Sabaody Archipelago!

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It didn't take long before an island was spotted ahead of the Thousand Sunny. "Everyone, we're here!" Pappug announced to the entire crew, who were looking ahead at the island completely and utterly stunned.
"It's beautiful!" To then it was breathtaking.
"What is that?" Hard to believe was possible.
"Somethings flying around..."
"Well, I must say..."
"A true wonder."
"Bubbles...?" This was all due to the fact that one was able to see bubbles floating all around on the island that had large trees.
"This is... the Sabaody Archipelago!" The only one not impressed had been Luna because... well, like everything, once she sees it once it really loses its impact as she is unable to forget things.
"Awesome!" Luffy was the most excited to see the bubbles. "There's tones of soap-bubbles floating around!"
"Beautiful!" Nami was unable to think of anything else to call them and many of the crew were still amazed by it all.
"What's going on? They just keep floating up, one after another..." Usopp had been the only one to ask what was going on.
"Who's blowing them all?" Luffy wanted to know running from one side of the ship to the other.
"No one is, the bubbles are just floating out of the island." Luna answered the captain, watching him running.
"Just saying that there are flooding out doesn't really help..." Usopp wasn't completely wrong about that.
"Why?" Luffy came back wanted to understand.
"If I may..." But Robin had cut in for Luna was able to answer. "Sorry for the interrogation, but is the Log Pose alright?" She came to ask Nami, since it would change have got a different magnetic field of the island.
"Oh, right..." it seemed that the navigator remembered this and looked down to her wrist. "It's still pointing to Fishman Island, but... won't this island cause it to change its course?" She turned turned to Luna asking, as that was how it normally worked, however...
"That won't happen." She had stated back to her without hesitation. "The reason is due to the fact that the Archipelago isn't actually an island but trees, so there isn't a magnetic field." It had all be explained to her and she was relieved.
"Then, those aren't really islands?" Sanji had come to question, cleaning up the dishes on deck.
"Right. Have you ever heard of mangrove trees?" Hatchan had come to ask him.
"Mangroves? You mean the trees with the roots in the ocean that sink and emerge with the tides, right? It seemed he knew what they were but explained to see if he had it right.
"That's right. Although the mangroves here never sink. The Sabaody Archipelago is the largest mangroves in the world." It was being explained further to them all. "They call the trees here the Hustle Muscle Mangroves."
"Pumped up Mangroves?" Luffy heard something completely different. "Yes, they sure look like they're excited! I'm getting excited too!"
"The Archipelago has up to 79 trees which all have their own small islands, with towns or other structures on them. And all together it creates what's known as the Sabaody Archipelago." Luna moved onto explaining to all.
"Hmm? There are numbers written on the trees." Chopper had come to notice the number 43 placed on a tree they were passing.
That's right. As I had explained before there are 79 trees and that are marked with numbers." The explanation was continuing by the demon.
The closest Grove, grow 44, is the civilian entrance, so let's take the ship a little closer." Hatchan had told them about this and that was what the Sunny began doing.
"Now that we're seeing them up close, those roots are really huge, huh?" Luffy was looking above as the Sunny sailed under a root.
"This isn't your first time to here?" Zoro asked looking at Luna, and it was pretty obvious since she knew a lot. But then again, knowing Luna no one entirely knows.
"I have. But it's been years since I was last here." Although, she seemed completely opened about it, which wasn't someone Zoro was completely use to.
"Is that a bridge?" Brook's voice had caused others to look where he was speaking of.
"That's right, bridges connect the islands to one another." Luna had answered his questionable tone.
"Oh, I see..." It wasn't long before the ship arrives at Grove 41.
"Alright we're here! This is Grove 41." Hatchan was informed the group if they hadn't spotted the number. "This is where we're dropping anchor." And with that having been done
"I'm setting foot on it first!" and Luffy was the first to fly off the ship, where he began running around.
"Alright everyone, don't forget the number here!" Hatchan turned around to the others that were getting off. "Like Miss Luna said earlier... all the islands are connected via bridges... so if you remember the number, you won't get lost." It was easy to understand.
"Even then, there is one guy who'll get lost, right?" Usopp was saying glancing behind him.
"There is." Along with Chopper as they were both speaking of Zoro.
"Huh, what?" Who was walking along side Luna, that now what the two of them thinking and it wasn't because she was reading their minds. "What is it?!"
"One popped out from the ground!" At the same time a bubble comes up right in front of Luffy that was watching in excitement. "That's really funny!"
"Awesome!" Usopp and Chopper ran over to join him with just as much excitement, especially when Luffy jumps onto one of the bubbles.
"I got on it!" The thing was popping at all.
"It's not popping, huh?" Usopp seemed impressed watching.
"That's right nice!" Chopper seemed to want a go as well, watching Luffy jumping onto a higher bubble then another and another.
"Those soup-bubbles really are mysterious." Robin noted this as normal soup-bubbles would have popped on contact with anything that was damped in water. "How do they work?" The archaeologist turned to the person she knew would have the answer.
"It is due to these mangroves roots possessing a special kind of resin." And that answer was being given to those that would listen. Robin, curious, placed her hand onto the ground which she came to regret.
"Oh, no. This is all sticky." She wiped it all over Usopp's shorts.
"Don't wipe it off!" And he snapped down at her in shock.
"You see, this resin is filled with air when the trees 'breathe out' through cellular respiration and photosynthesis." Cellular respiration is the process by which organisms use oxygen to break down food molecules to get chemical energy for cell functions. While photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar. "This results in the resin forming bubbles that float through the air." It had been explained to them and since Luna wasn't explaining to the monster trio
"I see..." She didn't have to explain every little thing to them. "So that's why they're all floating into the Sky?"
"So all of this is actually natural?" It would simple impossible, but in the Grand Line, nothing is important.
"Hey!" Luffy's voice sounded pretty far away as it was coming from above.
"Huh?" Having the others look up to notice that he was almost to the top of the trees. "Hey, Luffy! When did you get up there?!" Usopp began to freak upon seeing him.
"I can see an amusement park over there!" But the captain didn't seem to care as he was pointing to his right. "Let's go! Let's ride the Ferris wheel!"
"An amusement park?" Hearing this had excited Chopper, as he's never been to an amusement park before.
"That's the Sabaody Park. How nice... the ferries wheel... riding on that is my dream." Camie seemed a bit obsessed with it.
"You dream? Why can't you ride it?" And the doctor had asked her that.
"Don't be ridiculous? You can't so that, Camie!" But Pappag denies her.
"Yeah, I know..."
"I want to ride it to, but I guess I can't..." leaving Chopper not understanding why she couldn't ride it. Although, Luna know of the reason behind this, looking at the mermaid. The rest of the crew had soon came walking over to the small group that was far in the land, while Luffy was still jumping up the bubbles until he had came to reach the top, although suddenly, the bubbles pop and he came plummeting towards the ground hard.
"Luffy-chin!" Camie had become panicked upon seeing him crashing down onto the ground. "This is terrible! Are you alright!?" She was about to jump over towards him
"He's fine, Camie." But Sanji stopped her by saying that, which confused her. "You don't have to worry about him." That was when the smoke began to clear and one was about to see Luffy with his head stuck in the ground, trying to get it out. But beyond that he was completely fine.
"Wow, I'm beat!" He was finally able to break free and was covered in dirt.
"See?" The cook was asking the mermaid to see if she understood, and she had come to calm down.
"By the way, Luna, Hachi... What's out goal on this island?" Nami moved onto asking as they hadn't completely explained everything. "You said something about coating for the ship earlier, did you?"
"We have to find a coating mechanic., and have him cut your ship with this resin!" Hatchan had informed her of this. "Simply put, that will enable your ship to travel under the sea!" Franky seemed to appear a little doubtful about it. "That's the only way humans can reach Fishman islands. However, if you get an amateur to do it... The ship, and the humans riding it, would be crushed by the water pressure." Luffy had managed to make it back to the group. "I know one mechanic who's trustworthy, so I'm gonna take you to him."
"Mr. Octopus, you are such a nice fellow for helping us so much... ah, he is a nice octopus!" Brook was joking around, however...
"Listen." The crew had come to a stop as Luna spoken. "While the ship is being coated and you explore the island, I want you to know one thing that you must never, and I mean never do."
"What is it?" Luffy was asking her, catching his breath.
"On this island, there are people called the World Nobles." She hadn't answered his question.
"World Nobles?"
"Who are they?" And it was the first time many of the crew heard of them.
"The citizens of the Holy Land, Mariejoa." Although, Robin knew of them.
"And, what about them?" But didn't quite understand and moved onto asking.
"Under no circumstances... no matter what you see... Do not anger or touch the World Nobles!" The woman who was normal emotionless had become quite serious
"No matter what...?" The tension around the group began the rise
"What do you...?" No one, besides Hatchan, Camie, and Pappug understand why she was saying this.
"Do you understand?" Luna ignored them as she asked this. "Do not lay a hand on them. Even if that means watching them kill someone..."

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