.
"Awesome~!" And he hadn't been the only one, as the captain seemed to be finding this all amazing looking at it.
"Sanji!" Nami was calling at the man that took the helm.
"Leave it to me, Nami, dear!" However, despite saying that and trying to take evasive action for the ship, the helm wouldn't budge at all. "It won't move..." And the thing had been that there was seasnake column drop towards the Sunny, which had Chopper freaking out. Zoro had dash to the side which the column was coming from before leaping at it so the swordsman would be able to slice right through it and soon become damp by the destroyed watch. Another one had come flying at the ship
"How annoying." And Luna had called out her scythe

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