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The last round had finally came to an end and the winner was... "the Straw Hat Dangers come from behind to win the final round of the Davy Back Fight!"
"I lost... and so did my Slow-Slow Beam..." Foxy was on the ground.
"All right! We did it!" Nami and Usopp were singing and yelling.
"It all worked out in the end." Sanji had stated.
"Yep." And Zoro had agreed with him,
"It was Miss Luna plan, so we should thank her." Robin had smiled at the woman saying but she looked away not even caring.
"Now it's time to take someone! Who do you choose, Straw Hat Luffy!?"
"Chopper! Come back!" He had yelled but Chopper was already running towards him crying. As he leaped into Luffy's arm, he throw off the mask and hat that was truly stupid.
"Oh, no! Choppy!"
"Thank you! I'm so happy!" He was having a hard time saying as he was chocking on tears.
"Don't cry! You know we'd never lose!" Luffy had told him.
"The gruelling Davy Back Fight has come to an end! Both teams ultimately reach a draw as the Straw Hat Pirates take back their ship doctor, Chopper! The competition is now ov-"
"Hold it! Hold it! Hold it!" Foxy's yelling had turned all of our heads towards him and his team. "There are no 'draws' in the pirate world! It's either plunder or be plundered! Right, Straw Hat!? Well!?" Luffy stood up but his face couldn't be seen properly.
"Wh-What's he tryin' to say!?" Did Usopp really have to ask.
"What do you say to another three-coin gam right now?" Foxy was saying as he held up three coins and was sweating.
"Is he an idiot?" Usopp was asking,
"Seriously! Who'd agree to more of these lame games!?" Nami had asked but then the gun was fired.
"Ask! You can't be serious!" Of course the one to fire the gun had been Luffy who had a giant grin on his face as he held the gun up at the sky.
"You're on!"
"What the heck are you thinking!?"
"You stupid rubber monkey dimwit!" Nami and Usopp had punched across the back of the head as they snapped and were now stomping on him. But really, what were they expecting from Luffy, he is an idiot.
"This is the last time... I won't do it again..." It was hard to understand how Luffy could look so beaten because he was rubber and the two that were beating the crap out of him were the two weakest members of the crew.
"We have to fight them again!?" Chopper was beginning to sweat,
"Nothing we can do now. He's already agreed to it." Zoro was saying as if it was nothing,
"He must have something in mind." Robin had stated
"I would't be so sure... or maybe he's planning to snag us a shipwright!" Sanji had suggested but frankly...
"You know this is guy doesn't have a brain, right?" Surprise if he even had a plan to win. After the coins were throw into the water the festive form the Foxy Pirates began again.
"It's time for the second three-coin game! The events are a team wide ball game, a six-on-six all-start retro game, and a one-on-one fight! Like last time, each person can only participate twice! Lineup changes won't be allowed!"
"Whats this?" Luna had walked to a candy apple store asking Zoro that was by her side.
"Have you never seen a candy apple before?" He had asked her out of disbelief.
"Candy apple? Are they candy that are in the shape of an apple?" She had asked since this clearly was the first time she's seen one.
"So cute!" The Foxy Pirates were watching the woman as she looked closely at the candy apple now in her hand as if it was some sort of new discovery.
"Maybe we should as the captain about get her."
"Yeah, she's beautiful and smart."
"Not to mention super strong."
"Okay, it's time for Round #1: Hit and Dead Ball!" Everyone had gathered on a field that was similar to the one used in the second round but it was a lot smaller. "As always, I'll explain the rules! Two balls are used! Players throw these balls at opposing team members on the court! Get hit and you're disqualified! Outta the game! Whichever side runs out of on-court members first loses! You're free to choose which members should be on or off the court! But keep in mind that although off-court members can throw the balls, they're not allowed to enter the court!" The Straw Hats were already at a disadvantage because they only had 8 members while the Foxy Pirates had about 30-50 members,
"I see, so it's basically a variation of dodgeball." Sanji had said.
"Be sure to carefully read the rule book for other miscellaneous details?" The book was thrown towards Luna that caught it with little effort.
"Rule book?" Chopper had repeated looking to the book in her hands.
"It's rather fhick..." Robin was right about that.
"Yes! Hit and Dead Ball is the greatest and most time-honoured Davy Back Fight game! Many ru,es have been added over time, Little by Little, to make it a more clear-cut game!"
"There's no point in have strict rules if you're not gonna follow 'em!" Nami had a point, they cheat and break the rules. "It's obvious you're just gonna keep ruling in their favour again!"
"Non, non, non! Read the very first page!" Hearing this, Luna had opened to book to the first page.
"'Referee Regulations. He who makes a judgment contrary to these rules shall be beheaded.'" She had read out loud. "Well that's a little overboard." She had then said.
"Beheaded!? Yikes!" Chopper was terrified.
"There you have it! Incidentally, this game will be officiated by a team of five referees headed by Rokuroshi, a fifty-year veteran Referee!" Beside the announcer stood four man and an elder one in the middle.
"Looks like it might actually be a fair game for once." Zoro was saying grinning.
"Team Foxy has a veritable crowd of players! A truly grand spectacle!" The plays got into position, it was decided that the girls would be the ones to be off field. Nami was standing on one side while Robin on the other side and Luna was sitting behind the crowd of Foxy Pirates reading through the book that was on the ground. "But the diminutive Team Straw Hat pales in comparison... as usual, they have a measly 8 members!"
"Drop the measly part!" Usopp snapped.
"Okay, let's get it started! We'll begin with the double jump!" Two of the refs had walked or the middle of the field with a ball in his arm.
"Each team, bring two players forward!" Rokuroshi has ordered as he held up his arms. Form Foxy's team was Jube and Girarin and form the Straw Hats, Luffy and...
"I wanna do this, Zoro!" Chopper had pointed to himself as he was looking to Zoro.
"Be my guest! Go jump your heart out!" Zoro had told him.
"Yeah!" Chopper had token his Rumble Ball and as he started walking over to join Luffy, he had changed to his Jump Form.
"Oh! Ship's Doctor Chopper has changed form! He appears to have a mysterious abilities! He could be formidable indeed!"
"Oh, my! What is that? That's not cute at all..." Porche was saying as she was shocked to see the transformation but it seemed that all the girls were.
"All right! Let the game begin!" Rokuroshi blow the whistle and the refs had thrown the balls up into the air. It seems that Jube and Girarin's plan was to take Luffy and Chopper out but they didn't even stand a chance since both Luffy and Chopper had leaped into the air before Jube and Girarin landed a hit. Chopper and Luffy had a hold of the balls as for the other two, their arms were stuck in the ground.
"All right, that's it! Now clobber 'em!" Usopp had shouted up to his team mates in the air.
"Okay! Here goes, Chopper!" Luffy's arm that had the ball in it stretched back, "aim for Split-Head!" And had sent the ball off flying.
"Right!" Chopper had changed forms again into his strength one to then throw it in the same direction as Luffy.
"Our Boss is in trouble!" The balls were heading right for Foxy and great speed, which had then striked his face and he was down. "H-He's already out of the game!?"
"All right! We showed their boss who's boss!" Usopp was all excited when
"Doesn't count! Doesn't count!" Rokuroshi had shouted signalling with his arms.
"What!? That was a clear hit!" Usopp had shouted pointing at Foxy.
"Article 23! Hits to the face don't count!" He had recited.
"What!? Darn it!"
"You Okay, Boss?" Hamburg was asking him as he and Chiqicheetah sat him up, only to laugh.
"You shouldn't laugh, Hamburg..." Chiqicheetah had spoken for the first time. The balls had then rolled off his face onto the ground. The rolled to Nami's feet who had picked them up.
"Now's our chance!" She had thrown them to Zoro, "hit 'em like crazy and win!" And then throw one to Sanji.
"Okay! I'll get them like crazy and win for us!" Sanji was love sick,
"Here they come! Run for it, ya know!" Jube was telling his team as he began to back away. They all became scared when they saw how serious Zoro and Sanji were getting as they held the balls ready to attack,
"Th-There's no need get that fired up...!" Zoro had then thrown and noticed out a group of them that were standing behind one another. Which was the same thing that Sanji did, only thing was he kicked it.
"Eighteen members of Team Foxy are out for going out if bounds!" One of the refs had announced.
"Yes!" Nami cheered.
"Amazing! They each knocked nine people clear off the court!"
"Ugh! The same number as you!?" Sanji was annoyed at that fact but he wasn't the only one.
"Way to go, Sanji! Way to go, Zoro!" Usopp was cheering in the background. As Chiqicheetah was about to grab the balls that were in the ground in the corner, Robin's arms sprouted out.
"So sorry." She had said before the arms had thrown the balls over to Luffy and Chopper that had landed.
"Wow! Nine people each!" Chopper was impressed.
"Okay! I'm next!" Luffy was getting excited coursing Chiqicheetah to hide behind abunch of his team mates. Luffy had stabbed his legs into the ground, "Gum Gum..." Luffy's arms stretched back together with the ball in his hands, "...Slingshot!" The ball was then sent flying at the group Chiqicheetah was hiding behind knocking them out of the game.
"Ten members of Team Foxy are out for going out of bounds!"
"All right! A new record!" Luffy was flexing.
"Wow, another big group is out of the game! But team Foxy finally has on of the balls!" Hamburg had Foxy in his back as he grabbed the ball Luffy had thrown.
"Now it's my turn!" Chopper determined.
"Get 'em Chopper! Knock eleven out for a new record!" Once again Usopp was cheering in the background.
"Okay! You got it!" Chopper shouted before he began to whine up and then throw it, the ball had be sent flying along with the people it hit but Hamburg had caught them and just barely managed to be in the boundary line.
"Oh! Our very own Hamburg has fended off the attack! Team Foxy now has both balls! It's finally time to fight back!" Hamburg began to laugh holding the balls in one hand.
"Well done, Hamburg! Give the balls to Big Pan!" Foxy had ordered.
"Right!" And Hamburg had thrown them up to the giant fishman.
"Get 'em, Big Pan! Send 'em all flying!" The moment Big Pan began to pull his arm back, all the members of the Foxy team ran to the sides out of the way.
"Whoever he hits is a dead man! A goner!" Usopp was completely freaking out. One of the balls that Big Pan had thrown headed right for Zoro and Sanji, who just moved their heads out of the way. As for the other one, it was heading of Luffy, Chopper and Usopp, who was hiding behind Chopper. Luffy grabbed his head and stretched his neck and Chopper went back to his normal form but dodging the ball, but Usopp was hit dead on in the neck.
"Oh no!"
"Luna! Look out!" Sanji had shouted but she didn't seem to be moving a budge as the balls and a group of people were heading right for her. Robin had stood up from the chair she was on and had gotten her arms across so that arms would sprout out to save Luna but she had disappeared.
"Stop shouting, I'm trying to read." And she was at the corner of the field, with the book in hand, with no trouble holding it with one hand.
"What the hell was that!?! Wh-What is this!?"
"Long-nose and 22 Team Foxy members are out for going out of bounds!"
"You alive, Coward?" Luna had asked as he was laying across the ground.
"I-I'm somehow still alive... I got the ball now..." Usopp was saying as he held up the ball.
"Big Pan took out Usopp, the long-nose snipped, with his power throw, but wound up knocked out a slew of his own teammates in the process! Team Foxy is down to ten players! Have their superior numbers backfired in them!? This doesn't bode well! What will they do now!?" Yeah, that was the question and since the only two that are left are both idiots they didn't know what to think.
"What now, Boss?" Hamburg was asking.
"Whadya mean, what now? I can't use my Slow-Slow Beam as long as that archeologist chick is there... and then there's the other one, she's super smart and seems to have abilities too... so there's only one thing to do..." what was Foxy now up to?
"You mean... you-know-What?" Hamburg had began to laugh.
"Yes. You-know-What." Then Foxy began to laugh with him. On the shoulder of Hamburg's shoulder without him realising something had sprouted from his back and had tapped him and then the ball was dropped on his head and was bouncing across the floor.
"Oh, my! Now Hamburg is out if the game too!"
"Nice, Robin!" Luffy had shouted pleased.
"The top of the head doesn't count!" The ref had yelled however,
"Your wrong, Page 103, Article 54 clearly states that attack on the top of the head count under all circumstances." Luna had stated with the rule book in hand. Hearing this the ref turned to Rokuroshi.
"She's correct. Don't do anything shameful! Do you want to be beheaded!?" He had shouted to the ref.
"Wow! Both Miss Luna and Robin have sharp minds! Has Miss Luna memorised the entire thick rule book in such a short time!?"
"You're amazing, Luna, Robin!" Nami had shouted to them both pleased.
"This is stupid." Luna stated with her trade mark hair flick.
"I haven't read it yet, though." Robin had informed her.
"All right! Just one left! Finish 'em off, Sanji!" Nami would soon realise the mistake that she had just made throwing it to Sanji.
"Yes, Nami!"
"Sanji!" The girls on the other team had called out to him all sweet and dreamy,
"Yes!?" He had answered them,
"Please don't hit him...! Give us the ball, okay?" They had told him, and you would think that Sanji would learn by now but clearly not as he handed the ball over to them.
"Thanks!" Porche had winked, "now please get out of the game! Okay, twirly Eyebrow Man?" Chopper had ran off.
"My pleasure!" Sanji had laid down on the grass in front of them. "Please hit me wherever you like!"
"What are you doing, Sanji!?" Hearing Nami yelling, Sanji had snapped out of it, however, it was to late.
"Oh! Love Hunter Sanji has been blissfully and passionately knocked out!" Usopp had gone and started dragging the unconscious Sanji off the field. "He's the second Straw Hat out of the game!"
"Bye bye!"
"You mellorine moron!" Zoro had called Sanji as he was being dragged passed.
"He never changes..." Robin said without even looking away from the rule book.
"I don't know why you're all surprised." Luna had sighed annoyed as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.
"Still, their boss if the only one left." Nami said to them both.
"You never know for sure, until the very end." Robin had stated
"Don't forget, the boss is a cheater through and through." and Luna said waiting.
"Precisely." Something had began to surface behind Foxy.
"Huh? What is that?" Nami was asking not sure what to say.
"There it is! The top-secret item of Hit and Dead Ball!"
"Say hello to the Mr. Accu-Cannon!" Foxy had began to laugh
"Hey! You're just gonna allow that, Ref!? It's clearly against the rules!" Usopp was shouting at Rokuroshi.
"So that's Mr. Accu-Cannon, huh." Luna had said.
"What's with the I-already-knew-about-it reaction of yours?!" Usopp had shouted over to her that didn't seem shocked at it.
"It was mentioned in the rule book, but I didn't know what it was speaking of. 'Rule 322: the only weapon allowed is the Mr. Accu-Cannon.'" Luna had recited the rule.
"That's right!" Rokuroshi had shouted.
"Is that really a rule?" Usopp was looking up to him in disbelief.
"It's so cool! I like it!" Luffy was getting excited.
"This is stupid!" Zoro granted, "Hey! Bringing that thing out now still ain't gonna help you!" He had shouted to him.
"I wouldn't be so sure." Foxy was in the sit of the weapon. "Porche! Are you ready!?"
"Sure am, Boss! Here goes!" Porche had began to spin her Petone around, "Flower Hypnosis!"
"It's hypnosis! Don't look!" Nami was shouting warning them which made them close their eyes.
"Always pulling these tricks on us..."
"Stop, don't close your eyes!" Luna tried to stop them but
"Now, Boss!"
"All right! You're all mine!" The ball was fired at Zoro.
"Having your eyes open or closed..." He had pulled his arm back to have then sliced the ball with it. "Makes no difference to a swordsman." He said with his eyes opened.
"Incredible! What power! Swordsman Zoro sliced the ball in two with his bare hands and with his eyes closed!" The crowd were going crazy.
"His so cool." Luna had covered her mouth saying. "But..."
"Zoro of Team Straw Hat is out!"
"What for!?" Zoro snapped.
"Rule 645! No slicing the balls! Team Foxy gets a new ball." Rokuroshi had shouted and a ball was thrown to Foxy.
"Too bad!"
"Oh, what a shame! Swordsman Zoro is out of the game!"
"Zoro... got knocked out of the game..." Chopper was saying as he watched Zoro walk off the field.
"Crappy Swordsman..." Sanji had stated about it Light a cigarette, making as if he hadn't gotten out.
"You got knocked out first, lousy cook." Zoro had returned the statement.
"Things are really getting good now! It's two against one!" The cannon was aiming itself at Luffy and Chopper.
"Now to pick up where I left off!" Foxy had shouted.
"Yeah! Give us your best shot!" Luffy shouted and then Chopper had chomped on another Rumble Ball.
"Bring it on!" And had changed into his Guard Point.
"Ultra-fast Level 5!" Foxy had pulled something, "let's see you dodge this!" And then fired, Luffy had jumped up into the air doing a back flip which dodged the ball, however, the ball had hit Mashikaku which bounced right off of him. It was because of this, the ball was heading right towards Luffy who had his back to it. It was not just luck that saved him, but Chopper who had token the hit from the ball.
"Oh! Choppy!" Porche had shouted as the hair ball that was Chopper rolled to the side line.
"What a beautiful self-sacrifice by ship's doctor Chopper! But this mean...!"
"The face doesn't count, right?" Chopper had asked lifting up his face where it was clear that the ball smashed his face.
"F-Face?" One of the refs moved to see what he was taking about.
"I-it's extremely difficult to tell where his face begins and ends!"
"Talk about brave!" The Foxy team were becoming emotional.
"Hey, Ref! You're a man of the sea too, ain't you!? That was his face! That was his face!"
"Yeah! That furry fella has some serious guts! You ain't men if you can't see that!"
"It hit his face! It hit his face! It hit his face!..." they were all yelling over and over again.
"What the..." The ref was completely shocked,
"It hit his face! It hit his face! It hit his face!..."
"We ain't men....? I can't just ignore that! The call is clear as day! It hit his face! He's safe!" Rokuroshi had shouted and the Foxy team were cheering in delight. "However...!"
"However...?" Chopper repeat looking over to him.
"Although it hit you in the face, you unfortunately still out of bounds!" Rokuroshi had told him and when he looked down he was completely shocked to see he was out of bounds.
"Oh, my! He's regrettably out of bounds! Just after his gutsy face catch was given the Okay! What a pity! Ship's doctor Chopper is out of the game! Even so, he's still a true man of the sea!"
"You Okay, Chopper?" Luffy had walked over to him with Chopper's hat in his hand.
"Yeah..." Chopper had told him standing up on his feet, "... but I'm out of the game now..." Chopper was really depressed about that until his hat was placed on his head.
"Just leave the rest to me! But never mind that. Thanks, Chopper." Luffy had made Chopper happy again by saying that.
"Hearing that doesn't make me happy at all, you jerk!"
"Not bad, Choppy! Now I wanna have you even more!" Foxy had told him playing another ball in the cannon.
"I won't let you take him!" Luffy shouted back to him,
"It's now one against one! Both teams have their backs to the wall! It's the final showdown!"
"Take my advice and lose like a good little boy!" The cannon was pointed at Luffy once again,
"I absolutely won't lose!"
"What nonsense! Take a good looks around before you spew such drivel!" Being told that, Luffy had turned his head around and saw that every member of team Foxy were holding balls.
"Here it comes! The Omni-Directional Shift!"
"Say your prays!"
"Yikes! What the heck!?" Usopp was shouting.
"Hey! What's the deal, Old ref! What's with all those balls!?" Sanji had asked looking up to Rokuroshi as he was sitting on the ground.
"There's no rule whatsoever against using fake balls." Was the guys answer.
"I knew it. You really are in Foxy's side." Usopp said right to him.
"Damn! They'll always have the upper hand unless we get a ref of our own!" Sanji was frustrated.
"Don't worry, Luffy! Only you and their boss have a real ball! Don't let him fool you!" Nami was shouting to him.
"Ack! That's right!" Foxy just realised it himself.
"What's with this guy? Is his brain split too!?" Usopp had asked out loud, which had gotten Foxy depressed.
"Oh! Then I'll just send that entire Mr Neato Thing Sky-high!" Luffy had stretched his arm back not knowing that wasn't the best move.
"Huh?" Porche had grabbed it right out of his hand.
"Try this on for size!" Foxy had covered himself waiting for impact.
"Huh?" But noticed nothing had happened.
"Oh! Right over here!" Porche had called out to him, "you stretched your arm too far! All right, everyone! shuffle!" Every member of the Foxy team had their hands behind their backs.
"Shuffle! Shuffle! Shuffle! Shuffle!..."
"Oh, no! Now we can't tell which is real and which are fake!" Nami was yelling, and they had all stopped.
"Once again, which one is the real deal!? You'll need to figure it out before it hits you, though!" Foxy was finding it amusement.
"Shut up! It doesn't matter as long as I catch all the balls!" Was Luffy's response, which for him could be possibly because of his Devil Fruit.
"Don't get snarky with me! You're one sore loser, you know that!?" Yeah, like he can say that. "All right, men! Throw like crazy!" The balls were flying everywhere towards Luffy from above. He had turned around and had began stretching his arm out catching the balls as they came at him and had a whole of them. "You're... finished!" Foxy had targeted Luffy.
"Luffy! Look out!" Usopp tried to warn him but it had already been fired.
"Luffy! Let it hit your face!" Nami shouted at him
"You're a heartless monster!" Zoro had shouted at her, but Luffy got hit in the face anyway.
"All right!" Luffy's head had flung back to normal and the ball was right in his mouth but the most stupidest thing he had done since his travels, this was probably the stupidest and that was he swallowed the ball.
"Straw Hat Luffy is out!" Rokuroshi had called it.
"What for!? Getting hit in the face doesn't count!" Usopp was shaking the refs chair.
"Rule 999! No swallowing the balls! It's right there in the rule books!" Rokuroshi had glared down to him with only one eye.
"It's strange because I really don't know who's more of an idiot than the Straw Hat is, but it's a rule on the last page." Luna had stated to him explaining.
"A l-lousy Rule like that...?"
"Team Foxy emerges victorious in Round #1's game of Hit and Dead Ball!" It was hard to believe but a rule like that was written in the book. In other words the Straw Hats lost.
"Our Foxy Pirates have claimed victory in Round #1 of this second fight! It time to claim our booty... and take two members of Team Straw Hat! Who will our boss choose!?" Like that was even a question.
"The ones I want..."
"... is obvious to us all! Right, Boss?" Porche had cut him off as they looked right at Chopper. Foxy had began to move his fingers crossed all of them and then...
"The archaeologist, Nico Robin!" Everyone, but Luna, were shocked to hear that as Foxy had pointed at Robin.
"Me?" She had asked making sure she heard right.
"Oh, my! Our captain has chosen Nico Robin, the archaeologist! Oh, Captain! You naught man!"
"Oh, no! Why didn't you choose Choppy, Boss!?" Porche was waving her butt whining and Foxy had gone to her and began whispering,
"She's dangerous as an enemy. Taking them first will give us the advantage from here on out." He has whispered into her ears as they watched the straw hats talking to Robin.
"We can get Doctor Chopper for sure in the next round!"
"Now I get it! You're so smart, Boss!"
"Robin!" The guys, not Zoro, and Nami had cried as she started heading to the Foxy Pirates side.
"Bye." Robin had looking over her shoulder as it it didn't bother her.
"I can feel the deep sorrow hidden behind her smile and her arm." Sanji was crying as he was hitting hard onto a piece of cloth. "The pain of having to part with me...! Damn! How dare they take Robin against their will, even if it is in the rules!?"
"Robin!" Luffy, Usopp and Chopper cried out to them.
"How do I look?" Robin had asked after placing the Mack on being surrounded by men
"Suits you perfectly!"
"You look great, black-haired lady!"
"I wanted you to join us from the very start!" The men were cheering, she seemed to be really popular.
"Ugh! She's so popular!" Porche pouted But Foxy was laughing for joy giving the V sigh with his fingers for victory.
"R-Robin's gettin' along with 'em..." Usopp was a bit shocked watching
"I never trusted her to begin with..." Zoro stated about Robin.
"Don't be crazy! Robin's counting on us!" Nami had shouted at us all, "I think." She added to the end.
"Good point as always, Nami. I'm gonna win her right back in the next round." Sanji had stated.
"Okay! Let's do the next round already!" Luffy was getting pumped but.
"Straw Hat, shut up. Your in the third round not the second." Luna stated to him, "So get the rounds through you thick skull already."
"Oh. I guess I'm on cheering duty then." Luffy had calmed down after hearing me.
"But there's only six of us for Round #2..." Chopper was right about that, and there was a clear side that they would cheat like always. The battle seems to be taking place on a strange winding rock emotion that looks like a path separated from the main island but just close enough to get onto it with a boat.
"Round #2 will be a game held on Long Reef: Dash Touch Domination! Or D.T.D for short! It's a seven-in-seven group competition, but without Nico Robin, Team Straw Hat will only have six players!" Luna guess that was a disadvantage, especially since everyone else on the team are either idiots or weak. Plus, Robin's abilities were really handy, no pun intended. "The rules are simple. Basically, it's like the 'Red Light, Green Light' game! Move even a musical after the 'stop light' stops calling and you're out! Whichever team touches the 'stop light' first wins!" She can't believe this is a child's game that they playing. "But this is no kids game! Keep in mind, this is pirate version of 'Red Light, Green Light'! All weapons are okay to use! D.T.D is a truly perilous game! First is the Team Straw Hat... with the same ol' line up."
"Leave us alone!" They had all ended up shouted in unison.
"Team Foxy is led by our idol Porche and Hamburg the oddball!"
"I'm going to win Choppy with my own two hands!" Porche yelled and of course Hamburg was laughing at nothing again.
"Then there's the ever-swift Chiqichteetah, the swordfish fishman Capote, as well as 'Tackle Machine' Pickles And Big Pan the Wotan, who have both vowed revenge for their Groggy Ring defeat!"
"Those losers will pay for humiliating us!" They were nothing but talk, the only reason they almost won last time was because they were cheating.
"But that's not all! We have a new member that's joining this team! Welcome the wonderful Christen!" A pale-skinned girl, around 18 or 19, with long dark purple hair that extending down her back stood in the front of the group. She had a pair of brown eyes. The girl, Christen wore a long revealing dress, sporting a striped pattern. The crowd had erupted in joy as a girl had came out from behind Big Pan's foot waving.
"Hi, nice to meet you." She had said over to us smiling.
"Nice to meet you too, Miss Christen!" Sanji had began losing it. But the girl's eyes had completely looked passed him over to Luna who was facing the other way not caring. However, her view was blocked by Zoro stepping in her way which made her click her tongue annoyed before looking away. For some reason, Zoro didn't like her all that much and it wasn't just because she was on the opposite team there was something more.
"These are the seven members of the truly mighty Team Foxy!" In the side lines watching was Luffy as he was stuffing his face with Takiyaki looking up to the bird that had not only the announcer but also Toniji on it.
"What's the old house guy doing up there?" Luffy was asking as if he was going to get answers.
"I forgot an important detail! Tonjit the nomad here will act as the 'stop light! The great fool, err, man of bravery who stood atop stilts for ten whole years, reaching high into the heavens! Tonjit is the only logical choice to be put 'stop light'!"
"I'm seriously sick of heights, though..."
"Wait. If he's the 'stop light', doesn't that give us a big advantage in D.T.D?!" Usopp was asking.
"Don't abbreviate it too!" Sanji had said back to him.
"But Usopp's right! Luck's in our side!" Chopper turned to face the others.
"I wouldn't be so sure, that old guy's strange." Luna stated looking up to the bird. On the side lines, some of the members from the Foxy Pirates seemed unsure about the thing.
"You sure about this, Boss!?"
"It's nothin'! We pirates have to battle the deep blue sea all the time! Don't sweat the small stuff!" Foxy told them trying to be cool.
"Talk about generous!"
"Wow! What a great guy!"
"Generous, my butt!" Nami's brow was twitching, "right off the bat, we're given a clearly unfair course!" The Straw Hats had a whiny path going side to side and up to down while the Foxy's was just a straight line.
"I guess that Idiot-Idiot Beam is his only talent..." Sanji said
"Lame Fox!" Chopper yelled
"Split Head!" Usopp had also yelled.
"It's like they always say, the bigger talk the smaller the man." Luna stated.
"Idiot-Idiot Beam... Lame Fox.. Split Head... small man...!" Foxy had gotten depressed on the side lines after hearing them.
"Pull yourself together!"
"You really take things to heart, Boss." Robin had told him but it was time to move on.
"First, as D.T.D rules state both teams must start by calling out..."
"First step!" Both teams stepped forwards but because they had a giant on their team Foxy had already stepped further.
"Oh! Team Foxy suddenly takes a big lead!"
"This'll be a cinch if we sallow the plan! Let's do it!" Porche was the only one riding on Hamburg's back while the others were just using their own long legs.
"I'm sure it goes without saying, but there's more to this than rushing ahead to touch the 'stop light'! This terrain makes it easy to lose you balance during a sudden stop, so we can also expect the enemy to use that against us!" Nami had shouted to the other.
"Split Head! Get in the way and I won't sit by quietly!" Luffy was screaming firm the side lines.
"Split... Ha! Like I need to interfere! This is going to be a piece of cake!" Foxy was about to get depressed but stopped to snap. But the thing was that he had said that before and interfered.
"Are you ready, Stop Light!?"
"Mm-hmm." Tonjit has nodded with his back turned to the team's.
"All right, then!"
"You can do it!"
"After Team Foxy's victory in the first round, it's now time to begin Round #2's Dash Touch Domination! Ready! Go!"
"Green..." Chiqichteetah was already in his other form running with the others following right behind him.
"Dash, Hamburg!"
"Chiqichteetah is already ahead of the pack! He's followed by 'Full Dash' Hamburg! Meanwhile, Roronoa and Sanji are leading the Straw Hat Pack!"
"Move, Dammit!" Zoro and Sanji were in each other's face,
"No, you back off!" Sanji was bitting back
"This is no time to be argue running!" Usopp shouted.
"Knock it off, Sanji! Zoro!" Nami shouted at them.
"Yeah, Sanji! Zoro!" The other three were out of breath.
"They're awesome!" Chopper was the only one impressed.
"Man, that's long! How can you hold you breath so long, Old House Guy!?" Luffy was asking shocked.
"He's an ideal 'stop light'!" Robin had said smiling.
"You lovey-dovey loser!" Zoro and began to kick Sanji.
"Say what, fish flake head!?" And he was kicking back. He two of them were just standing in one spot fighting.
"These are the two of the three Straw Hats to look out for! Let's knock 'em outta the game right away, just as planned!" Pickles had yelled as they ran.
"Go," Pickles had picked up a giant rock, "Big Pan!" And throw it to Big Pan.
"Punk Attack!" Her had leaped into the air and had slammed the rock down like it was a ball.
"They're in trouble!" Usopp began to panic seeing the rock heading right for the two idiots.
"He's about to call 'red light'!" Chopper also was panicking.
"This isn't the time for that!" Nami told them both.
"...I..." Zoro and Sanji both looked up seeing the rock coming right at them, "...ight...!" Tonjit was slowly turning around.
"Stop!" Everyone had came to a stop but since Tonjit had yet to turn around, the rock had been sliced in half by Zoro and Sanji had sent both the halves back the way they came, to Pickles and Big Pan that couldn't move now or they'll be out. However, knowing this, they had turned around but not in time because they were sent flying into the water with the rocks.
"Out!" Tonjit had pointed to the two of them.
"Wow! Pickles and Big Pan of Team Foxy are already out of the game!"
"All right, Zoro! Sanji!" Luffy was cheering,
"No big deal! All we need is one person to touch him to win!" Foxy was laughing.
"Chiqichteetah, Porche, and Hamburg have a huge lead over the Straw Hats!"
"Ooh! We're in a totally-going-to-win mood!" Porche was saying.
"They're too fast!" Nami was getting angry.
"Zoro and Sanji are our only hope, but..." Usopp was saying before looking over to them.
"Damn Moss Head!" Sanji was stuck with his leg up in the air glaring down to Zoro.
"Stupid Love Cook!" Zoro was glaring out behind him.
"Just so you know, I have the important task of getting Robin back. I've had enough of you!"
"Don't forget Luna!" Chopper had reminded them, but now they he mentioned her.
"I haven't seen her." Usopp stated along with Nami,
"Gree..." Zoro had run off.
"I don't give a damn about you!"
"Hold on, you protected species head!" but the high pitch scream had snapped the crew to behind them, where Luna had something starting to stretch below her. It was like a octopus as it was like tentacles shooting out to grab her.
"Luna!" Both Sanji and Zoro were about to turn around to come help her.
"Stop!" Luna had shouted at him, "I... I don't need it...!" Despite saying that, it was cleared not just by the tentacle like things wrapping around her more and more but also by her expression. She wasn't okay at all, the feeling of something slowly moving up her shorts was grossing even her out.
"Your so cute." Christen was saying standing beside her.
"Miss Christen has used it!"
"So this was your doing! What did you do?!" Nami had asked furiously.
"Nothing really. Just used my slime ability." She had answered Nami honestly.
"Christen's slime had caption Luna! It's kind of naughty looking, isn't it?" The crowd was going wild about that.
"Oi, carrot." Luna had called to her, "I don't need help. Move it."
"Luna!" Chopper cried out to her. Nami looked at the woman's face to see it going back to normal which in returned
"Alright! Move it guys!" Caused her tell them before running off again.
"Why am I the only one that seemed to attract the psychos?" Luna was asking herself as if this was the first time something like this had happened. She tried to move around, trying to find a way out of the slime, but with no luck.
"You don't need to be afraid, I don't plan to hurt you. I only want you to become mine and mine alone." Christen had grabbed onto Luna's chin pulling her chooser to herself.
"And let me guess, I don't get a chose, right?" Luna had stared.
"Yeah, or else you'll be embarrassed to death." She had answered with a smiling in her face.
"Embarrassed to death?" Luna had echoed no understanding until she felt something. Looking down she saw that smoke was coming from her slime and not only that but her clothes were being to be dissolved.
"This is the favorite thing to the men on both teams, isn't it!?" The crowd had answered with cheers, but this only made Luna pissed off. "I like that look!" Christen had then began to act weird, "it was that look that made me fall for you!" She had placed her hands between her legs and then had moaned.
"What the hell are you on about?" Luna didn't even know what this girl was even on about nor did she like the way she was acting.
"I knew you wouldn't remember me." She only said stopping and removing her hands, "It was almost a 20 years ago. Back then I was but a child." Hearing that, Luna had flinched.
"I know who you are, Athena." At that moment something came to mind which seemed to have caused her stop moving Christen titles her head confused.
"So you know, huh?" But that's when it turned into pure terror. The expression that Luna was making was completely new. It had sent shivers down Christen's spin and because she lost her train of thought her slime had been affected. "If you were a survivor from that time, then you should know that you shouldn't have stand in my way." That's when
Luna pulled right arm back as her hand was straight behind her.. "Now you die." Which had headed right for Christen's neck...
"NO!!" But she had stopped just as her nails reached Christen's neck, where it began to bleed slightly, but she had been so scared that she pissed herself before falling to her knees in shock. The sword had then returned back to blood and entered Luna's body before she began to walk passed Christen who was still frozen in fear, however, just as she passed her Luna had stopped
"A warning. You speak of what happened and I really will kill you." Looking into her eyes and Christen knew that she had meant every word of that because it wasn't a threat... it was a promise.

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