Helmet Off!?

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It hadn't been long after Luffy ordered for the crew to prepare for battle that the Flying Fish Riders had come rising up  from the ocean, circling the compound and the Thousand Sunny.
"Well, now, which one's for the most fight in it?" Luffy had asked watching the Flying Fish in the Sky. "That's the one!" He had come to pick which one he liked and had soon grabbed onto it. "Gotcha!" Where he soon was riding in himself. "I'm takin' over."
"H-Hey!" To then throw its driver off
"Whoo! This is awesome!" And was going on a joyride. "Yeah! I'm flying!"
"Luffy's flying one of them!" Chopper was stunned at the action of his captain.
"Leave him be." While Sanji could careless.
"Eat this!" Especially since they had others to worry about.
"Bombs!" Had been thrown down from above the ship which had sprung Sanji into action and easily kicks away the first drop of grenades toward the ship before Robin had to use her abilities.
"Nami! Robin! Luna! Are you okay?" That had been asked to the three woman as hearts were flowing out like normal.
"That was close! They almost got us!" Usopp was signing in relief as Sanji jumped from the aft deck down behind him.
"Damn them, if they'd hit the ladies, I would've had to kill them." The cook was saying as that was the most important thing to him.
"Hoist the sails! They're in the way!" Nami had ordered for the sails to be raised.
"Right!" Which the guys had ran off to do, but the battle almost stopped dead in its tracks when the fish make their first dive to regroup; they can only stay in the air for five minutes at a time. This puts Luffy underwater, and as he is a Devil Fruit eater he was drowning.
"Luffy!" And this had caused two, also Devil Fruit users, Chopper and Brook to jump in after him,
"Wait! You idiots!" and they drown, of course, which forced Franky and Nami to save all three. "What do you think you were going in the middle of a fight!?" Franky was shouting at them as they were coughing up the water they swallowed.
"And why did you guys try ti save him?" The cyborg turned to the other two. "You've got abilities!" That had been reminded to them both.
"Sorry..." Chopper was in tears as he spoke.
"I...I'm sorry for causing trouble..." Brook was also apologising.
"Think KF how we felt, having to save you three lumps who can't swim!" Nami berates them for the interruption to their battle. "Idiots! Don't make more work for us!" And she slapped the skeleton across the face.
"The Macro Pirates!" Meanwhile, the Macro Pirates rise from the water before the man made island.
"Now's our chance! Get Camie!" And once again go after Camie and Pappag.
"Hey, Straw Hats! Pay attention to us!" Pappag was shouting at the crew since they had been left alone.
"Camie! Pappag!" Hatchan was still inside the cage as the other Fishman were swimming for the two. "Camie! Pappag!" But then Luna sliced through the cage as Zoro took the ropes, freeing Hatchan to join the fight. "I'm free from the cage and the binds! Thanks, Roronoa! You're a good guy!" He was shouting to the Pirate Hunter above
"Just following captain's orders, idiot."
"Stop with the shouting." and then came to notice Luna, who had spoken before.
"Ugh! M-Miss Luna!?" He seemed to have become shocked at the sight of her.
"I told you to stop shouting." She repeated in a different format. "And do something about them." And then pointed at the Macro gang
"Hachi!" that had slowly turned around with cold sweat running down their faces.
"Hatchin!" Camie and Pappag were cheering for him.
"R-Right!" His attention turned back to them. "You guys took advantage of the fact that I couldn't move to beat me up, didn't you!?" The memories of being Capture before it back to him.
"Yeah, yeah! I didn't get to do enough beating! I'll use my Fishman Karate to finish you!" Tansui was trying to act tough, being an expert at Fish-Man karate.
"You really have no luck!" Macro was telling the octopus. "Since you kept mouthing off to us, we're gonna pound you even more!"
"Let's go! I'll stay in the sea red with the new Goldfish Fencing techniques." Gyaro had pulled out a sword in saying so. "I developed just for you!"
"Hacchin!" But hearing all this had caused Camie and Pappag to panic.
"Here we come!" All three of the Fishman had attacked all at once.
"Takoyaki Punch!" But they're knocked away when Hatchan throws three fists.
"We'll let you off the hook for today!" They were shouting as they were flying away.
"How can they act so high and mighty?" Zoro had to wonder as he watched.
"I'm not being racist but most fishermen are quite stupid." Luna had come to answer him that that statement, and it wasn't like he could disagree with her on this fact.
"Camie! Pappag!" It was then when Hatchan was about to reunites with his friends.
"I'm so glad you're safe, Hacchin!" They three of them were embracing each other in tears.
"I'm sorry, Camie! Pappag! I meant to come save you!"
"Don't worry about that, Hachi!" But then they had come to notice a pair of fish rider coming from above them. "Look out!"
"Don't forget, this is our hideout!" Both of them had hand harpoons in hand. "The ones who are gonna sell you all are us, the Flying Fish Riders!" Although, within seconds the pair had been sliced though by Zoro's two swords and Luna's scythe before they got too close.
"Luna-chin!" They had been called out to as they couldn't see anything but dust.
"You left the fight too soon." But once it was clear, they were able to see that they were perfectly fine.
"You lot are in the way, go somewhere to hide." Luna had instructed them to do so.
"Thank you did everything, Miss Luna, Roronoa!" Hatchan was saying with Camie and Pappag in his arms. "I'm really sorry for what I did back then!" This had been directed at Zoro.
"Back then?" But he had no idea what it was that he was talking about.
I caused you so much pain with my Six Sword Style." What he had be apologising for were his actions in the fight against Arlong.
"Is that so?" Luna turned her head towards Zoro asking, as her scythe came to disappear into thin air.
"Not one of those swords even hit me!" Who was shouting that with a red face as he was humiliated by having Luna think about it.
"Really? They didn't?" Hatchan had asked since that wasn't what he remembered. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew was away protecting the ship, Usopp and Chopper brought out Franky's cola cannon and fired it. Then Sanji was away kicking a man off his fish, while Luffy it fish with Ballon.
"They seem to be doing fine." Luna said watching the fight taking place on the island. Although, there wasn't an end to them at all. But then out of nowhere, she saw Brook jumping into the air, unsheathing his sword from his cane, and plays 'Lullaby Song' on his violin, putting several fish riders—as well as Luffy and Chopper—to sleep. "Stupidity." That was being said about not those two but Brook that came falling to the water, but using his extremely light weight in combination with his superhuman strength to run on the water and slash several of the fish, while dodging the others that were trying to crash into him. While at the same time Luffy grabs one of the fish whose driver was put to sleep, and ended up crashes right one of the hut in the middle of the island. "That idiot." Had been the only thing Luna could say, but she came to notice Zoro's behaviour as he was kneeling down and finding it had to breath.
"Roronoa!" Which had caused Hatch and that to run over to him worried. Luna had bent down beside him and knew that he still wasn't 100% after his run-in with Bartholomew Kuma on Thriller Bark. Although, not long after slashing some more fish, Brook had come jumping onto the compound by Zoro and Luna.
"I can't run any longer!" He was laying on his front tired. "My legs are about to cramp up! Uh, not that I have any muscles to cramp..." But he was fine.
"You really want all out Brook." Zoro had come to tell him. "You took out a lot of the flying fish."
"I had to do something useful..." the skeleton was telling him.
"Yeah, considering you almost drowned a second ago." Luna brought that up but then noticed how much pain Zoro was in.
"Zoro, you're still suffering from the damage you took at Thriller Bark...." Brook had come to notice it as well.
"It's nit enough to let these fish bring me down." The swordsman was saying with slight difficulty.
"You say that, but it appears that your quite worn out to me." That didn't need to be said, however, Luna had anyway.
"Don't worry." He was smiling to her, still sweating from the pain.
"You let your guard down, Roronoa!" Hatchan shouted as they were getting ambushed by a fish rider. "Six Sword Style!" The octopus fishman leaped above them. "Tentacle Sword Overload!" Then he had completely sliced through the weapon and rider that came crashing to the ground.
"Huh... You saved me?" Zoro looked to Hatchan questioning.
That's right. 'Cause you weren't paying attention." He was all smiling proudly as he spoke.
"You're sure acting smug for someone that had to be saved." Although, that being being said by Luna had caused him to become depressed because not only was she the one that said it but he couldn't deny it either.
"Hacchin! You were so cool!" However, Camie began to cheer for him.
"That's my boy, Hachi!" Along with Pappag and he did a complete 180 in both mood and physically.
"Really?" He was all embarrassed as turned around covering his face to four of his arms.
"Die, Fishman!" But then a fish rider came flying out from the sea behind him to attack, throwing a harpoon at him.
"Pardon me!" That Brook had deflected away while Luna sent blood flying at the rider, both him and the fish crashed into the water.
"I though I was a goner! Thanks!" Hatchan had an extremely panicked look across his face.
"You're welcome." Had been responding back to him by Brook.
"Don't go lecturing people about letting their guard down when you did the same." Luna was the one telling off.
"R-Right... Sorry..." and it caused him to become depressed once again. As the fish riders get in formation, Nami and Robin continue the fight on the ship, with Chopper using a Rumble Ball get to Arm Point. Franky stops one that shot at him with Strong Hammer.
"Amazing! They really are strong, Pappag!" Camie was excited watching from afar.
"I never would've thought they could do all this." And since the starfish had though that the crew were weak he kind of felt bad now watching them battling without a problem.
"Hmm..." Luna turned away from the Sunny as something was running and destroying things behind in the town. Not long after Luffy came bursting through the wall of one of the huts on the shore.
"Luffy!" Which was quite surprising.
"Run! There's a big one coming!" He was shouting at the others not even bothering to stop.
"The iron mask?!" Hatchan was asking him, since that could be the only thing.
"A guy in a mask, and a cow!" The captain had come to a stop when he reached the three crewmates on land.
"A cow?" But they were confused about the cow part and pulled their attention to where Luffy had come from and it was then when something bigger had bursted through the hut.
"You just let them shoot you down left and right?" The man that Luffy spoke about, with the iron mask was there sitting on a very large bison, with relatively small limbs and short horns in contrast with his big head and body. "You're not mosquitoes or flies! You're Flying Fish Riders!" The man has completely trampled his own house just to make an appearance. 0I don't need this hideout any more. Not if I get to kill the Straw Hats!"
"We're sorry, Head. We'll sink all these guys to the bottom of the sea right—"
"Move!" But it seemed that he didn't want to hear it. "I have no need for fishmen, mermaids, or gloves! If you want to run, and get out of here!" And the three of them crawled away as he had told them too.
"I'm a starfish!" But Pappag was correcting him as they did. That was then when Duval's attention turned to his men.
"I'm not in the human trade because I want to be. You all know that very well, don't you?" He was saying to them.
"Of course, Head!"
"Today is a joyous day. The man I have wanted to kill so badly that I dreamed about it is right in front of me! I'm so grateful! There truly is a God!" It seemed the man was completely crazy.
"Is it you, Luna?" Zoro was looking right at her asking.
"Please, just because I piss off a lot of people in the past doesn't mean this is my fault." She didn't deny that she has done such a thing but she at least remembers them to some sort of degree upon meeting them. "Also, he said man."
"The man who showed Yo that day and plunged me into the depths of hell..." He was saying all this while looking at the Sunny, so it definitely wasn't Luna. On this day, here now, even if I go down as well, I will kill you! The pirate, 'Black Leg' Sanji! I have so longed to see you!"
"Crap! The Head's really mad now!" It seemed the riders were beginning to panic. But it was clear by Sanji's expression that he had no idea why Duval would be angry at him. He thinks it might be something from his time on the Baratie. "Don't play dumb, Black Leg! It was just recently!" But Duval says it's was quite recent, further dumbfounding the chef. But then spears covered in poison had been fired towards them. "These are Scorpion's Poison harpoons. If one pierces you, you'll be dead in three minutes." It had been explained while he reloaded. "Feel my wrath!" And fired once again. "I'll murder you and your whole crew!" Luffy and that on land watched in slight confusion.
"I saw him without his mask." That had been said by the rubber man.
"You did? Who is he?" Zoro was asking him since none of them understood who the man was.
"Don't be too surprised. It's a face you know, too." And with that being said, he moves in, and kicks off Duval's mask.
"That fool!" The riders shouted as the mask was sent flying off and came to land on the ground. "Master Duval's iron mask!"
"That's fine. Take a good look at my scarred face." Duval had told them all as he removed the arms he held in front of his face out of reflex. Upon seeing the face of Duval, all couldn't help by be shocked upon seeing it. Even Luna was quite taken back by it... It was upon seeing the face which was being hidden away under an iron mask that everyone understood why Duval was so angry. "I have waited for this day." And it was due to a single paper that speeded far and wide through out the world. "After I decided to kill you, I took to the seas. But searching for you was not easy. You look nothing like you wanted poster, after all. Even if the Navy or bounty hunters saw you, they might totally overlooked you!" He was holding up that very same poster. "No, that's not true. They do find you! They found you, and they say... 'I found you, Black Leg Sanji!' And then I tell them... 'I don't know who that is! I'm not even a pirate!'"Before them was the face that looked exactly like the composite sketch drawn for Sanji's wanted poster. As a result, he's been pursued by the Marines and bounty hunters in Sanji's place. This idea infuriates Sanji greatly.
"Stop screwing around!"

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